Device AMBO-01 massage vacuum glasses according to Sidorenko’s method

“Professor Sidorenko’s Vacuum Glasses” (AMBO-01) is a unique device for the prevention and restoration of vision (in children and adults) and improvement of the appearance of the eyes - strengthening the skin of the eyelids and eliminating small wrinkles around.

The action of the device is a gentle vacuum massage of the eyes with the surrounding tissues, which stimulates blood microcirculation and activates the metabolic processes of the eyes and the area around them. “Sidorenko glasses” are recommended for adults (including the elderly) and children over the age of three.

Operation of the device

“Sidorenko Vacuum Goggles” are an innovative device that resembles safety goggles for swimming. True, the traditional glass in this device was replaced by mini-hyperbaric chambers that tightly cover the eye sockets after being put on. The healing and therapeutic effects are based on the effect of low-intensity vacuum pressure (range - 0.05-0.1 atm., frequency - 3-4 Hz) on the tissues of the eye and muscles located nearby. The glasses also have built-in emitters for color pulse therapy.

It has been scientifically proven that the cause of vision loss is the destruction of visual cells by the action of free radicals. The Sidorenko Glasses device helps detoxify or cleanse tissues of the presence of free radicals and eliminate their influence. The device is able to improve the supply of nutrients to the eyes, restore vision, and improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, which becomes an important factor in a person’s desire to maintain freshness and beauty.

Carrying out the first session will make the improvements noticeable: swelling will decrease, annoying headaches will disappear due to eye strain, and the skin around the eyes will noticeably smooth out.

The use of the AMBO-01 device helps in activating metabolic processes, increasing blood circulation and outflow of ocular fluid, accelerating the production of nucleoproteins, reducing stagnation in the veins, reducing potassium content, activating enzyme activity, resolving scars, enhancing protein synthesis, saturating tissues with oxygen, accelerating glucose utilization.

The pulsating light emitted by “Sidorenko Glasses” is capable of causing reflex dilation and then constriction of the pupils, which relieves the spasm of accommodation and increases the strength of the accommodative muscle. Rhythmically contracting muscles remove congestion, activate eye nutrition, and stimulate the outflow of fluid inside the eye.

What are Sidorenko glasses and how do they work?

Sidorenko's glasses are a unique device that was invented and designed by a famous specialist in the field of ophthalmology, Professor Evgeniy Ivanovich Sidorenko. Dr. Sidorenko made a significant contribution to the study, development and practical application of methods of treating ophthalmological diseases based on color therapy, infrasound and phonophoresis. This great ophthalmologist, in addition to vacuum glasses, registered more than forty inventions and published more than five hundred scientific papers in the field of medicine. Under his leadership and consultation, 14 doctoral and 27 candidate dissertations were defended.

Sidorenko's glasses are an innovative device. They look like regular swimming goggles. The standard glasses in this device are hermetically sealed capsules with transparent lenses. When put on, the glasses fit tightly to the eye sockets.

Sidorenko's vacuum glasses (otherwise called vacuum massage ophthalmological apparatus) have a general health effect by influencing the eyes and periorbital area with low-intensity vacuum pressure. This unique device emits light intermittently. This promotes reflex contraction and dilation of the pupils and has a positive effect on the organs of vision during accommodation spasm.

Muscle contraction makes it difficult to form congestion and improves nutrition of the visual organs. There is an outflow of fluid inside them, which has a positive effect on the ability to see objects.

The main reason for the deterioration of visual perception in the average person is the disintegration of visual cells against the background of the negative effects of free radicals. Sidorenko's glasses cleanse the tissues of the visual organs from the destructive effects of particles (molecules or atoms) with several unpaired electrons. This unique device also helps supply the structures of the ocular apparatus with nutrients. Due to this, it not only restores a person’s visual function, but also increases the elasticity of the skin in the periorbital area and prevents the appearance of skin creases.

Intermediate results of therapy with these glasses are visible after just a few sessions, but they become most noticeable after three to four full courses.

Initially, Sidorenko's glasses were intended only for professional swimming athletes. Later the device became widely used everywhere.

About the author of the invention

Evgeniy Ivanovich Sidorenko - ophthalmologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of the department of ophthalmology of the pediatric faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova, chief pediatric ophthalmologist in Moscow.

Sidorenko E.I. is a famous scientist in the field of ophthalmology with a worldwide reputation. He has published more than 570 printed works, 28 books and 17 monographs, and registered more than 40 inventions and rational proposals.

Thanks to extensive practical experience in ophthalmology and the emergence of innovative technologies, it was possible to combine several effective methods of influencing weakened and diseased organs of vision in one device!

Indications for use

  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • optic nerve dystrophy;
  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • amblyopia;
  • farsightedness, incl. age;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • computer vision syndrome;
  • strabismus;
  • glaucoma;
  • initial cataract;
  • presbyopia;
  • spasm of accommodation;
  • incomplete optic nerve atrophy;
  • retinopathy of prematurity;
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • scars on the skin of the eyelids.

