Why do you need a blindfold for sleeping and what type to choose?

Types of masks

A sleep mask is a product, most often made of fabric, that fits tightly to the face, passes through both eyes and covers part of the bridge of the nose. It is attached behind the head with ribbons or elastic bands. The second option is preferable, as it is more comfortable.

The blindfold for sleeping can be equipped with adjustable straps, various decorations, and embroidery. However, the decor should not interfere with normal head rotation, so as not to disturb rest.

Manufacturers also offer models with special elastic bridges for the bridge of the nose; they are suitable for consumers for whom a sleep mask puts pressure on this particular part of the face. This accessory provides the best fit and complete protection from light. There are products with recesses for the eyes; they are suitable for those for whom the accessory prevents them from waking up normally in the morning; the recesses allow the eyelids to open normally.

Masks are made mainly from the following materials:

  • silk;
  • cotton;
  • bamboo;
  • knitwear

Products with cosmetic effect

There are various masks that simply protect the eyes from light, but there are also improved sleep glasses that cosmetologists have come up with. These products not only promote the production of melatonin, but also provide an excellent caring effect. Let's look at the most popular product models:

  • Masks with gel inserts. Designed specifically to relieve swelling around the eyes, they stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Sleep glasses with magnetic disks. Magnetic discs located along the contour of the mask completely relax the facial muscles and trigger natural cell regeneration. It is recommended to apply night cream under the bandage.
  • Masks with tourmaline threads. This device is capable of emitting infrared rays, coming into contact with the skin and heating up from the heat transferred to it. The rays improve blood circulation, calm the nervous system and restore the energy balance in the cells.
  • Anti-age masks with copper oxide. These bandages are impregnated with copper oxide, which has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes. It smooths out wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity, softness and velvety.

Smart headbands

One of the latest developments by scientists is a “smart” sleep mask. It reads the impulses that pass through the brain and can distinguish between the slow and fast phases of sleep. As soon as the fast phase ends, the device sends a signal to the pineal gland in the form of an ever-increasing beam of light, which provokes awakening. The bandage “calculates” the ideal time for this, even if you sleep for only 3-4 hours, you will wake up alert and full of energy.

Despite all the advantages of this device, doctors do not recommend using it constantly, since it is very important for a person to go through all sleep cycles, which require 7-9 hours. .

The benefit is obvious

The smart sleep mask is one of the most anticipated new products. According to the developers of this device for polyphasic sleep, it will even be able to control dreams, which will allow its owners to choose what they want to see in their dreams. True, how this will be solved technologically is not reported, and therefore we can assume that this is a kind of ploy from the manufacturer, aimed at PR for its new brainchild. Moreover, it is reported that dream control will be carried out using .. Android, which causes a kind of sarcasm among logical people.

In any case, starting a business by selling this miracle of technology, thanks to which people will finally begin to get enough sleep, is a very promising idea. Such a smart sleep mask can be successfully used both for medical purposes and by ordinary people. You can give it to your loved one who has problems sleeping - banal insomnia or a more modern disease called chronic fatigue syndrome. Go for it!


These accessories come in three types: standard fabric products, “smart” masks (Smart masks) and products that have the effect of cosmetics.

Note! The first type is the simplest and most inexpensive; you can make such accessories yourself.

Smart products refer to sophisticated technological devices that monitor sleep and encourage sleep.

Cosmetic masks perform two functions at once: they prevent the penetration of sunlight and have a rejuvenating, decongestant and calming effect.

This is due to the presence of gel pads on the inside, which can be treated with cosmetic products.

Why are “smart” masks produced?

A smart eye patch is a device that monitors brain impulses and also helps switch monophasic sleep to polyphasic sleep. The device can also read signals from a person’s brain about which phase of sleep is currently occurring. It is known that there are 2 phases of rest - fast and slow.

Why do you need an electronic eye pad? Thanks to this device, you can sleep comfortably because it sends signals to wake up soon after the last stage of the REM phase has passed.

As a result, the person will wake up in a fast phase, as a result of which he will feel energetic and alert. However, this mask is not suitable for everyone, so you should visit a doctor before purchasing an electronic mask.

Why is it needed?

Few people know that a person does not know how to control his sleep. The vast majority of us sleep as best we can, or rather, simply waste the time allocated by the body for this. This is all due to the fact that people themselves do not know any sleep techniques that contribute to the competent optimization of this process. Who hasn’t felt completely sleep deprived at least once in their life, even after spending about 10-12 hours in bed? Why is this happening?

