50 Internet safety rules

What is Internet security?

It is impossible to imagine our daily life without a global network. This is an opportunity to quickly find the necessary information, open your own online business, communicate with friends and acquaintances, find entertainment in the form of games, movies, download programs for developing skills and self-realization.

When you visit any resource, you leave your digital traces there, and the sites read the information and generate their own database. In this way, user profiles are created, on the basis of which you can distribute advertising and attract new customers to your products. But there is also the other side of the coin - attackers can use your data from the database and violate your personal security on the Internet.

Experienced users always visit resources carefully and try by all possible means to protect their software and personal data from the risk of hacking and information theft.

How to stay safe online?

To protect your life and create comfortable conditions for using the Internet, it is important to follow key rules. Let's look at each point in more detail.

Rule 1 – use strong passwords and know how to manage them

The main rule is to come up with strong and complex passwords for your social network accounts, mailbox, personal accounts of various sites and web resources. Hackers often attack user pages on social networks or their mailboxes if they have a simple and easy-to-guess password. After all, you don’t want your correspondence, files, photos and contacts to fall into the wrong hands.

To create a complex password that is difficult to crack, you can use a special generator.

Password management has a direct impact on online security, although it is not an easy task. You may be annoyed that each site has its own requirements for writing security code, but all this is done in the interests of the user.

Imagine a situation where a hacker launches a special program that selects codes for hacking, and suddenly it turns out to do this specifically with your mail. If the email password matches your other accounts, the attacker can easily gain access to all private data, in particular payment data, through which he can then manipulate or blackmail you, or simply steal all your money from your bank card or account.

Rule 2 – use antivirus and firewall

Today, many people still access the Internet without protecting their software. We are talking about the lack of an anti-virus system. But it is precisely such a program that acts as the first line of defense for every ordinary user. You cannot know or predict when you will encounter an infected file or dangerous website.

Nowadays there is a huge selection of various virus protection programs, and with their help you can control automatic software updates and prevent many threats from entering your computer.

It is recommended to use a firewall in conjunction with an antivirus program. It can be compared to a universal security measure, since it provides an option to approve or reject the download of new software onto the user's computer.

Rule 3 – control children’s devices on the Internet

Only parents can explain how to use a PC correctly and keep their children safe on the Internet. Growing up, a child is interested in everything around him and sooner or later he will want to learn how to use a computer. There are many dangers lurking online, from which you need to effectively protect yourself.

For example, to watch videos, it is recommended to use the YouTube Kids application - it provides an extensive training base for introducing a child to the Internet, as well as a library of cartoons for modern children of different age categories.

Another useful service is Family Link, with the help of which parents control the gadgets of their offspring and help them explore the vastness of the global network in a safe mode.

Rule 4 – Use two-step verification

Two-step authentication helps improve the security of any account or personal account to which your data is linked.

When you enter your username and password to log in, the system requests a confirmation code - it is sent via SMS or in the Google Authentificator application, and its validity period is 30 seconds.

Using two-step authentication, you can maximize the security of your account on any resource - mail, social network, manager, personal account of an online store, etc.

Rule 5 – install a VPN service

A virtual private network uses a security protocol that can protect the user during the connection process, while eliminating all the problems left by the firewall and using modern methods of protection against malware. In other words, with the help of a VPN, an anonymity mode is created and the real IP is hidden, you can surf the network safely and without worrying that your data will be at risk.

Information security on the Internet with the help of a VPN is guaranteed, since you are hidden from outsiders and scammers cannot identify you. But this requires using a high-quality service from a reliable developer.

To ensure your security, privacy and protection from surveillance, we recommend using a VPN

Rule 6 – Use email wisely

E-mail as an instant messaging service still remains the most popular and in demand in the modern world. However, attackers often take advantage of this by sending decoy emails to users so that they click on hidden links and become victims of deception. This scheme is called phishing, and the hacker gains access to the private files and information of the user who fell for the bait.

It is enough to follow basic security measures, for example, do not open letters from dubious authors, do not follow links that do not lead to the official pages of sites, do not disclose your email address to everyone around you, but only on reliable sources.

Rule 7 – Do not disclose personal information

No amount of internet security according to the rules will help if you disclose your data. A chatterbox is always a godsend for a spy, so think before you advertise any information. If you publish a photo with a loved one on a social network or highlight some insider information about your work, then this information will be known not only to those to whom it is addressed, for example, a circle of friends, but also to complete strangers. You can’t be careless online; it’s better to protect the most important and secret things from prying eyes.

