Cloudy, cloudy urine, sediment, and small flakes may indicate a health problem. But
Urethritis in women: symptoms and treatment regimen Urethritis in women refers to diseases that
During the treatment of cystitis, urologists prescribe complex treatment, including an extensive list of drugs of various types.
Urethritis is a urological disease manifested in inflammation of the urethra. It can be diagnosed in
The topic of an effective remedy for cystitis has been and remains relevant due to the fact that the disease has
Kidney diseases remain very common today. Various methods are used to diagnose them.
Causes of pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of one or both kidneys, which is provoked by microorganisms:
Features of the structure of the urethra in women The urethra in women is shorter and thinner than in
Smears Genitourinary system 02/02/201801/24/2019 Yulia Martynovich (Peshkova) 2959 Views gynecology, leukocytes Within the article
Dilution of antibiotic powders The powder in the bottle should be white. The powder can only be dissolved with water.