How to communicate with clients correctly? Fundamentals of business communication.

All company employees, from the cleaner to the director, communicate with clients to one degree or another. And each of them forms an idea of ​​the company. Personnel must know the basic rules and principles of communication with clients, follow ethics and master the basics of communication psychology. This is especially true in sales, where work is based on communication with clients. Of course, the quality of a product, product or service is very important, but some shortcomings can be smoothed out with the help of well-structured communication. A satisfied client will come back to you again or recommend you to his friends and acquaintances. Proper communication with customers is one of the factors for business success. In this material we will consider the main aspects of the process of communication with clients.

Psychology of communication with clients

Sales communication with clients is the main tool for attracting buyers. To properly structure the negotiation process, sellers need not only to be sociable, but also to master the basics of communication psychology.

The first impression is of great importance: further interaction directly depends on it. At the first meeting, a company employee forms an opinion not only about himself, but also creates an image of the company as a whole. Improper behavior can frighten the buyer and the company will lose profits. Therefore, you should approach each meeting responsibly and prepare.

The following tips will help you conduct successful negotiations:

  1. Before the meeting, clearly formulate your proposal. Try to anticipate the client's possible questions so you can be prepared to answer them.
  1. Evaluate your appearance: it should be neat and tidy, and if the company has a dress code, then comply with it.
  1. When you meet, look your interlocutor in the eyes, offer your hand first and greet weakly, then introduce yourself first.
  1. Do not violate a person’s personal space, keep a distance of about a meter.

Friendliness and respect for your comfort zone will put your interlocutor in a positive mood. After this, you can start a conversation.

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Rules for communication with clients

In the process of communicating with a client, the agent manager must be guided by rules that contribute to an effective result.

The manager’s communication with the client should be focused on the client’s personality. To do this, the manager needs to actively listen, listen to all the requirements and wishes. Tell everything the client wants to hear about the quality of goods or services, answer all his questions, ask about personal preferences. Do not insist on purchasing the product right away, give time to collect your thoughts. The seller can only push towards a positive decision, but without intrusiveness. The voice should be energetic, but not hysterical, speaking neither fast nor slow.

You also need to adapt to the person’s slang, not speak in abstruse words, so that he does not worry about his own incompetence. If you cannot do without some scientific specific concepts or definitions, you need to explain them so that there are no misunderstandings. The main thing is to list all the positive qualities that the product has and not waste precious time explaining different terms if the person himself does not want it.

The manager's communication with the client must be of a business nature, at least within the framework of a business relationship, so that the value of the product is respected. You need to be serious about all matters related to goods. But you don’t need to pretend to be too much of a business person, talking on the phone all the time in the presence of a client, or being distracted by other things when he is nearby and waiting. You must always come to meetings on time and answer messages and calls. Only with a respectful attitude can you see the same attitude in return. This is especially important for the seller representing the company.

An agent must always be impeccable in all his or her character. When it comes to work, he must always look presentable, maintain his posture, speak beautifully, captivate with his manners, and be so confident in himself that customers associate this employee with the product being offered, which is accordingly equally impeccable.

Following his ideal image at the first meeting, the seller should remain the same further and in his future behavior should be no less polite, especially when it comes to long-term relationships. If the buyer has any questions, the seller should always be ready to answer them. If there are changes to the terms of the contract, the client must be notified immediately.

The rule that the client is always right is not a standard, so you can deviate from it. When a person is a professional manipulator and acts in pursuit of personal goals, demanding, for example, a refund for services, saying that they are of poor quality, but he himself has used them for a long time. This kind of client is a danger to the company and can damage its reputation, so it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all contact with him.

The success of the company will be determined by the correct communication with customers. If all the rules are followed, then cooperation is guaranteed, attracting new clients through existing ones and thereby increasing the company’s reputation.

Ethics of communication with clients

A polite and respectful attitude during communication is always pleasant, so the ethics of business communication with a client becomes an important assistant in building a productive conversation.

Politeness is the main component of ethics. It must be demonstrated not only through words, but also through tone of voice, manners, and actions.

It is also extremely important to show respect to the interlocutor: monitor intonation, listen carefully, show interest, answer all questions. Under no circumstances should you interrupt, be distracted, put pressure on, or insist on making a decision right now.

