Cleaning tartar: causes of tartar on teeth

Why does plaque and tartar form?

The condition of the oral cavity, gums and teeth is directly related to how we take care of their cleanliness and how accurately we follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding hygiene. Do you think brushing your teeth three times a day is the key to oral health? Unfortunately, it's not that simple!

Even the most thorough brushing with a toothbrush cannot remove food particles from hard-to-reach places in the mouth.

But the fact that these particles remain leads to the formation of plaque, and then stone, which gradually destroys the enamel. The reasons for plaque formation can be different:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • incorrect choice of hygiene products;
  • improper tooth brushing mechanism;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • errors in preparing the diet (lack of solid food).

Dental plaque usually forms on the inside of the dentition, accumulating at the base of the teeth, and causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums, the development of periodontitis and gingivitis.


: Tartar can be removed from teeth only by professional methods using special equipment; it is impossible to do this on your own; traditional methods are more likely to harm than help.

The recommended frequency of cleaning teeth from hard deposits is twice a year.

What is tartar

Microbes settle on the enamel during food consumption and digestion and multiply under the influence of a moist, warm environment near the gums. If they are not removed within the next fifteen hours, the process of mineralization of these organisms will begin.

After seven days, mineralization becomes irreversible, and after six months, the “dead” microorganisms turn into natural stone, the shade of which varies from yellow to dark brown.

Thus, up to 30% of tartar consists of organic compounds, and the amount of inorganic components gradually increases from 70 to 90%.

Additional Information. It is necessary to understand that the composition is not constant and varies depending on the period of mineralization. The amount of organic matter decreases with each day of hardening.

Remember that after just a couple of days of lack of careful hygiene, the film forms a rough surface that attracts even more plaque.

In addition, the occurrence of gum inflammation is beneficial to the stone, since this increases the amount of periodontal fluid, which contains the necessary salts and proteins to increase the colony of microorganisms and further mineralization.

Modern methods of removing tartar

The method of removing tartar involves the step-by-step implementation of the following procedures:

  1. Actually cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar.
  2. Polishing the surface of the teeth.
  3. Saturation of enamel with fluoride (fluoridation).

The dental clinic will offer you several ways to remove tartar, namely:

  • Chemical is a not very popular method based on the use of chemicals (usually aggressive compounds) that can soften tartar.
  • Manual - involves performing the procedure manually, is characterized by high thoroughness and delicacy, allows you to efficiently clean the teeth at the very base; The technique is usually used as an additional method in combination with hardware cleaning.
  • Laser is a painless process that has proven itself in practice, the essence of which is the destruction of the integrity of hard deposits with a directed laser beam, followed by the removal of destroyed particles from the surface of the tooth. Despite all the positive aspects, the method has a number of contraindications, including increased tooth sensitivity, the presence of extended teeth or dentures, and a large number of dental fillings.
  • Ultrasound is the most effective method to date, which we will dwell on in more detail.

To remove minor deposits, the Air Flow method is successfully used, which involves the use of a special mechanism for supplying air and a soda solution (sodium bicarbonate + water) under pressure.

The method is characterized by painlessness and atraumaticity, is ideal for removing coloring pigments from teeth, provides simultaneous polishing of the tooth surface, and after cleaning the teeth acquire a special shine.

The technology is suitable for hardened smokers.

However, there is a contraindication to the method - bronchial asthma. The Air Flow system cannot cope with tartar.

Traditional medicine

For those who are interested in how to get rid of plaque and tartar at home, here are some of the most effective remedies.

  1. Celandine decoction.

    The plant is rich in acids, which help dissolve buildup when rinsing.
    Attention! Under no circumstances should you swallow the decoction, since celandine juice contains toxins that can inhibit the nervous system.

  2. Lemon and black radish juice.
    This remedy is recommended to be used not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure.
  3. Decoction of burdock and bean pods.
    The acids they contain (stearic and palmitic in burdock, and allantoic in beans) help soften the salt framework.
    After using the decoction, it is forbidden to brush your teeth, since the enamel also softens and can be damaged.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is the best modern solution

The ultrasonic method of removing tartar combines high productivity and special advantages, such as:

  • No aggressive or harmful chemical effects on enamel;
  • Minimal trauma, can be used even with fragile tooth enamel;
  • The ability to effectively act on deposits of any nature, removing plaque even in hard-to-reach places;
  • The presence of an antiseptic effect (elimination of harmful microorganisms);
  • Efficiency and painlessness of the procedure;
  • Affordable price.

Treatment methods

It is not possible to treat tartar on your own. Tartar removal is performed using practical and painless methods in the dentist’s office:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. This is the treatment of tartar with a scaler. The equipment generates low-frequency ultrasonic vibrations that destroy dental plaque. After this, the dentition is washed with a stream of water, and the enamel is ground and polished.
  2. Air Flow whitening system. In this case, cleaning is performed with an abrasive compound supplied under pressure through a special nozzle. The composition includes air, water and sodium carbonate. The equipment does an excellent job of cleaning the interdental space and effectively removes stubborn plaque.
  3. Laser cleaning. This is a non-contact technique that does not cause discomfort or pain. Tartar cleaning is performed with a directed laser beam, the remaining particles are washed out of the oral cavity with a water-air jet.