The reason for this phenomenon is monophasic sleep, that is, one that is not regulated at the subconscious level. It has long been proven that a person gets enough sleep only during so-called REM sleep, while slow sleep does not contribute to this in any way. People who can sleep in a polyphasic sleep mode know some physiological secrets of their body, thanks to which they feel much better even after a few hours of sleep, while other people feel exhausted, regardless of the number of hours spent in bed.

In other words, a smart sleep mask is needed to “teach” people who don’t know how to manage their sleep to get enough sleep. This product interacts directly with the human brain, according to some indicators of which we can tell what phase of sleep its owner is currently in. If it is fast, then the mask does not show any activity, but if a person goes into a useless, from a medical point of view, slow-wave sleep, then it immediately begins to wake him up. Thus, a significant saving of time on sleep is achieved, and at the same time the person gets much better sleep, which leads to an improvement in his general moral and physical condition. After all, everyone probably knows how important healthy and sound sleep is.

Are there any contraindications?

There are no specific contraindications for the sleep mask. We can only talk about the individual characteristics of a person . So, if you toss and turn restlessly at night, the bandage may interfere, slipping all the time. In this case, you should resort to an alternative option - lie away from light sources or hang thick curtains.

Cute bunny sleep mask

On a note! Also, the bandage can create discomfort for people who cannot tolerate foreign objects on the face.

You need to use the mask correctly

So, now you know how to make your own sleep mask and how to use it correctly. I hope the article was useful. Good dreams!

Why you need to sleep in complete darkness

For the proper functioning of any body, the sleep hormone melatonin is necessary. It is the main hormone of the pineal gland, which is a regulator of daily biorhythms. Melatonin increases resistance in stressful situations, protects the body from free radicals, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, increases activity, improves mood, and regulates the body's biological clock. It is considered an antioxidant, inhibits the aging process, and has an antitumor effect.

During the day, the saturation of the hormone in the blood changes, with a significant increase occurring at night. The hormone is produced in complete darkness. Illumination has a significant effect on the production of melatonin: excess light reduces its formation, decreased illumination increases it. Lights that cannot be turned off, stress, overwork - all this interferes with deep sleep, restoration of efficiency and the nervous system.

Therefore, complete sleep can only be in absolute darkness. Darkness has a beneficial effect on vision, the eye muscles relax, tension disappears, sleep becomes deeper, and well-being improves.

How to choose the right one for yourself

You need to choose a sleep mask responsibly; it should not be too loose or too tight. Avoid buying inexpensive, simple bandages made of nylon or other synthetic materials. They are thin and do not block light, their elastic strap is not adjustable to fit the head, and as a result, the mask can fall off or squeeze the head.

Do you sleep well at night and get enough sleep? Sometimes I don’t succeed at all. And the traffic light at night looks into the windows with its colors and the bright sun hurts your eyes on weekends... When you especially want to lie down and not be disturbed by anything in the world!

They advised me to buy a blindfold, they said it helps! But why buy if you can sew it?

You will need:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

We also take the remaining piece of duplicated fabric, apply it to the main one face to face, pin it and cut it with a small allowance.

Step 4

We are preparing the tape. The finished width of the tape is 2.5 cm, and the length is 49 cm (already with 1 cm allowances on the sides). We make markings on cotton using two lines. The first will be the folding point, the second will be the mark for stitching. There is 2.5 cm between them. We bend the cotton face to face along the line and iron it with an iron. Sew along the stitching mark.

Step 5

Now the resulting tape needs to be turned onto the face. We pierce one side with a safety pin and hide the tip with the loop of the pin inside the “tube”. We pass the pin through the entire “tube” - pull it out by the tip and turn it inside out. Now you can iron it a little. Then, using the same safety pin, insert an elastic band (39 cm with 1 cm allowances). After this, secure the combined ends of the “tube” and the elastic with technical stitching.

Step 6

Let's add a little decorative braid. To do this, stepping back exactly 1 cm from the edge of the finished allowance, we lay a technical stitch in wide steps. This is convenient to do on a machine with a computer, where you can adjust the needle pitch width. You can also lay this line manually using a basting line or draw it with chalk/soap so that the mark disappears later. We place a decorative cotton ribbon along the resulting line, and gather it a little with our fingers at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm. You can also use a foot to gather the tape. Is it possible to replace my ribbon with lace? It’s all a fantasy!