The conversation should be relaxed, the information should be understandable. The interlocutor needs to be given time to think. The main thing is moderation in everything.

Listen actively

Unfortunately, many managers and salespeople to this day feel that they must talk incessantly, bombarding the poor client with a stream of information. And everyone seems to be talking to the point - they name prices, characteristics, throw out brand names, but in the end the client still says “I’ll call you back” or asks the obvious. But why, since you explained everything so well?

Because communication with a client is not a salesperson’s monologue, but a dialogue. Let the buyer insert a word and you will hear a lot of useful information. Here you will find a story about hobbies, and peculiarities of speech - everything that we talked about a little higher and that you can catch on to and put a person in a position to communicate. And, of course, a person’s true need is what he really needs.

So, you need not only to talk, but also to listen. But listen not passively, occasionally inserting “Uh-huh,” “Yes, yes,” but actively. What does this concept include?

We have already written how to get even the most stubborn and dissatisfied client to talk and remove his objections. But there are other methods:

  • end the sentence not in the affirmative, but in a question. For example, not “let’s see this dress,” but “let me show you this dress, would you like?” The secret is that the client will have to answer something - which means a new round of conversation will begin. The more productive he is, the higher the chance that the seller will close the deal;
  • take a break. And now the client has spoken out - but don’t rush to ask the question, be silent for a few seconds. 80 to 100 that he will add something else, which means - right, a new round of conversation will begin;
  • ask the client's opinion. When you offer something, be sure to clarify what the client thinks about it. This technique will create the impression that you do not want to sell the product at any cost, that everything is decided by the buyer;
  • please specify. If the client expressed a wish or need (“I want something original, for the holiday”), try to find out detailed details and in conclusion summarize: so, you need a dress for the New Year, preferably red, inexpensive, but spectacular. Do you agree that the search for models for such a request is significantly narrowed?

Rules and principles of communication with the client

There are basic rules that should be followed in communication, regardless of the company’s field of activity:

  1. Show an individual approach, focus on the client’s needs. The buyer should feel cared for, a desire to help, and not just sell.
  1. Speak to the client in a language that he understands so that the interlocutor does not doubt his competence. The ability to speak correctly with clients will save time on explaining terms, and thereby allow you to talk more about the benefits of the offer.
  1. Maintain a businesslike nature of communication: do not be late for meetings, answer calls and letters in a timely manner, take work issues and requests seriously.
  1. Maintain an impeccable appearance not only at the first meeting.

The principle “the customer is always right” is a very reasonable one, but you need to remember that there are exceptions to every rule. It is better to refuse manipulative clients, because they will not only waste your time and nerves, but can also damage your reputation.

What not to do when communicating with clients:

1. Throw mud at competitors. Don't stoop to attacking your business rivals, as this will make you look unfavorable. An organization that actively praises its own merits and criticizes the work of its competitors looks unprofessional.

2. Use slang. Not all clients are aware of your field of activity. Many people turn to third-party companies precisely because of a lack of information and their own supply channels for goods. Using professional slang when communicating with clients leads to confusion. The customer feels insecure and, quite possibly, will refuse the services of your company due to discomfort. Keep the information on your website simple. It is better to present it in the visual format of a photo gallery or presentation. After viewing the slides, the customer will be able to understand the topic a little.

3. Let your emotions control you.

In business communications, as in any other area of ​​communication, conflicts occur. Remain firm and calm in a difficult situation, maintain the image of your business! Many impulsive entrepreneurs find it difficult to control their emotions, but regular training can bring the desired effect.

These basic rules must be present in your arsenal as a businessman, and success will not be long in coming.

Standards of communication with the client

Rudeness or improper behavior of staff can be costly for a business owner: it can affect profits or damage their reputation. To avoid this, many companies are developing and implementing customer communication standards that help employees avoid unpleasant situations and be as customer-oriented as possible. Standards are a set of rules and prohibitions that must be followed, as well as communication scripts. This is most relevant for sales managers, call centers, large companies, where it is impossible to control every employee, and the interaction of departments must be clear.

