People all over the world pay a lot of attention to various factors that increase or decrease a person's social status in society. Admitting that someone cares about their position in society can be a disservice. Many of us may aspire to have a higher social status, but no one wants to be called a mountain climber who relentlessly climbs the social ladder.
New research into social status criteria has revealed some interesting details. What is it about?
Social development status in a group, conditions for maintaining and increasing social status
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Social status is the position of a subject in the system of interpersonal relations that determine his duties, rights and privileges. Each person is thoroughly entangled in a complex web of social relationships, and his position within the social system constitutes his status. The subject finds his place within a larger community by placing himself in a certain category, accepting the responsibilities associated with this position and expecting others to signify his rights. Status reflects the hierarchical structure of the group and creates vertical differentiation within it.
However, its status characteristics depend not only on the subject. Social status is a sign established by society that characterizes a person’s position in a social community, the position of a person in the system of interpersonal relations and determines his rights, privileges, freedoms, prestige, powers and privileges that he receives due to his position. Status is the rank of an individual in a social group recognized by the group.
Status is a social process. The position of a given individual in society is determined only on the basis of well. established relationships between him and those occupying other positions. Much of the subject’s behavior is aimed at maintaining existing or increasing his social status. In achieving this, the subject must continue the existing relationships. A person maintains his social status if he lives in accordance with the conventional (established) norms that govern the behavior of people in this category.
Social psychologists have noticed that an individual is very sensitive to the judgments of those who make up his reference group, who share his “picture of the world.” Everyone seeks recognition in their own world. Everyone tries to maintain an acceptable concept of himself in the eyes of those whose opinions he respects.
Social psychologists have established a fairly high sensitivity of subjects to status symbols. No matter how low the status is, it is important, since without it the subject has no rights at all in relation to others. Possession of status allows the subject to expect and demand a certain attitude towards himself from others.
In different groups, the same person can have different statuses, and in general, each person has several statuses, but they are not equal. The position in society is determined by one of them - this is the main status; as a rule, it is based on position and profession. Profession serves as the most commonly used, aggregate indicator of a status position—it is the type or type of work that sometimes determines such “value resources” of a person as wealth, prestige, and power.
Status is always a certain unity of the characteristics objectively inherent in an individual and the subjective perception of him by other members of the group. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the place of the individual is not determined entirely only by the subjective emotional perception of him by others; the place of the individual in the structure of activity relations in the group is also important. — Social status provides rights and opportunities, but at the same time it obliges you to a lot. With the help of statuses, relationships between people are regulated. The real starting position of an individual influences his assessment of society, forms a point of view on the world, which largely determines his further behavior. People from families with different social statuses have unequal conditions for socialization and unequal opportunities for education.
Social statuses are reflected in external behavior and appearance - clothing, jargon, manners, and in the external position of the individual - attitudes, value orientations, motives.
An important characteristic of each of the statuses (is the spectrum and freedom to choose other statuses. Any individual decision regarding one’s own destiny lies in the constant choice of ways to overcome specific social inequality. As a rule, people with a higher status strive to play a dominant role in the organization and seize greater initiative.
Status, once established, remains relatively constant, although in principle it is flexible. It can increase if the social community evaluates the subject in the dynamics of social growth, or decrease if there are dynamics of social degradation. These changes suggest that the individual must adequately change his behavior. When this does not happen, intrapersonal conflict arises.
A number of experts distinguish between the social and personal status of an individual based on the size of the social community of which he is a member. Within a large community (profession, class, nationality, gender, age, religion, etc.), the position of a subject is determined by the concept of “social status”. Within a small community (small group), the position of the subject is determined by the concept of “personal status”. Social statuses also differ in the nature of their appearance. A person acquires an innate and ascribed status automatically at birth; later it is necessarily recognized as such in society, regardless of a person’s excellent efforts: nationality, gender, race, membership in a royal, imperial or royal family... The kinship system gives a set of the same statuses - son, daughter, brother , sister... There are ascribed, but not innate, statuses that are acquired due to a combination of certain circumstances, for example, through marriage (father-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law). Strictly speaking, ascribed is any status that is not acquired by the personal will of the individual, over which the subject does not have his own control. The achieved status is acquired through the efforts of the person himself with the help of certain social groups. These are the statuses determined by position (for example, director, manager), ranks - military (major, colonel, general), scientist (associate professor, professor, academician), professional (People's Artist of Russia or Honored Master of Sports).