Read more about the possibilities of ultrasonic cleaning

Let's continue the conversation about ultrasonic teeth cleaning - the most effective modern method of removing dental plaque, almost completely safe and capable of cleaning teeth from:

  • plaque, including pigmentation;
  • stone at the base of the tooth, above and below the gum.

The procedure is performed using an ultrasonic scaler, through which water is supplied through a vibrating metal nozzle: high-frequency vibration destroys deposits on both sides of the tooth, and the water flow washes out these particles. There simply cannot be any hard-to-reach places for an ultrasound scaler.

The effect is complemented by an antibacterial effect. The procedure is indicated for use with a regularity of once a year.

A competent dentist will definitely prescribe teeth cleaning before treatment; before dental operations, the procedure is absolutely necessary.

This treatment will reliably protect against infection by removing bacteria and germs from the oral cavity. Ultrasound cleaning will also help when choosing the color of fillings and implants.

The importance of the procedure during implantation is determined by the following points:

  • deep cleaning of periodontal pockets, including hard-to-reach ones;
  • disinfection of dental sinuses and canals;
  • teeth whitening on both sides;
  • prevention of caries and gingivitis.

How to prevent the formation of tartar

The only reliable and effective means of prevention is control over the quality and regularity of dental and gum care.

Be sure to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day (morning and evening), ending each procedure with the use of an irrigator. This will help remove soft plaque from areas that traditional oral hygiene products cannot reach.

In addition, it is important to monitor your overall health, promptly seek bite correction and minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates such as baked goods, sweets, etc.

More detailed information is presented in the catalog of oral irrigators.

Ultrasound cleaning procedure

The process is not accompanied by pain and does not cause serious discomfort to the client. Includes several stages:

  1. Treatment of the dentition with a special solution (jet)
  2. Application of a special gel to soften hard deposits
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning
  4. Fluoridation
  5. Polishing

The total time for the entire procedure is up to 1.5 hours.

Why is fluoridation needed?

Cleaning the dentition from tartar may be accompanied by exposure of the dentinal tubules, and this, in turn, leads to increased tooth sensitivity. To prevent increased sensitivity, fluoridation is carried out - treating the enamel with a gel with an enamel-sealing substance based on copper hydroxide (applied using a tampon).

Techniques used:

  1. Simple fluoridation - placing a mold with a special solution on the jaw
  2. Deep fluoridation - applying F-containing varnish separately to each tooth

To achieve a lasting result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

To prevent caries, it is recommended to take a course of 10-14 procedures.

When should you not brush your teeth with ultrasound?

Despite the atraumatic and highly safe method, ultrasonic cleaning has its contraindications. You will have to choose another method in the following cases:

  • with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • in the presence of complex orthopedic structures, including braces;
  • in the presence of implants;
  • patients with tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases;
  • during the period of change of bite in children.

It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in the first trimester of pregnancy, with respiratory diseases, or in a state of acute cold.

Ultrasound cleaning and pregnancy: what's the problem?

Although dental care is especially important during pregnancy, ultrasonic cleaning in the early stages of gestation is strongly not recommended due to the fact that ultrasonic waves, imperceptible to us, can disturb the fetus, causing it discomfort.

In addition, in conditions of unstable hormonal levels characteristic of pregnancy, the procedure can cause swelling and bleeding of the gums

Specialists may refuse ultrasound cleaning to a pregnant woman even at later stages if she has:

  • Pacemaker
  • Dentures
  • A number of diseases (ARVI, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, bronchitis, asthma, sexually transmitted diseases or cancer)

To avoid unforeseen complications, pregnant women should postpone non-urgent procedures until hormonal levels stabilize; As a rule, the risks of dental manipulation are minimized after the second trimester of pregnancy.

In what cases does stone plaque form?

The reason for the formation of tartar is poor quality dental care, in which soft plaque (dental plaque) is not completely removed. High mineral content causes plaque to harden. Using a too soft toothbrush, lack of attention to the interdental spaces and gum margins, irregular oral hygiene, etc. are the main sources of the problem.

But there are factors that increase the likelihood of hard deposits forming on teeth:

  • diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system, in which the chemical composition of saliva changes;
  • malocclusions and dental defects that form particularly difficult areas to clean;
  • wearing dentures, braces, brackets, plates and other structures that make it difficult to properly clean teeth using a traditional brush and paste;
  • a large amount of carbohydrate foods in the diet, which facilitates the gluing of soft plaque particles.

Probability and causes of complications

Like any other dental intervention, ultrasonic cleaning can lead to undesirable consequences. Complications may be associated with:

  • increased sensitivity of the gums (irritation or bleeding);
  • mechanical thinning of tooth enamel as a result of previous procedures using aggressive polishing pastes;
  • using an outdated installation (previously less gentle attachments were used);
  • low qualification of the dentist.

Air Flow technology: softer than ultrasound

The technology involves cleaning the dentition (soft and hard deposits) using a water-air jet based on baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). The combination of properties such as the solubility and abrasiveness of sodium bicarbonate makes cleaning very effective, and flavoring agents are added to the mixture to minimize patient discomfort.