High-quality communication with clients is the basis of any company’s work and the key to high earnings for employees. It is necessary to maneuver between the interests of the client and the company. You need to speak the same language with the client, but not stoop to his level if the client swears or is rude. Just being a sociable person is not enough. These skills need to be learned and honed. The ethics and psychology of communication with the client will come to the rescue, which will allow you to create a good first impression and win over your interlocutor. By following the basic rules of communication with a client, you can build a productive business conversation and achieve your goals.

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Consistent stages of communication with the client

The correct behavior of an employee, communication style and knowledge of the services or products provided is the face of the company to the public. To establish positive communication between the seller and the buyer, it is worth adhering to the algorithm established by the company for communicating with the client.

Stage 1: making contact or making contact

Before communication with clients begins, eye contact is established, which is influenced by appearance: clean clothes, neat hair and a friendly smile. All this predisposes the buyer to initial trust. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to show your availability to communicate and provide the necessary information. To do this, you should introduce yourself by name, indicate your position and ask the client if they need your help.

The offer of help should be unobtrusive and uninformative. If the service provision situation takes place in an office or salon, you should be offered to remove outer clothing and choose hot drinks.

Stage 2: identifying needs

To identify a need, questions asked may include:

  • open – you will receive a detailed answer to them;
  • closed - the answer to them will be “yes” or “no”;
  • alternative - you provide the answer options yourself.

Open questions will allow the client to express himself as much as possible about the product and the nuances that interest him. An employee’s competence in a particular product will help to draw up the necessary leading questions and avoid a flood of unnecessary information, which will save time and narrow the range of choices.

The culture of communication with the client when identifying needs involves a technique in which you should not:

  1. Ask only closed questions that will confuse and push the client away from communication.
  2. Move on to the presentation without listening to the buyer.
  3. Etiquette stipulates not to interrupt the interlocutor, and even more so it is forbidden to do this with a client.
  4. Gently bring back to the topic the needs of a buyer who has been distracted by conversations about life.

Stage 3: presentation

Before presenting goods and services, you can use the method of summarizing needs: repeat and clarify the required qualities and properties of the product. This will allow you to avoid mistakes in choosing a product and narrow the range of products to what is necessary.

Thanks to a good presentation, you can create a need for a particular product. Presentation is:

  1. Knowledge of the product, its pros and cons, benefits of use.
  2. Knowledge of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. You should not use non-verbal monotonous communication. The client will quickly get tired of this and lose interest in the product.
  4. Not only talk about the product, but also show it visually and in action.
  5. Use a communication technique - dialogue. Do not overload the client with lectures or monologues about the product.
  6. Use positive emotional communication. It’s worth adding a touch of humor, which will put the consumer in a good mood and make him even more inclined to complete the transaction.
  7. Ability to associate product properties with desired benefits.
  8. During the presentation of the product, it is worth considering the maximum price limit that will suit the buyer.

Stage 4: dealing with objections

When encountering a client's objection, doubt or additional questions, the seller should give a reasoned answer suggesting alternatives.

To win over the buyer when an objection arises, you can apply the following practice for resolving it:

  1. Listen to the client. Sometimes it pays to be more patient and attentive to what the client is trying to convey to you. Perhaps it will be enough for him to speak out and he will return to the state of an interested and pliable consumer.
  2. Phrases such as: “I heard you” or “I understand you” will help reduce the resonance of the conflict. By accepting your agreement with his opinion, you will gain the person's favor and his trust.
  3. Adapt to the client, gain trust, showing your understanding of what angered him and what he wants to get.
  4. Give a convincing argument for an unsatisfactory fact, for example: the price is higher than on the market, but free service and an extended warranty period will save money than a purchased cheap product that will fail in a couple of months and will not be repairable.
  5. Find out if there are any questions left. For example, if there is still disagreement with the price, you can offer an installment plan or a promotional product that suits the consumer’s request.

Stage 5: Closing the deal

In order not to miss a client, you should clearly see and feel when he is ready to complete the transaction. Don’t get carried away with excessive presentation of the product and oversaturating the client with information. This can make him tired and burnt out. Seeing or hearing approval and readiness for a transaction, you need to act firmly and immediately, offer assistance in drawing up or filling out the questionnaire and papers. You should make a deal confidently, without fuss.

Thanking you for your request and the choice you made will help you politely end your communication with the client. It is worth suggesting contacting another company. Say goodbye politely.