The achieved status is acquired as a result of the free choice of the individual, his personal efforts and is under his control (husband, wife, father, mother). Statuses can be permanent or temporary, basic or non-basic. The main ones are innate, ascribed, achieved, personal statuses. Non-basic - many statuses determined by a short-term situation (passerby, patient, witness, spectator...). There is a point of view that the rights and obligations of holders of temporary, non-main statuses are not registered. It's hard to agree with her. It is even difficult to find an example of such a situation, well, perhaps a lonely person sleeping at home. In most cases, the rights and obligations of non-permanent non-primary statuses, no matter how short the periods of time individuals stay in them, are more or less clearly specified.
At no point does any person exist outside of one or more statuses. If he leaves one of them, he definitely ends up in another. It should be noted that there is such an important criterion of social status as the social rank. These concepts are not the same. Rank is the place of a subject in an invisible hierarchy among members of a given small group. For example, the teaching staff of one department may have several assistants, associate professors and professors, i.e. several subjects have the same social status. But their rank will be different for all of them, and it is determined solely by the nature of interpersonal relationships.
Significant differences in the status acquired by an individual in groups that differ in level of development, content of activity, behavior and communication often become causes of frustration, conflict, etc.
Each status requires and provides the opportunity to fulfill social roles.
Improving the qualifications of a teacher is one of the ways to improve the social status of a teacher
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More than 2,700 people from 14 countries identified a list of commonly known traits and characteristics that can increase (or decrease) someone's social status, as well as the "gender differences and similarities" associated with these criteria.
“People live in a world where relative rank is very important. For example, the category you fall into will influence whether you have access to valuable resources, whether you can make the right connections, and even your life expectancy! - shares David Buss, who is one of the lead authors of the study . “From an evolutionary perspective, meaningful resources flow quickly to those with high status and flow slowly (if at all) to those lower on the social ladder.”
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Diversity of social roles
Since there are many people in the world and each person is an individual, there are unlikely to be two identical roles. Some role models require emotional restraint and self-control (lawyer, surgeon, funeral director), while for other roles (actor, teacher, mother, grandmother) emotions are very much in demand.
Some roles drive a person into strict frameworks (job descriptions, regulations, etc.), others have no framework (parents are fully responsible for the behavior of their children).
The performance of roles is closely related to motives, which are also different. Everything is determined by social status in society and personal motives. An official is concerned with promotion, a financier is concerned with profit, and a scientist is concerned with the search for truth.
So, study participants rated 240 factors of social status. They then distilled these factors into several universal criteria for position in society. The broad scope of the much discussed issue included "actions, characteristics, and events" that could raise or lower a person's social status in the eyes of others.
What comes to your mind when you need to form an opinion about a person? Is he rich and how famous is he? In addition, participants spoke about other factors that help to have an idea about someone. Thus, a person’s social status can increase his willingness to be honest: truthful people are valued in almost any company.
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The next factor that can increase (or, conversely, decrease) a person’s social status is the presence or absence of courage. Today, more than ever, we need people who don't hesitate and take decisive action to effectively run a business.
A good sense of humor also gives others a good impression of you. Why? The ability to look at everything positively and be able to make fun of oneself: not everyone can boast of such qualities.
From birth, a person learns the norms, patterns of behavior and cultural values characteristic of a particular society. This is how socialization occurs and the individual’s social status is acquired. Without socialization, a person cannot become a full-fledged individual. Socialization is influenced by the media, cultural traditions of the people, social institutions (family, school, work collectives, public associations, etc.).
Purposeful socialization occurs as a result of training and upbringing, but the efforts of parents and teachers are adjusted by the street, the economic and political situation in the country, television, the Internet and other factors.
The further development of society depends on the effectiveness of socialization. Children grow up and occupy the status of their parents, taking on certain roles. If the family and the state do not pay enough attention to the upbringing of the younger generation, then degradation and stagnation occur in public life.
Members of society coordinate their behavior with certain standards. These may be prescribed norms (laws, regulations, rules) or unspoken expectations. Any non-compliance with standards is considered a deviation, or deviation. Examples of deviation are drug addiction, prostitution, alcoholism, pedophilia, etc. Deviation can be individual, when one person deviates from the norm, and group (informal groups).
Socialization occurs as a result of two interrelated processes: internalization and social adaptation. A person adapts to social conditions, masters the rules of the game, which are mandatory for all members of society. Over time, norms, values, attitudes, ideas about what is good and what is bad become part of the inner world of the individual.
People are socialized throughout their lives, and at each age stage, statuses are acquired and lost, new roles are learned, conflicts arise and are resolved. This is how personality development occurs.