Step 7

Now we pin our finished ribbon with an elastic band to the resulting front part. Exactly according to the markings face to face. Secure with pins.

Step 8

We close our “sandwich” with the second part of the bandage face to face, and put fleece on top of the second part, so that later it turns out inside the entire structure and gives softness. Secure with pins. We lay the line directly along the same technical line (if there was one) - we observe the allowances. Carefully adjust the layer with decorative tape so that it does not move and get into the seam. Be sure to leave an open space in order to turn the product onto the face (it is best to leave space on the top of the bandage, there are no curved lines there. After stitching and leaving a free part, be sure to make cuts in the lower part of the bandage - in the very bend, not reaching the line 2 mm so that in the end, when we turn the bandage around the face, this place will not have any constrictions.

Step 9

We turn our design on its face. We look carefully at where the technical line is visible. Let's remove it. And at the top we leave it while ironing. Align the parts, bend the upper parts in the free space and iron. I recommend using a wooden cutting board or rolling pin after ironing the piece. The tree quickly absorbs excess moisture and consolidates the result well. Only your board should be new and clean, especially for sewing!

Step 10

Option #1. DIY lace sleep mask

Sewing such a bandage will require minimal financial/time costs. If you have half an hour and some fabric scraps to spare, then feel free to get to work!

Sewing such a sleep mask will only take half an hour.

Necessary materials:

  • 3 pieces of fabric, 12 cm each (in the example, lace, knitwear, dress crepe were used);
  • braid (80 cm);
  • elastic band (length – 30 cm, width – 2 cm);
  • polka dot fabric 7 cm long (chiffon, needed for elastic);
  • glue web (10 cm);
  • adhesive fabric (12 cm).

Note! You can do without a pattern, doing everything by eye. First make a rectangle 11x25 cm, then round its edges and cut a recess for the nose in the center.

Step 1 . Take turns cutting 4 pieces from three different materials. Cut one piece from lace, another from knitwear, and 2 more from dress crepe (or use other fabrics). Thanks to this amount, the mask will take shape and become opaque.

Parts cut from different fabrics

Step 2 . Cut a 7x45 cm rectangle from chiffon - this piece will become a belt for the elastic band.

Braid, elastic band and future belt for it

Step 3 . A sewing seam will allow you to carefully seal the cut inside so that it does not crumble (and chiffon, which is used in the example, is precisely a very loose fabric). Fold the rectangular piece in half along the front side, then sew, retreating the width of the foot.

Sewing a pattern for threading an elastic band

Turn the waistband inside out using a safety pin.

The belt is turned inside out with a pin

Place another line along the edge. Inside, as you can see in the photo below, there remains an open cut with threads.

Another line added

Turn the belt out again, after which you can slide the elastic inside.

An elastic band is pulled inside

Step 4 . Start preparing the layers. Glue the knitwear on one side using adhesive fabric.

Knitwear is glued with adhesive fabric

Step 5 . Place the lace pattern on the dress fabric. Secure the braid around the perimeter using tailor's pins.

The braid is secured with tailor's pins

Step 6 . Sew the braid using hand stitches, having previously selected threads of a suitable color.

The braid is sewn to the pattern

Step 7 . Attach the elastic waistband on both sides using the same pins.

Belt with elastic band secured on both sides

Step 8 . Assemble all the parts in the sequence shown in the photo. You will have elastic and 4 layers.

The patterns are assembled in this sequence

Step 9 . Connect all layers with tailor's pins. Do not sew up the area near the nose hole - this is where the mask will turn right side out.

This area does not need to be sutured

The layers are connected with tailor's pins

Step 10 . Sew the layers of fabric, stitching them down so that the machine stitch goes 1 mm deeper than the hand stitch.

Layers of fabric are sewn down

After this, turn the product out through the left hole.

Next, the mask is turned inside out

Step 11 . Sew the open area by hand using hidden stitches.

The open section is sewn by hand

That's it, the beautiful lace mask is ready! It does not allow light to pass through, but at the same time it is very soft and pleasant.

The sleep mask turned out to be soft

Lace and braid trim add luxury

This mask does not allow daylight to pass through.

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Why do you need a blindfold for sleeping?

A properly selected mask ensures good sleep, because proper rest is extremely important for health. It is at night that the bulk of vital processes take place.

