Causes The main cause of the disease is herpes infection. It is caused by the following strains of the pathogen: herpes simplex
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Probing or bougienage of the lacrimal canal is a procedure that allows you to get rid of dacryocystitis. The disease is characterized by
VASCULAR [tunica vasculosa bulbi (PNA), tunica media oculi (JNA), tunica vasculosa
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Throughout life, a person experiences visual impairment. Black spots may appear before the eyes,
Useful properties of the product The Tentorium company is a domestic group of enterprises that specializes in beekeeping products and
Clinical picture of conjunctivitis in children Connective mucous membrane lining the eyelids on the inside and
Treatment of cataracts with resin The resin should be fir or pine, but not spruce. Funds are collected
When can you become infected? The bacterial form is the easiest to become infected with and can be treated