How to use Pilaten Crystal Gold Collagen Mask

It is difficult to come to terms with age-related changes that affect the face over time. The first affected area is the area around the eyes. Skin deprived of a fat layer has nowhere to get moisture.

The result is that after 25 years, strings of “crow’s feet” form in the corners, which become more and more every year; after 35 - bags, swelling and dark circles, even if everything is fine with sleep; well, after 40 - ptosis of the upper eyelid makes the look heavy and frowning.

Conventional remedies are no longer effective here, and salon procedures for many are too expensive and not always effective. Fortunately, they have a more affordable and gentle alternative - a collagen mask around the eyes , the purpose of which is to combat age-related changes.

What is collagen

Collagen is not a synthetically produced substance in a laboratory. It is a natural protein found in plants, animals and marine organisms, as well as humans. It is considered an excellent building material for nails, hair and skin.

With age, its synthesis slows down, and the epidermis loses its elasticity. The cells gradually stretch and cannot regain their former shape. The result is that wrinkles, ptosis, bags, folds, crow's feet and other signs of aging appear in the eye area.

But if they get extra collagen, it causes them to shrink back to their previous shape. The skin becomes elastic again - accordingly, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out.

There is an “anti-age” effect, which all modern cosmetology has recently been aimed at achieving. To achieve this, you can regularly make collagen masks for the skin around the eyes , which will restore freshness and radiance to your eyes, no matter how old you are. But how to understand them?

This is interesting. When boiling in water, the collagen structure is disrupted and gelatin is formed. But the substance does not lose its beneficial anti-aging properties.

Benefits of collagen patches

Cosmetologists consider collagen patches a panacea for crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes. Such cosmetic masks are often produced from fabric, impregnated with marine collagen, which is very close to natural. The advantages of such cosmetic products can be highlighted as follows:

  • Rejuvenates facial skin and perfectly moisturizes it.
  • They return the skin to its former firmness and high elasticity.
  • Reduces the depth of most wrinkles.

The skin under the eyes is most often dry, which is due to a lack of sebaceous glands in this part of the face. If collagen patches are used constantly, they will help maintain youth for many years.

Collagen deeply moisturizes the skin and at the same time restores it. Thanks to such skincare cosmetics, the skin acquires a healthy color and becomes elastic.

Types of collagen eye masks

You can discover professional collagen masks for the skin around the eyes and enjoy the long-lasting effect of youth and beauty that is achieved by specialists working in salons. You can buy store brand products: premium class will amaze with instant results, mass market may disappoint, but still, over time, the accumulation of collagen in cells will have a beneficial effect on the condition of mature, aging skin.

You can prepare such masks at home, but their effect will be the slowest of all. Why? Because collagen can be different in origin and properties.

Masks with animal collagen

Animal collagen is extracted from the hides of cattle. Eye masks based on it are the cheapest and lowest quality. This is explained by the fact that it does not provide 100% compatibility with human skin. Because of this, it is only partially absorbed by cells and does not penetrate to a sufficient depth. And allergic reactions to it occur very often.

Plant Collagen for Eyes

Most masks for the skin around the eyes contain plant collagen , which is made from soy or wheat. They are quite effective, as they penetrate to a considerable depth into the dermis. But, as practice shows, collagen fillers in this area of ​​the face will erase any signs of age and time much faster than a surface mask.

Marine collagen in masks

The skin of deep sea fish is another source of collagen, which is used for masks around the eyes. It is not inferior in effectiveness to plant-based. Judging by the reviews, in some cases it even wins. But not everyone can afford such funds. It is expensive, and allergies are a very common side effect.

Try to find out in advance: the collagen mask for the area around the eyes that you are going to use - what kind of collagen does it contain? If you are counting on the mass market, you will have to use a rejuvenating elixir of animal origin. If you are prone to allergies, it is better not to use sea water. Try starting with a herbal one - this is the best option, according to cosmetologists themselves.

You should know it. Plant collagen from green herbs will cost more than animal collagen, as it is better and faster absorbed by the skin.

Sheet face masks

Leaf ones are used a little differently. They should always be applied before starting your skin care routine. You will have to remove the mask after a shower so as not to accidentally wash it off.

An exception is the overnight collagen mask for treatment. As the name suggests, these are meant to be left on overnight and washed off with your morning facial cleansing. To use this type of mask, you can follow your normal skin routine and then apply it last. Night substances are thicker and creamier. They are usually designed for dry and normal types.

The effectiveness of masks with collagen

Is an anti-aging collagen mask for the eye area worth spending so much money on it (if you buy a brand) and time (if you prepare it at home)? Women, as a rule, hope for a miracle after purchasing each new jar: they apply it to the skin, and the next morning they wake up 10 years younger.

Despite the enticing and bright advertising, you should not count on such an effect. Be more modest. A high-quality, good, well-prepared mask, when used regularly, will be able to:

  • establish blood circulation in the area around the eyes, which will ensure the cells receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen - the complexion in this area will improve, dark circles will disappear;
  • remove toxins;
  • improve metabolic processes that will force cells to synthesize additional amounts of natural collagen and elastin (it also prolongs youth);
  • moisturize dry skin around the eyes, which lacks moisture;
  • smooth out age and expression wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes;
  • prevent their formation in the future;
  • regenerate tissue in case of minor damage (wounds and microcracks);
  • restore skin after salon procedures;
  • tighten the skin around the eyes, eliminate ptosis.

In a word, collagen masks can transform the skin around the eyes without exaggeration: get rid of bruises, eliminate bags, swelling, the notorious “crow’s feet”. But to do this, you need to choose the right product and apply it equally competently. This is the only way to achieve the promised effect.

Wow! In 2005, scientists were able to isolate collagen samples from Tyrannosaurus rex tissue.