Psychological techniques for communicating with clients

Online store managers must adhere to a consistent communication style and also use scripts. However, sometimes they will have to go beyond the limits, which is especially important for buyers with non-standard requirements and a complex character. The psychology of communication with a client includes several basic rules that will prevent outbursts of anger and loss of loyalty:

  • determination of solvency. Customers with a minimal budget will be happy to receive a discount or other benefits; customers with solid financial resources will be put off by a minimal discount or offers related to low-budget goods;
  • the ability not to interrupt. Many clients are quite verbose, so managers must be able to listen to a monologue to the end. In a ton of unnecessary information, they will find important facts that will help persuade the client to a positive purchasing decision;

Tone of communication with clients

  • stay on the same level. The manager knows more about products, manufacturers and properties than the client, but he should not use this information to rise above the interlocutor. Devaluing the knowledge of a potential buyer, interrupting and presenting information in an authoritarian style are unacceptable;
  • backup plan. Each manager should have spare dialogues and phrases that will be used to communicate with demanding, picky and other difficult clients;
  • dragging out the conversation. Most clients want to receive the information they are interested in immediately, without wasting time on long conversations. If a manager intentionally increases the timing of the conversation, then this only causes irritation;
  • not only hear, but also listen. By letting the client's speech fall on deaf ears, as well as ignoring the given requirements, the manager risks losing the buyer and profit. For example, if a client mentions during a conversation that he has a dog, then in addition to the main product, the manager will be able to offer promotional products for pets, which will increase the check and help demonstrate interest.

During communication, the manager can change styles, but he must use a set of mandatory phrases that are the basis of the communication strategy: greetings and farewells, listing the benefits and offers of the online store, a standard package of additional products, etc. You should not ask the following questions, which raise doubts in the client and highlight the manager’s uncertainty:

  • “Have you already chosen a product?”, alternative – “Can I help you choose?”;
  • “You will pay for the goods, how?” – “Do you want to pay in cash, by bank transfer or do you prefer cash on delivery?”;
  • “When will you call back to clarify the details of the transaction?” or “Can we call you back?” – “Let's agree on a time at which we will call you to discuss the details of cooperation?”;
  • The list of questions depends on the target audience and the characteristics of the business, but the use of vague formulations and hackneyed phrases causes rejection in the client. The user should have the choice and opportunity to refuse the services of a consultant, but the manager should try to take the initiative into his own hands in order to bring the client to the final stage of the transaction.

How to communicate with a client correctly?

Official and clerical - safe words in correspondence

A high-tech, rapidly developing company of professionals, unfortunately, every day “flies away” into the executives’ inbox. In the Instagram User Direct, such messages also lie lonely in the unread messages folder and are unlikely to ever be read.

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“We need to make sure that you are not a robot” is a phrase that should be repeated often when you sit down to correspond with a client. A person needs a person even in the cold space of digital communication.

How to write to a client - a greeting in the language of people

Let's try to write on behalf of the agency to the founder of a clothing brand that recently opened a representative office in our city.

It’s difficult to write the first sentences: how to include the advantages, where to start, which ten-paragraph phrase to leave?

There is no need to panic here, but start with a greeting and an explanation of who you are and what you want from a potential client. Imagine that you are communicating with a person in real life, and not through a smartphone or computer screen.

For example: “Good afternoon, Alexey! We are the “Advertisers” (we hope your name is a little better).”

How to write to a potential client

Automatic sending of identical offers of cooperation will confuse a person, but personification in the message will delight the reader and evoke positive emotions: “The guys studied our business, looked at the company news, read posts and interviews” - short paths to the client’s trust.

“We have been following your page for a long time. We are fans of your account. We saw that the brand is finally opening in the city” - lines with which you can continue your message.

Look at what the manager said in the interview, what news the brand has, what is written in the latest posts. Find connections between the reader's concerns and the services you offer. Let the spark happen!

What to write to a potential client: tell us what you do

Now you can move on to a succinct presentation of your company to the client. So let's write:

“Get straight to the point: we are a digital agency. We promote accounts EVERYWHERE. We are developing online sales.

Specifics - clothing, accessories of middle class and above (just your theme). This month we are taking companies for free promotion for a week.

What can cooperation with us give you?