  • Skin cells are restored and renewed;
  • Collagen is produced, which is necessary for healthy joints and spine;
  • Hormones are synthesized;
  • Processing information received during the day and converting it into long-term memory;
  • Enhanced removal of harmful substances;
  • Improving brain, nervous and immune system function.
All these processes take place at night, and pitch darkness is a prerequisite for their implementation. Since melatonin is produced only in such circumstances, the slightest penetration of light onto the pupil leads to the destruction of the element.

Purpose of a sleep mask

A properly selected sleep mask provides complete rest, during which vital processes occur in the body. If a person sleeps correctly, the following processes occur in the body:

  • synthesis of hormones and regulation of hormonal levels;
  • regeneration and renewal of skin cells;
  • production of collagen, necessary for the health of joints and cartilage of the spine;
  • processing daily information and relocating results to long-term memory;
  • intensive removal of toxins from the body;
  • establishing biochemical processes, enhancing brain activity, immune and nervous systems.

These processes occur at night, as provided by nature, which in return requires conditions for proper sleep. One of them is complete darkness. It is in pitch darkness that the most sleep hormone, melatonin, is produced.

Even reflected and weak light hitting the pupil leads to the destruction of melatonin, which begins to be produced at night and is known as the sleep hormone. It also carries out other equally important functions.

Purpose of the blindfold

Blindfolds for sleep have been used for centuries by people suffering from disorders of the normal sleep cycle. Doctors recommend such masks for patients with an excitable nervous system and increased sensitivity to light. In the modern world it can be worn:

  • For those who, due to the nature of their work, travel frequently and cannot sleep in transport due to the light.
  • People living in big cities, where there is intense night lighting, from which even thick dark curtains cannot help.
  • Spouses whose biological rhythms do not coincide - one is asleep and the other is awake, turns on the light, computer or TV.
  • Those who work night shifts and are forced to sleep during the day.
  • For those whose bed is located opposite the window due to the cramped space.
  • “Owls” who cannot get enough sleep because of the morning light, especially in the summer when the nights are short.

Scientists have found that even weak light from a mobile phone or an alarm clock on the bedside table can prevent a person from getting enough sleep and, accordingly, getting ready for a new working day.

In all these cases, there is a wonderful way out, which is called a blindfold for sleeping. This is a cheap, practical and simple way to ensure normal rest and give you the opportunity to recover and carry out all the necessary night processes. And if buying a mask with various improvements seems unreasonably expensive, you can make a bandage yourself without purchasing a factory mask.

The relationship between the mask and melatonin

The retina of the eye distinguishes light through the eyelids, because it is designed to protect against light radiation. Initially, it was assumed that a person sleeps at night, when it is already dark. Night is not only a time of rest, but also a period of active melatonin production in the pineal gland (epiphysis, or pineal gland). When the functionality of the pineal gland decreases over the years, sleep problems occur.

The benefit of hormone production is not only in providing a period of rest at night. It also performs other functions:

  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • regulates seasonal rhythms and human adaptation to changes in climate and time zones;
  • works as an antioxidant, increasing the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues.

Without melatonin, neither the natural cyclicity of the onset of sleep nor the proper functioning of the body's immune system is possible. Weak production occurs in light of any intensity, because the retina of the eyes reads information about its intensity and presence, and transmits it to the brain, from where it goes directly to the pineal gland.

A person cannot sleep fully in such conditions. The lack of the required amount of the hormone leads to sleep disturbances, weakening and weakening of the immune system. The harm caused to the body manifests itself in the occurrence and development of diseases and the activation of potential cancer cells.

Instead of going to the pharmacy for sleeping pills when having trouble sleeping, a person can wear simple eyecups to prevent light from shining on the retina. And sleep problems will be resolved if you choose the right useful and simple device.

Sleeping bandage - reviews

Anastasia Medinskaya (24 years old), Moscow
Recently I decided to purchase a sleep bandage. I went to the store and opted for the silk option. It is comfortable and glides on, is cool, breathable and does not leave marks on the face. A sleep mask is necessary for everyone who cares about their health and appearance. A huge plus for me is its ability to smooth out facial wrinkles.

Valery Ignatiev (19 years old), Vladivostok

Now an eye mask for sleeping is a must-have on all my travels. The headband weighs little and blocks light well. The soft and cool material feels very nice on the face, preventing the puffy bags under my eyes that I have previously experienced. The downside of my mask is that it compresses my head too much. But the number of advantages outweighs.