Beauty Style alginate modeling collagen lifting masks: features

Beauty Style alginate masks
There are also alginate collagen face masks. They have a pronounced lifting effect. They do an excellent job with any wrinkles, and also solve the problems of oily and dry skin. The face becomes more toned, the contours are clearer. The products are quite suitable for caring for “tired” skin. At the same time, thanks to the mask, puffiness goes away and the complexion becomes better.

As a rule, this type of mask is produced in the form of a powder or finished gel. Before use, it is important to cleanse your face and then treat it with a serum suitable for your skin type. After the product has dried, you can apply the mask. It lasts exactly as long as the manufacturer claims and after rinsing, do not forget to moisturize your face with cream. You are allowed to use the mask up to two times a week.

Tips for use

Store-bought collagen masks for the skin around the eyes are presented in a wide variety of forms: patches and drops, fabric and films, with hyaluronic acid and elastin - a wide range of products will allow you to choose what your skin needs.

Usually the packaging contains brief instructions for use, which must be strictly followed. As for the general scheme of using collagen as a cosmetic product, you can consider the following recommendations.

  1. The most useful masks will be those containing a natural collagen formula, which is designated on the packaging as Q5-26°.
  2. Collagen masks for the skin around the eyes should be stored in the original thermal packaging at room temperature not lower than +5 °C, but not more than +26 °C. Only this regimen can preserve all the beneficial properties of collagen and guarantee the high effectiveness of the mask. You need to be especially careful in the summer, when the temperature exceeds the maximum threshold in the heat.
  3. Do not expose the mask to direct sunlight.
  4. Before using the product, clean your skin with a steam bath and scrub.
  5. A distinctive feature of collagen masks around the eyes is that it is applied to wet skin. So before doing this, wash your face generously, but don’t dry yourself.
  6. Choose mask patches or droplets: they are convenient to apply in doses.
  7. The collagen mask is driven into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips. There is no need to rub it vigorously over the eyelids.
  8. If during the mask you feel a strong feeling of tightness, drop a few drops of water on your skin.
  9. Action time is from 5 to 30 minutes. It depends on the concentration of collagen in the mask.
  10. Rinse off with plain water without using cleansers or soaps.
  11. After a collagen mask for the area around the eyes, it is advisable to use an anti-aging eye cream from the same series.
  12. If there are a lot of wrinkles around the eyes, collagen masks are applied once every 3 days. Under the age of 35, once a week will be enough.
  13. The best time to use them is in the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  14. Home collagen rejuvenation course - 12-15 masks.

This is an approximate instruction on how to make collagen masks around the eyes at home, which will significantly improve the condition of the skin and stop age-related changes that inevitably lead to the formation of new wrinkles. If you want to look attractive and well-groomed after 40 years, this new product of modern cosmetology is for you.

How is this possible? Collagen is a large molecule, many times larger than the skin's pores. So in masks it is presented in the form of a special colloidal solution. It creates a film on the surface of the epidermis, which moisturizes, nourishes and lifts the skin.

What application features should you pay attention to?

Before using the product, it is necessary to prepare the skin surface. To do this, it is thoroughly cleansed of makeup and impurities, and with the help of a steam bath, the pores and skin ducts are opened. The mask or patches are applied to a damp surface, and if the epidermis feels tight, add 2-3 drops of water.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime; the time of use is indicated on the original packaging depending on the collagen level. Homemade masks can be left on the skin for up to 20–30 minutes. The remaining product is washed off with warm water, after which a moisturizer is applied.

Customer reviews indicate the maximum ease of use of drop patches. Cosmetics from Thailand, Korea, and brands from Spanish, French, and Israeli manufacturers are in great demand.

Rating of brand masks

Don't have time to prepare collagen eye masks at home? Buy a ready-made one from one of the famous brands of the modern beauty industry. A small rating will help you choose the right product.

  1. Velo De Collageno - collagen mask in sheets (5 pieces). Belnatur (Spain). $215.2.
  2. Collagen Elastin Mask - collagen mask with elastin. GiGi (Israel). $73.1.
  3. Collagen - anti-aging collagen mask. Baviphat Urban Dollkiss (Korea). $30.2.
  4. Collagen mask with hibiscus extract (1 pc.). Ondevie (France). $24.1.
  5. Q10-active - collagen gel mask with coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. Medical Collagene 3D (Russia). $22.9.
  6. Dermafleece Collagen Fleece Mask PCM-complex - collagen biomatrix with PCM complex (1 sheet). Janssen (Germany). $15.9.
  7. Collagen Eye Zone Mask - collagen mask for the area around the eyes. Purederm (Korea). $2.7.
  8. Two-phase rejuvenating moisturizing nourishing collagen eye mask with a complex of 5 oils. Beauty Style (USA). $1.4.
  9. Collagen mask-lobes for the skin around the eyes with white pearls. Mei Tang (China). $0.9.
  10. Shark oil and ginseng - collagen biostimulating mask. Twins Tech (Russia). $0.4.

Don’t forget to study the reviews of the collagen mask around the eyes that you like: they will help you identify its advantages and disadvantages even before use. If you have overly sensitive skin prone to allergies, it is better to limit yourself to homemade masks.

On a note. Almost all brands that produce professional facial cosmetics have lines of products developed based on collagen.


This type of mask comes in two types. In the photo in beauty catalogs you can find a mask in the form of a physical form that is applied to the face. This mask consists of natural fibers that are impregnated with a special vitamin complex that affects skin cells, nourishing them. Typically, such a mask is sold in sealed packaging, one piece at a time. Once the package is opened, it can only be used once, after which it dries out and loses all its properties.

The second type of nourishing masks is paste or in the form of creams. These masks are applied in a thick layer to the skin and left, as a rule, for the same 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water.

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