  • you receive a personal promotion strategy free of charge;
  • You and I are testing targeted advertising methods and seeing what brings in orders (this is also free);
  • in a week we will have time to show 10k advertisements to new potential buyers;
  • After a week, we make the necessary downloads, analyze the data, and you decide whether further cooperation will be useful.

A week of getting to know the agency does not oblige you to anything: you decide for yourself whether we will promote the brand further.”

By the way, numbers, when they are indicated pointwise, add points of expertise. For example, “We will collect 200 leads by Wednesday. Brands in your segment collect them for two weeks without advertising.”

Another option: “We have compiled several working promotion scenarios for you. You'll have a week to test them for free and track which ones increase your sales."

Agree: you want to look at a plan drawn up specifically for you. The client has a thought: “What has this agency studied and is offering me? Bring it here!”

How to communicate with a client: discuss and ask

According to the laws of unobtrusive and confidential communication, which we agreed to adhere to, it would be great to discuss the manager’s thoughts on what was proposed. So let's ask:

“If you are interested in this idea, we can agree on promotion methods and discuss specifics. What do you think?"

Another option: benefit + cautious opinion.

“We don't know if the company has enough sales this year, but our experience has shown that clothing brands always have room to grow. Moreover, when the strategies and methods are tested, prescribed for you and do not oblige you to pay for a test week.”

Use more paragraphs when communicating with a client

Ideally, avoid long messages, but if short abstracts still take up space on the display, break the text into paragraphs. This semantic division gives more air: reading the sentence is no longer so burdensome.

How to communicate with a client and make an impression: re-read and check

Trivial advice that is ignored, but in vain: go back and re-read what you wrote before sending it. What's worth looking at?

  • Spelling and punctuation - of course.
  • Logic and clarity of presentation of thoughts - of course.

Take a simple test and answer: will a teenager understand this letter? Similar to how Apple tested the intuitiveness of the device interface, letting children figure it out.

We are not implying that clients are mere children. This mechanics cuts out ambiguity, logical inconsistencies, incomprehensible humor, etc. In a word, it makes the text simpler and more readable.

Material on the topic: Principles of Digital Etiquette in 2021. How to communicate with colleagues online?

By the way, about humor: if you are not sure that you have thoroughly studied the reader’s communication style or you are writing the first letter “in vain,” it is better to refrain from jokes, metaphors, allusions and allegories. Let's save the delights for thematic longreads, and leave the message concise and understandable.

Use PS when communicating with a client

Have you ever noticed that when you use PS, your curiosity automatically awakens?

The postscript abbreviation has been endowed with magical powers since the days of paper letters. Incorporate an afterword into your message. However, it is worth re-reading and conducting an internal check: the main thing is not to slide into irrelevance.

PS - a playful, conspiratorial desire to share secret information.

This would look interesting in a message from a psychologist, trainer, or beauty salon owner, but a little less appropriate in a dialogue about the supply of rocket parts.

Varieties of communication styles depending on the type of interlocutor

Different clients come to the online store, who also use individual communication styles. An indecisive client constantly doubts, a conflict client argues, and a demanding client bombards the manager with arguments. In this regard, representatives of an online store must be able to deviate from the chosen communication style, adapting to the interlocutor:

  • dominant , aimed at persuasion and having an expert coloration. Used to establish communication with indecisive clients and those people who have problems making a choice;
  • dramatic. An excellent solution if the manager senses the client’s pain and offers ways to solve it using goods and services from an online store;
  • impressive. It is used in cases where the manager needs to make an impression and describe the online store in the best possible terms;
  • accurate. Used to focus on technical characteristics or to specify the terms of a transaction;
  • calming. This style of communication will be the optimal solution if you need to reduce the level of anxiety of the interlocutor, as well as instill goodwill in him;
  • interested. The manager is attentive to everything the client says. He empathizes, unobtrusively shares his personal experience and asks questions in order to solve several problems at once: increasing loyalty, promoting a product, obtaining additional information.

Informal style of communication with the client

Communication styles can be combined during a conversation, adapting to the mood and changing requirements of the client. The manager must determine the tone of the conversation and prevent situations in which a potential buyer will be distracted from the choice or his attention will switch to a cheaper product than he originally wanted to order.

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