Elizaveta Voronovskaya (37 years old), St. Petersburg

My ultra-soft mask provides me with maximum comfort. It blocks out light well with a cotton pad that helps me fall asleep quickly. I work the night shift, so this accessory has become essential to maintaining my health.

Masks are excellent assistants to deep sleep, which is vital for health and beauty. Regardless of whether a person wants to use this accessory or not, they should do their best to get enough sleep and take care of themselves.

How to choose

When directly selecting a suitable sleep mask, you need to consider its characteristics.

Comfort, quality and practicality are the basis of the right decision.

  1. Materials must not cause allergies or irritation. It is better to turn to organic fabrics and fillers.
  2. For comfortable use, there are models with a “bulge” at the nose, eliminating pressure on the bridge of the nose.
  3. The mask must be securely attached to the head to avoid constant slipping. A retainer, such as tape, is not recommended for girls with long hair - this can lead to tangling. An elastic band with an adjustable fastener allows you to “adjust” the fastening to the size and extend the time of using the fastening of the elastic band during stretching.
  4. The design is selected taking into account the preferences of the future owner - when traveling, the headband becomes a kind of accessory, therefore the content and color of the images must be treated with special attention.

When choosing the appropriate option, you should take into account the features of your usual sleeping position - the location of the fastener depends on this.

If the sleeper prefers to rest on his side, you need to choose a mask in which the elastic fastening is adjusted in the place where the head has less contact with the pillow.

It is best to evaluate the device personally to determine whether it is suitable for recreation in specific conditions.

How to choose a sleep mask, which one is better

These are the parameters by which the choice is made.


The variety of masks is amazing. They can be strict and laconic, black or, conversely, made of colorful fabrics, with decorative elements, in the shape of various animals.

You can order a personalized mask made from expensive materials. Girls prefer delicate pink colors, pastels, with cartoon characters. And for men, just a thick mask without any designer frills is enough.


The cost of the mask is affected by the material. A mask made from synthetics will be lower in price, and one made from natural fabrics will be higher. The best option would be to use cotton. Custom-made masks are made from satin.

You can choose models with embroidery, frills, openwork inserts, and quilted elements.


Synthetic winterizer is most often used as a filler. In cosmetic models - gel inserts.

Types of sleep masks

The growing popularity of sleep masks encourages manufacturers to develop more and more new models to suit every taste.

Some focus on the quality of the material and ease of use, others focus on style and beauty, while others use high technology for such a seemingly simple item.

To choose a bandage from the abundance of options offered by manufacturers, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • it must fulfill its direct purpose - to completely protect the eyes from light;
  • should be light, tight-fitting and not put pressure on various parts of the head;
  • selected strictly according to size;
  • the presence of decor should not affect ease of use;
  • The mask should not contain harmful substances that are hazardous to health.

You can purchase a sleep mask at a pharmacy, in a specialized bedding and linen store, in haberdashery departments, on the websites of manufacturing companies (for example, Bradex), in online stores. Prices range from 20 rubles to several thousand.

The choice of glasses for sleep depends on the individual characteristics and needs of the person, and the financial side of the issue is also important. The price of a well-known brand product will be tens of times higher than the price of the Chinese version. However, in this case the quality is directly proportional to the price.

Natural materials are hypoallergenic, which should be taken into account when choosing a mask for people suffering from allergies.

Inserts made of soft synthetic materials such as padding polyester are sewn between the layers of fabric. In cheap options, several layers of fabric are used for this.

Designs and sizes vary depending on who the mask is intended for. Men's sleep headbands are most often plain and strictly cut. Women's options are presented in a wide range of colors and finishing elements. Masks for children are smaller, softer and brighter.

There are also cosmetic sleep masks that take care not only of healthy sleep, but also of the beautiful appearance of the eyelids.

The most popular of them:

  1. Masks with anti-edema gel inserts.
  2. Bandages using magnetic disks, creating conditions for complete relaxation and rest of the facial muscles. In this case, the natural process of rejuvenation starts.
  3. Sleep glasses with tourmaline threads. The action is based on the ability of infrared rays to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and cellular balance.
  4. Masks with copper oxide have a rejuvenating effect.

These dressings are suitable for home use. On business trips, it is better to use the classic, convenient option.

There are smart sleep masks. Such headbands track the ideal time to wake up and send impulses to the brain at the right moment.