Massage device - vacuum glasses SIDORENKO AMVO-01 with PANKOV-MEDICAL emitters

Manufacturer: PANKOV-MEDICAL

This device and technique have no analogues in Russia and abroad! The technique and device are protected by international patents. The uniqueness of Vacuum massage is its gentle effect on the tissues around the eye, which stimulates microcirculation, metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eye muscles.

Device AMBO - 01:

  • to improve accommodation;
  • for comprehensive prevention of myopia;
  • to improve eye conditions in metabolic diseases;
  • for the prevention of dystrophic diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  • for cosmetic needs (vacuum massage helps smooth out wrinkles around the eyes).

Advantages of the AMBO-01 :

  • eye tissues are highly resistant to vacuum massage;
  • it does not cause transudation and exudation into the interstitial tissues;
  • in terms of the frequency of biorhythms, the AMBO-01 device is close to the biorhythms of a living organism;
  • Vacuum massage has been proven to be harmless, including for children.
  • effect of using vacuum eye massage:
  • hemodynamics improves, venous congestion decreases;
  • the hydrodynamics of the eye improves;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • the synthesis of nucleoproteins improves, especially in retinal ganglion cells;
  • the activity of enzymes that directly affect the state of the transparent media of the eye is activated: B-glucosidase, cathepsin-D, and hyaluronidase, which has a positive effect on the resorption of scar tissue, and also increases the permeability of eye tissue to drugs;
  • the structure of the cell membrane changes, its permeability increases without damaging the membrane;
  • the potassium content in the eye tissue cell decreases, which leads to a decrease in membrane potential and activation of sodium channels;
  • promotes the accumulation of pharmacological drugs in the tissues and media of the eye, even with oral and intravenous administration (infrasonic phonophoresis);
  • tissue oxygenation increases and hypoxia is eliminated;
  • oxygen utilization increases;
  • protein synthesis increases, glucose utilization increases, acidosis decreases;
  • mechanisms of antioxidant cell protection are activated: inactivation of free radical oxidation of lipids, increasing the concentration of enzymes in the structures of the eyeball: catalase and superoxide dismutase;
  • a multifactorial positive effect on the vascularization and hemodynamics of the retina in premature infants has been confirmed.

Mode of application

The greatest positive results from using the Sidorenko Glasses device will be achieved if it is used in courses. Each course should include ten procedures of 10 minutes each. For children under seven years of age, session time should be reduced to 7 minutes. This procedure is performed once a day, a few hours before going to bed. Breaks between procedures should not exceed three days.

Already the first health-prophylactic course will bring positive results. It will be noticeable how the eyes' resistance to high visual loads has increased, pain and redness have disappeared, and visual acuity has increased.

Courses can be repeated every 3-4 months.

The device must be stored in a dark place, away from moisture. To avoid damage, clean regularly with a dry cloth.


  • tumor diseases of the eyes and brain;
  • mental disorders;
  • retinal detachment;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic mental disorders;
  • hemorrhage in the tissue of the eye (hemophthalmos);
  • macular degeneration of the retina;
  • children up to three years of age.

“Sidorenko vacuum glasses” must be used under medical supervision for:

  • - pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • - hypotension;
  • - diabetes mellitus;
  • — myocardial infarction in the acute period;
  • - stroke.

Contraindications to the use of Sidorenko glasses

In addition to the indications indicated in the description of Pankov’s Glasses, the following can be noted:

  • retinal detachment;
  • ocular hemorrhage;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • post-infarction state.

Both devices must be protected from light, heat and moisture. They should not be subjected to falls or impacts. It is advisable to protect them from dust by periodically wiping them with a piece of dry cloth consisting of natural fibers.

Price of the device, where to buy

You can purchase “Sidorenko Glasses” on the manufacturer’s website and in various online stores, the recommended retail price is 17,900 rubles.

Please note that the information about this device is for informational purposes only. "Moscow Eye Clinic" has no relation to the manufacturers of the device and does not sell it! Please clarify your questions, incl. to purchase the device on the manufacturer’s website!

This device can only serve as an aid for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases and visual fatigue. Before using it, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. Contact the Moscow Eye Clinic, you will be able to undergo a complete diagnosis of the condition of the organ of vision, and our specialists will advise you on all questions regarding eye health and recommend the most effective treatment methods.

You can make an appointment and ask clarifying questions to our specialists by calling 8 (800) 777-38-81 8 (daily from 9:00 to 21:00) or using the online registration form.

Mironova Irina Sergeevna


  • Manufactured in accordance with TU 5156-001 – 78551706-2009. Recognized as fit for service.
  • Certificate of product conformity No. ROSS RU.AB 68.B00071.
  • Complies with the sanitary rules of SEZ No. 50.RA.02.515.T.000148.09.09 dated 09/03/2009 and SEZ No. 50.RA.02.515.P.000775.09.09 dated 09/03/2009.