“We met by clothes. They also conducted it poorly...” (Narodnoe).
It is not so important where and in what area we work, and what our income is. One day we come to the conclusion that we deserve more.
And we understand that to move to a new level, it is not enough to be a competent specialist; we also need to convey to others that we are worthy of it. Let's talk about the external attributes of status (position in society).
There are people who from birth know how to look convincing, and there are real specialists and talented employees who cannot “present” themselves.
Unfortunately, the saying: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their intelligence” -
doesn't always work.
British and American scientists have studied how long it takes us to form our first impression of a person. It turned out that in the first 13 milliseconds! So, it is rather true that “no one gets a second chance to make a first impression.”
Studies have shown that Americans who look better than 67% of those around them earn, on average, $230,000 more in their lifetime.
Because likable workers are more confident and trustworthy, employers tend to believe that they are more capable. In one of the experiments, “employers” paid more attractive “employees” an average 10% higher salary.
Why does this work? This is the " halo effect"
"(halo effect), when we attribute characteristics to attractive people that they may not have, based on overall impression (halo).
Good news: forewarned is forearmed. Here are some tips that will help you raise your status in society through external attributes.
Find a role model
Young artists copy the masterpieces of masters in order to learn, young writers copy famous novels by hand, novice traders repeat the actions of successful colleagues in order to learn how to trade on the stock exchange.
Find someone from the environment in which you want to succeed and “write the words.” Observe how he dresses, what status items he wears, how he behaves (if you are a woman, take a successful woman as a model, do not try to copy men).
Imitate the person, but try to be yourself in everything you do. Maintain your individuality. Imitate him or her until you become a role model yourself; this way you will know that you have achieved your goal.
Image: become “your own”
The laws of society are such that people perceive us according to the principle of “ friend or foe.”
". People tend to treat better those who are similar to them. If we are “ours”, then we can do anything. If we are “strangers”, they don’t trust us. Therefore, our task is to join the environment in which we want to find ourselves.
Be adequate! The style you choose should suit your environment. Business suits or casual clothes? Bright accessories or modest-looking but high-quality clothing items? Smartphone or expensive diary? It's not worth breaking the bank, but if your environment matters what email, operating system, or communication method you use, it's worth paying attention to.
Invest in good and comfortable clothes, shoes and accessories. All this should help you, “sell” you, and not get in the way. It is very important that your appearance does not say “look how much better I am than you”, but “I am here and I am worthy of you.”
Watch your health
We have already learned that society prefers outwardly attractive people. But it's hard to look attractive while looking unhealthy. If our goal is to increase income and status, it makes sense to invest in our health and maintain it at a level.
External signs of health are beautiful hair, healthy teeth (which means a beautiful smile), a healthy back (which means good posture), normal weight (which means a slim figure).
A person with good posture appears taller, and scientists confirm that tall people earn more
. Among working Americans with a height of 170 to 180 cm, each inch (2.54 cm) of extra height corresponds to an average 2% increase in annual earnings. And tall people are much more often appointed to leadership positions. Therefore, for women, high heels are a must-have shoe for moving up the career ladder.
Voice below
We inherited this feeling from our ancestors. A chesty timbre is perceived by us as a sign of superiority, so its owners are automatically recorded as “leaders.” And you should use this!
Few people have a pleasant velvety timbre, but to increase your status you simply need to learn to lower the timbre of your voice, especially if you want to influence the situation and decision. Some women find it difficult to lead because their high-pitched voice is not taken seriously by others and seems childish. Young men with high-pitched voices are just as unconvincing. But you can work on your voice and learn to choose a timbre depending on the situation.
Margaret Thatcher herself took public speaking lessons to make her voice less shrill.
And finally, tip #5!
Slow down
This is paradoxical and does not correspond to our nature. It is so important for us to gain authority, trust, and a place in society; we strive for this so much that, worried, we begin to speak faster and louder, gesticulate and move a lot. People do not take seriously those who shout loudly and talk a lot.
A true leader speaks little and does not waste energy on unnecessary movements.
Each phrase and conclusion is like a stone thrown into water: accurately, weightily, meaningfully, with circles on the water (when what is said forces others to think and look for solutions). If you want to be convincing, stop, pause, listen a lot, ask questions, watch your facial expressions. Search the Internet and try the Quiet Presence exercise to achieve the desired state.
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Step 1. Raising social status.