Masks with a special elastic bridge for the bridge of the nose are designed for those who react painfully to any pressure in this place. Mask manufacturers also offer options with recesses for eyes that open when you wake up. There are also cooling and scented eye patches.

If the sleep mask is chosen well, its use will not cause any side effects. On the contrary, customer reviews indicate a positive effect from the bandage. Those who have tried sleeping with a bandage can no longer refuse it. Using sleep glasses along with earplugs will help you relax in any environment.

Caring for your mask should include weekly gentle washing. It is advisable to use it after removing impurities and cosmetics from the face. If hygiene is maintained, the bandage will not cause trouble in the form of acne and irritation.

Is it beneficial to sleep with a sleep mask?

A sleeping mask with jade and tourmaline is used in different ways: you can do short-term procedures lasting 15-20 minutes, or you can leave the mask on all night. This is especially true for a mask without heating: within several hours, tourmaline accumulates thermal energy and releases it in the form of infrared radiation into the fabric. You won't feel it during the night, but you will wake up feeling rested.

Puffiness in the area around the eyes can be corrected or temporarily removed with the help of cosmetics, and the constant use of a sleep mask with jade and tourmaline makes it possible to forget about dark circles and swelling. Thanks to the local acceleration of microcirculation, tissues receive enough nutrients and normalize their metabolism. You can sleep in a sleep mask only after consulting a doctor. There are a number of pathological conditions in which it is worth holding off on using home physiotherapeutic devices.

Why and who needs a sleep mask

In order to understand the purpose of the bandage, you need to understand what happens in the brain at night and during the day, and why a person needs a sleep mask. The human body has a natural mechanism for regulating circadian rhythms. It is based on the interaction of hormones produced by the pineal gland and pineal gland. The secretory list produced by these bodies consists of several items. The hormones produced are called adrenoglomerulotropin, serotonin, melatonin.

The functional purpose of these substances is different. The first two influence feelings, contribute to an explosion of emotions, and melatonin is responsible for the rhythm of the human state during the day. This hormone was studied by A.B Larner, the scientist described the mechanism of its influence and the pattern of secretion production by the pineal gland. The peculiarities of the effect on the body are such that the level of wakefulness depends on the concentration of melatonin in the blood and in the pineal gland. This hormone signals the body that night has come and you need to fall asleep.

For clarity, the melatonin production pattern can be displayed in a table.

Melatonin production table

But in the life of a modern person, sleep and wakefulness do not correspond to the biological clock. Many people have to work at night and sleep only in the morning or during the day. This has a negative impact on health. In order for the body to create the illusion of night and get a good night's sleep, you need to use a blindfold for proper sleep. In this case, melatonin will be synthesized, the daytime rhythm will be replaced by a nighttime one. The peak time for melatonin concentration is considered to be 2 am. The length of daylight varies in different seasons, and different amounts of the hormone are produced. In the summer and spring months it is produced less, in the autumn and winter - more. This table shows how it should be with a natural circadian rhythm.

The cause of many diseases and stress is lack of sleep.

Eyecups, sleep glasses, masks are necessary under different circumstances:

  1. People working at night.
  2. To extend sleep time in spring and summer when the sun rises too early.
  3. For daytime naps during quiet times.
  4. On a trip, on a business trip, on an airplane, to relax in complete darkness when others are awake.
  5. When sunbathing and other procedures when you need to protect your eyes from artificial light.
  6. Elderly people who have insomnia at night and have to get enough sleep during daylight hours.

Which material to choose?

The mask (bandage) must be made only from suitable fabric . It is important that the selected material is pleasant specifically for the skin of your face (apply the fabric to your cheek to choose the appropriate option).

You can use different materials to make a mask.

Table. Fabrics from which it is better to choose a sleep mask.

NameShort description
PolyesterThick artificial fabric. It is lightproof and easy to maintain. It does not absorb moisture very well, and therefore it is better not to use polyester for the layer adjacent to the skin.
SilkDelicate and light material, has high thermoregulation and a rejuvenating effect. The skin under the silk mask fully “breathes.”
LinenIt has a relaxing and calming effect, an excellent option for a night blindfold.
CottonThis natural material has optimal properties: it is lightweight, breathable, and hypoallergenic.

Steps to create a simple sleep mask

Decide in advance on the material and decor of the product, and then proceed to the main thing - making a sleep mask with your own hands. You'll probably find the step-by-step instructions below helpful.

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