Tips for parents on children's Internet safety

This section provides tips that can be easily applied to ensure your child’s safety on the Internet.

Tell your child about the dangers he may encounter online

This is an extremely important point. Parents should not only thoroughly study the issue of children’s safety on the Internet, but also teach their children proper behavior online in order to eliminate the possibility of dangerous situations arising.

Be sure to discuss with your child all the problems raised in this article, tell them about the existence of online predators, cybercrime, malware, and cyberbullying. Not only do you need to teach your child how to cross the street correctly and not talk to strangers, you also need to explain that if used incorrectly, the Internet can be very dangerous.

Show your child that you are always ready to listen to him.

It is extremely important that the child understands that parents are open to conversation when it comes to internet safety. If a child has problems related to the World Wide Web, he should be aware that he can share them with his parents at any time.

If a child becomes a victim of cyberbullying, parents should make it clear that they are always ready to help him with advice and support.

Use tools to implement parental controls

Parental control is a set of measures that guarantee parents that their child will not gain access to harmful content or inappropriate, in the opinion of parents, websites, including social networks - Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte.

Parental controls are easy to install. For example, a built-in function in the GoogleChrome browser allows you to restrict a child’s access to unwanted websites, for example, video hosting YouTube.com. After adding a site to the so-called “black list”, all attempts by the child to go to this address will be stopped.

Find out what applications your child uses, how much time he spends on it, and whether he plays games during lessons. See statistics, determine your exact location and listen to the sound around you using the “Where are my children” service.

Limit the time you use your devices

It seems that people are ready to use Internet services 24 hours a day. Although the World Wide Web is a great tool for children, especially in terms of access to educational resources and entertainment, if used excessively, the Internet can stunt a child's development.

To avoid abuse of your child’s online presence, it is important to limit the time you use digital devices. This measure will force the child to spend more time in the real world with family and friends.

Use strong passwords

Explain to your child that strong passwords can increase information security online.

Explain that when registering on a website you are required to come up with a memorable but complex password - this will help reduce the risk of your online account being hacked.

Use the best tools for internet security

As mentioned earlier, there are many tools available to ensure the safe use of the Internet by minors. By using tools such as VPNs (virtual private networks) and antivirus software, parents can ensure their children are protected from threats and malware that scammers use to steal identities for criminal purposes.

Teach your child that communicating with a stranger online is just as dangerous as in real life.

The well-known rule “Don’t talk to a stranger on the street” is also relevant in the Internet era. Be sure to convey to your child that meeting people he meets online poses a risk to his safety. Strangers on the Internet can and most likely will be dangerous.

Internet fraud

Many people, including children, fall victim to seemingly harmless pop-ups and spam messages created and sent by cybercriminals. These pop-ups and spam messages can be very dangerous and will most likely result in your device being infected with a computer virus.

Show your child the distinctive features of malware so that he can avoid problems when encountering them on the Internet.

Monitor your child online and teach him information literacy

Children, especially preschool and primary school age, should not be left alone with the World Wide Web. Be near your child while using the network. This way you can find out what sites he visits, and at the same time explain how to behave correctly online.

Top 4 Internet Safety Questions

  • How to protect yourself on the Internet?

To protect yourself on the global network, you need to follow basic security rules, so you can protect yourself from the risks of hacking. In particular, use a VPN, visit only official websites, and create complex passwords for your accounts.

  • Why do you need internet security?

Online security is necessary for every user. It's like the need to have personal space and the right to lead a private life. The same is true when leading an online life, because no one wants their data to be stolen and used by scammers for personal purposes.

The main goal of Internet security is to protect yourself from hackers and third parties who can encroach on your traffic and personal files.

  • What is Wi-Fi security?

Wi-Fi security means using open or public hotspots carefully. Additionally, it is important to only connect to those that are password protected.

It’s good when a cafe has its own Wi-Fi, but it’s bad if the network is open and anyone can connect. Data transmission over such a connection is not secure, therefore there is a risk of unauthorized persons gaining access to your devices or data.

Why do people choose online dating?

According to Joshua Ortega from the University of Essex, the emergence of online dating sites and applications has contributed to the development of a harmonious society. Thanks to them, men and women are no longer limited in their social circle by social status and geographical location. A person just needs to register in a dating service to, for example, chat with a girl who lives thousands of kilometers away from him.

The absence of any restrictions also increases the likelihood of finding your ideal partner. Among the millions of users, there will definitely be someone with whom you can start building a serious relationship. But don’t forget about online safety rules, which we’ll talk about a little later.

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