Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) in children
Only complex therapy will help eliminate phlyctenular conjunctivitis. This eye damage is characterized by the formation of large or
Treatment of hypertensive retinopathy in Moscow
Dangerous hypertensive retinopathy: the first symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor, treatment methods
Damage to the vessels of the retina against the background of high blood pressure is commonly called hypertensive retinopathy.
causes and treatment of eye glaucoma in older people
Features of the treatment of glaucoma in the elderly: treatment methods, what to pay attention to
As the body ages, older people may develop various diseases, including eye glaucoma.
Demodicosis of the eye (eyelid) - causes, treatment
Demodicosis is an inflammation of the facial skin by a microscopic mite. There may also be demodicosis of the eyelids and eyebrows
Posner-schlossmann syndrome and Fuchs syndrome
Glaucomocyclitic crises - clinical picture (symptoms) The disease is characterized by frequent attacks, accompanied by blurred vision, the appearance
Types of cataracts
What tests are needed for cataract surgery?
All the variety of forms of eye cataracts can be divided into two main groups - congenital cataracts
Allergy to cosmetics in the eyes photo
Allergies to cosmetics worry a considerable number of representatives of the fair sex. Eyes that are often affected after
What not to do after vitrectomy surgery
Postoperative period after cataract removal
At the end of the vitrectomy operation, the patient is given a bandage over the operated eye to prevent dirt from entering.
Antidepressants for glaucoma - All about eye problems
Glaucoma is a disease characterized by high pressure in the eyes. The disease is accompanied by severe eye and
Alcohol after laser vision correction
Is it possible to drink alcohol after vision correction?
What kind of alcohol can you drink after vision correction? After vision correction, the operated person must observe certain
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