The Air Flow method is particularly gentle on the enamel and has a visible result. The cleaning process involves exposing the teeth to a jet under strong pressure at an angle of 30°, during which plaque (not stone) is softened and removed! The dentist’s task is not to touch open areas of dentin and gums during the procedure.

After cleaning using the Air Flow method, smoking and eating/alcohol consumption is prohibited (from 3 to 6 hours).

Air Flow technology is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • for cleaning implants, metal-free ceramic structures, ceramic veneers;
  • before filling or implantation, during dental restoration;
  • if necessary, mineralize tooth enamel (fluoridation);
  • for cleaning the bracket system.

Cleaning using this technology involves removing a protective organic film, which temporarily makes the teeth very sensitive. Therefore, it is recommended to use mouth rinses and replace your toothbrush.

Methods for removing tartar

How to remove tartar? Naturally, this should be done exclusively in a dental office. Previously, tartar cleaning was done mechanically, using special hooks. Subsequently, they decided to abandon this method. Firstly, it was not painless, and secondly, it was not effective, and damage to the tooth and gums could occur. This caused a lot of problems in the treatment and prevention of periodontitis in children and adults. Currently, there are two ways to remove tartar: laser and ultrasonic tartar removal.


Ultrasound removal of tartar is a new technology in the fight against fossils on teeth, which effectively gives a 100% result in cleaning teeth and gums. However, it must be used with extreme caution in case of cardiovascular diseases and is strictly prohibited if you have a pacemaker. How to get rid of tartar using ultrasound? It's quite simple. An ultrasonic scaler causes vibrations and vibrations of a certain frequency, with the help of which the tooth surface is carefully cleaned of fossils without damaging the tooth. Thanks to the cavitation effect (strong turbulence of the liquid), contact of the device nozzle with the tooth is prevented.

Moreover, when removing tartar with ultrasound, oxygen is released from the water, which disinfects the treated area. In addition, mechanical cleansing of the root and gum occurs. The entire process is absolutely bloodless and painless; only in cases of high sensitivity, tartar removal is carried out using an anesthetic gel.


Lasers are also used against tartar, but this method is not as popular as ultrasound. The principle of operation of the laser is similar to the removal of tartar using ultrasound and is aimed at crushing fossilized deposits into small parts. However, a laser machine is several times more expensive than ultrasound equipment, so not many clinics will be ready to offer it to you.

Air Flow abrasive treatment

The principle of the Air Flow method is to apply a solution under pressure, which contains water and abrasives, to the teeth. The mixture is applied to the teeth under pressure and, as a result of air-abrasive treatment, the surface of the teeth is cleaned of yellow plaque and surface pigmentation. The method is used as an auxiliary procedure after removing tartar with ultrasound. Air abrasive treatment removes its residues in hard-to-reach areas, the enamel is ground and polished. The Air Flow technique can also be effective as an independent procedure, but only in the fight against stone formations in the initial stages.

Chemical etching

Etching is used as an auxiliary technique in the same way as air abrasive processing. Chemical exposure is carried out using acids or alkalis, which allows you to dissolve or soften tartar, facilitating its further removal. Today this technique is practically not used.

Prevention of tartar formation

Whatever technology is used, the procedure for removing tartar is quite expensive, so after cleaning the patient usually comes to understand how important it is to take care of reducing the rate of appearance of new deposits

As a preventative measure, dentists recommend using special pastes that contain abrasive substances (for example, calcium carbonate) and tensides that prevent the creation of tension on the surface of the tooth and, as a result, the deposition of plaque.

Such pastes prevent the appearance of plaque and darkening and are effective in preventing the development of gingivitis, but with prolonged use they lead to thinning of the enamel.

Why does tartar appear?

The cause of tartar formation in children and adults, in most cases, is poor hygiene or an unhealthy environment in the oral cavity. After eating, crushed food debris mixes with saliva and bacteria to form plaque on the surface of the teeth. It can be easily removed with toothbrushes or floss if done in a timely manner. If teeth cleaning is not carried out regularly, and the composition of our saliva is disturbed, then over time the usual yellow plaque hardens, turning into mineralized deposits, which can only be removed with the help of special devices for removing tartar.

Depending on the location in relation to the gum, supragingival and subgingival tartar are distinguished. Supragingival is easy to detect on your own during examination. It is a yellow or brown clay-like consistency that can be removed with a special tool. The main places for the formation of such a stone are in the area of ​​active salivation. Subgingival calculus has a hard base that is dark brown or greenish-black in color. It can only be detected by gum recession or with the help of a probe. The formation of subgingival deposits is possible on any tooth, regardless of the distance of the salivary glands.

How much does professional teeth cleaning cost?

The price of the procedure is determined by the chosen technology, the number of dental units being cleaned, and depends on the prestige and pricing policy of a particular dental clinic.

Approximate prices:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning - from 100 rubles. for a unit;
  • laser cleaning or Air Flow technique (per procedure) - about 3 thousand rubles;

Be sure to also remind your doctor about fluoridation and polishing, which are often paid separately.

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