+3 Zhora 02.10.2012 16:07 One of the most functional glasses!

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-5 Katerina 06/28/2013 12:33 Tell me, are these glasses only for children? Or can adults use it too?

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0 Sergey 06/29/2013 20:44 Of course you can. From 3 years to very old age.

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0 erlan 08/27/2013 14:30 I have been disabled since childhood, can I accept cerebral palsy?

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+1 Sergey 08/28/2013 11:49 It is better for you to consult your doctor about this.

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+1 Akram 08/30/2013 14:21 and the device can treat the conjunctiva?

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0 Akram 08/30/2013 17:21 Is it really true to treat conjunctiva?

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-1 Madina 02/04/2014 18:03 do they work in complete blindness?

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+4 Elena 02/24/2014 03:29 I have laser-operated open-angle glaucoma of the 2nd degree. In one eye it progresses towards the 3rd degree. Plus myopia up to -3. Will glasses help with advanced glaucoma? Thank you.

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-2 VLADIMIR 03/24/2014 17:18 Forgive me for contacting you, because... I ordered glasses from your company (Professor Sidorenko). Today I received Professor Pankov's glasses in the mail)! I don’t know why this happened! But the fact is that, as it seemed to me, representatives of two companies tried to contact me! The name of both glasses is “Rainbow of Epiphany.” For some reason I received Pankov glasses today! They do not work! You see, I need to work a lot with my eyes. I have incipient cataracts. Is it really possible to cheat sick people like that? I, too, am a professor, doctor of medical sciences, although in Pyatigorsk I am an endocrinologist! But I don’t understand such a strange attitude towards people! Please, help! V. A. Mishagin.

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0 Manager Sergey 03/25/2014 19:58 You need to contact the company from which you bought the glasses and find out why it happened that instead of Sidorenko’s glasses they sent you Pankov’s glasses. I would like to clarify right away that Pankov’s glasses and the “Rainbow of Insight” glasses are the same device, it’s just that the latter name is newer. And if you have any additional questions, write to us by email - we will help you in any way we can.

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+4 Anastasia 04/12/2014 12:51 Please tell me where the research on this device was carried out, and what is the percentage of improvement in vision. Better, of course, is a link to an English site or a Russian one. I want to buy an eye device (my myopia is progressing) - effective at a reasonable price

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-4 Natalya 05/05/2014 09:19 how can I order and buy Sidorenko glasses from my grandmother, one eye is completely blind to glaucoma and you can still try to save the other one, tell me.

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0 Sergey 05/08/2014 07:55 You can try, but there is no guarantee that it will help. Everyone's eyes are different, and the effect of glasses is different. In addition, the older a person is, the less glasses can help, because... Eye diseases accumulate over years and cannot be cured immediately. It is best for you to consult an ophthalmologist.

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+2 Galina Aleksandrovna 07/29/2014 15:33 Good afternoon! Please tell me if Sidorenko's glasses will help me if I have partial atrophy of the optic nerve. Almost sees a quarter of one eye. There is a diagnosis of Ciare malformation.

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0 Grigory Gilev 09.18.2014 15:51 partial otraphion of the nerve of the eye

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+1 Taras 11/22/2014 13:05 Good afternoon! Please tell me my son is myopic, I don’t know, from 3 meters he can’t see the font on the Russian TV channel 24, the lower white font, which is being updated. The eye examination will be on December 5th. Will Sidorenko's glasses help him??? Please provide a link to how and where the research on this device was carried out.

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+1 Evgeniy 12/27/2014 12:26 I think it’s a good thing

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+1 Sergey 04/23/2015 14:08 Good afternoon, I have complex astigmatism, these glasses will help me, I was examined at the Fedorov clinic in Cheboksary, they told me that I needed to weld the retina, but I didn’t risk surgery since there is no 100 percent guarantee.

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0 Manager Sergey 04/23/2015 14:58 Hello, Sergey! Each case is individual. It is advisable for you to consult your ophthalmologists about alternative treatments. There are four of them in Sidorenko-2 glasses (link to types of effects). If your ophthalmologists don’t tell you, you can try calling our doctors who practice Sidorenko glasses: +7 (495) 981-46-78. But most likely, in order to take your vision seriously, you need a set of measures: this includes the use of glasses to improve all metabolic processes, and exercises for the eyes (for example, Bates gymnastics), and proper nutrition, and cleansing the body.

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+1 Rustam 05/23/2015 21:01 Used it 3 times and it doesn’t work what the hell they brought from Moscow

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+2 Alina 06/11/2015 17:03 How much does it cost? Can you tell me the price?

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0 Alina 06/11/2015 17:04 Can I find out the price?

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