Probably every person wants to be significant. To be an interesting person, with whom others are very comfortable, who is very popular in society. To be successful, rich in every sense. But the problem is, how to learn this? How to raise your social status? After all, it must be so expensive!
at the School of Social Dynamics in Yekaterinburg
(Social Dynamics School).
The training is called “ Life Fuel”
The Life Fuel training
itself consisted of five days.
1 day (3 hours) - Leadership, Self-affirmation in society, Own status.
Day 2 (3 hours) - Beliefs, Working with limiting beliefs, Personal power, Mind traps
Day 3 (3 hours) - Goal setting, Emotional control.
Day 4 (3 hours) – The path from dating to sex, Disqualification Theory
Day 5 (3 hours) – Building harmonious relationships.
On the first day, the theme of developing a high social status was particularly memorable. How to raise your status to the maximum at minimal cost to yourself?
Is it possible? Maybe!
High social status is formed from seven main components.
There are a number of categories that are an integral part of evolutionary biology and together form social status.
Knowledge of these components and their conscious development lead to an increase in social status, and, accordingly, your attractiveness and significance in society.
1. Health
-1.1. Posture and open body language.
1.2. Even complexion.
Watch your posture and physical fitness. Look straight, sitting somewhere in a restaurant, or anywhere in general, try to take up as much space as possible (like the man in the picture on the right))). Don't stay “stuck.”
2. Social intuition.
Social intuition comes from regular practice and observation. You need to make an intentional move to interact with as many people as possible.
High-quality and constant communication with people around us increases our status in society.
Communicate as much as possible. Be genuinely interested in people. Remember your school days. Guys or girls with a high social status whom the whole school knows. Sociability and constant communication are their main secrets of success.
3. Humor.
Humor is a conductor of laughter, and laughter, in principle, is not a manifestation of a reaction to humor; it is a manifestation of relationships between people.
Well, here, I think everything is clear to you. No need to make shallow jokes. Learn to treat yourself with humor.
4. Influence.
In the Stone Age, the leader had influence and, accordingly, status; later, rulers, lords and popes.
People are influenced by someone who unwaveringly believes in what they say.
5. Wealth.
Wealth means access to resources. In the Stone Age, wealthy meant a person with supplies of food and animal skins. Today it's money!!! Insolvency is not so much a lack of real funds as a lack of AMBITION!!!
6. Confidence.
The basis for confidence is previous successes. Body language is of enormous importance.
Remember the image of a person who is the standard of confidence for you. Draw his image as brightly as possible. Try it on yourself when you need to increase your sense of confidence.
7. Internal image.
A positive self-image manifests itself in thousands of small facial features (mannerisms) when communicating with people.
Everything that is on your mind is reflected on your face, so everything that is on your mind should coincide with what is in your words.
And don't forget. A loser is a person who does not strive to develop these categories at all.
If such trainings are held in your city, and you have the opportunity to attend them, go! You will not regret. If you are from Yekaterinburg, write, I will tell you what trainings I attended and how to get to the Life
. Money spent on self-development pays off a hundredfold. Tested in practice! I would also be glad to receive information about various trainings. Write.
Living in society, one cannot be free from it. Throughout life, a person comes into contact with a large number of other individuals and groups to which they belong. Moreover, in each of them he occupies his specific place. To analyze a person’s position in each group and society as a whole, they use concepts such as social status and Let’s take a closer look at what it is.
Important detail
High intelligence, a wide range of knowledge, as well as hard work are also significant criteria in designating social status. It is great when a person expands his knowledge, but the most important thing is to apply what he has learned.
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What else can help improve your social status? The right attitude towards others. What is meant? If you demonstrate virtue by helping others, use leadership skills to lead employees to success, and are willing to make sacrifices for others, rest assured that recognition from others is just around the corner.
What could lower your social status? For example, theft, aggressiveness, and incorrect attitude towards members of the opposite sex. Expert Patrick Durkee states: “From the gypsies in Romania to the locals on the island of Guam (located in the Western Pacific), people who demonstrate intelligence, courage and leadership significantly increase their social status, which is not the case with those who harm others: such behavior will lead to a decline in their status in society.”
Bottom line
So, it is quite obvious that positive qualities improve your position in society, while negative ones harm both yourself and others.
Durkee sums it up: “One could say that increasing social status is a kind of survival path. There is no doubt that almost each of us tries to show ourselves as righteous in the eyes of others, but not everyone succeeds.” How joyful it is to realize that not only money or fame are a measure of one’s position in society, but also what is available to absolutely everyone: hard work and a sense of humor.
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