Epididymal cyst. Symptoms, causes and treatment of epididymal cyst of the right and left testicle

Testicular cysts in men are quite common, but for a long time they do not have any clinical manifestations. In most cases, it is detected when a young man of reproductive age approaches with the problem of lack of pregnancy. If complications arise, it must be removed. Most often, a testicular cyst consists of fat bodies, sperm and seminal cells.

What's happened

Spermatocele is a benign neoplasm that is diagnosed in 1/3 of the population among boys and adolescents.

In appearance, the tumor resembles a bubble with liquid content inside, which consists of sperm, fat cells and seminal cells.

Dimensions for surgery to remove Baker's cyst of the knee joint

Not all patients require removal of a knee cyst.

Depending on the type of development, testicular cysts are classified into:

  • congenital – formed during the mother’s pregnancy;
  • acquired – cystic tumors are formed under the unfavorable influence of various factors at the time of puberty.

According to the location of the spermatocele, it is divided into:

  • left-handed;
  • right-sided;
  • two-way.

The division of testicular cysts into types can also occur based on the structure of the cavity. In this case, the following are distinguished:

  • single tumor with no septa;
  • multi-chamber - contains one or more divisions.

In adolescents, the disease is most often detected between the ages of 14 and 16 years. The location of the tumor formation is the spermatic cord or epididymis. The pathological process can also be diagnosed in newborn male children. In this case, the tumor will be congenital.


Diagnosis of a benign congenital neoplasm occurs at an early age. Among the main provoking factors in the development of the pathological process are abnormal intrauterine formation, which can be facilitated by:

  • probability of risk of natural abortion ;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • injuries during labor;
  • prematurity.

An acquired testicular cyst in a teenager occurs as a result of the development of an inflammatory process in the genitals or as a result of injury to the scrotum.

Epididymal cyst: epidemiology and etiology

It looks like a round cavity filled with liquid. The latter contains a small admixture of spermatozoa and spermatocytes.

Such a cyst can develop in a man of any age, but more often occurs in young men 25–30 years old who have an active sexual life.

In some cases, pathology occurs in utero due to developmental abnormalities. A cavity is formed in the appendage between its tissues, which is subsequently filled with clear liquid.

The causes of acquired cysts include inflammatory processes of the testicles themselves or their appendages, trauma to the scrotum, as well as constant contact with toxicants. The most significant reason is inflammation of the appendage, which disrupts the anatomical structure of the organ, which leads to the formation of a cyst. That is why men who have suffered inflammation of the testicles and their appendages must undergo timely examinations by a urologist.


The development of a cystic neoplasm in the testicles of a boy in the early stages does not manifest itself with any characteristic symptoms. If the size of the tumor is small, it can only be detected by palpation or during an ultrasound examination.

Cyst surgery on the coccyx

Surgery to remove a coccyx cyst is the most effective way to get rid of the disease.

As the disease progresses or the cyst increases in size, the following clinical signs may be detected:

  • enlargement of the scrotum, with which the compaction, which has a soft round shape, can be easily felt;
  • bloating ;
  • redness ;
  • swelling in the area of ​​tumor formation;
  • minor pain in the groin;
  • discomfort during physical activity.

In addition, in some situations, the development of the pathological process may be accompanied by general malaise, which is characterized by lack of appetite, excessive fatigue, and increased body temperature.

Recovery after surgery

After surgical removal of a tumor on the testicles in men is performed, preventive measures are prescribed to reduce swelling and eliminate complications. A bag of people is applied to the intervention area. To relieve pressure, a suspensor is used to provide support to the scrotum. After the operation, a course of antibiotics and anesthetics is prescribed.

Before going home, the patient should figure out how to treat testicles at home. As a rule, antibacterial drugs and antiseptic treatment of sutures are prescribed. You can take a bath, have sex, or lift weights only after the permission of your doctor.

At the Urology Clinic named after. For the treatment of testicular cysts, only the latest technologies are used. Certified specialists, round-the-clock supervision, and modern equipment allow operations to be performed at the highest level, eliminating possible complications. The clinic uses the most modern surgical methods for treating male testicular cysts, the choice of which depends on the patient’s condition.


Due to the accompanying symptoms, a cystic tumor in the testicle is often confused with pathologies such as varicocele, inguinal hernia, and epididymal hydrocele. That is why a comprehensive diagnostic examination is required.

First, a right- or left-sided cyst is examined by a pediatrician, then a urologist and a surgeon.

First of all, the specialist must collect all the necessary information about the child’s complaints, the time when the lump was first discovered, and any history of similar pathologies. It is also important to study the boy’s life, what diseases he suffered, whether there were injuries and inflammation affecting the genitals, and whether any surgical interventions were performed.

Complications after removal of a dental cyst

Compliance with the rules and recommendations during the rehabilitation period after removal of a dental cyst helps prevent the development of a number of complications.

When examining the genital organs, the doctor palpates the scrotum, determines the structure and size of the tumor, as well as the presence of pain.

If these methods are not enough to make a final diagnosis, then instrumental diagnostics are prescribed. These methods include:

  • diaphanoscopy - the procedure involves bringing a light source closer to the bottom of the scrotum, under the influence of which the liquid in the tumor acquires a pink tint;
  • analysis of blood fluid to determine tumor markers, less often - histological examination and biopsy - can exclude tuberculosis, as well as the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • Ultrasound examination of the epididymis - helps to determine the size of the tumor and the nature of the contents inside.

In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed. Thanks to this study, it is possible to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the affected organ. In addition, using the technique, the structure, nature of the tumor, its location and other important indicators are clarified.


It is important to remember that testicular cysts cannot be cured with drug therapy. Modern clinics offer several options for solving a child’s problem.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

Surgical intervention

Before the operation to remove the tumor, the boy must be prepared. The specialist also directs the child to undergo certain tests (biochemistry, general analysis of blood fluid and urine, determination of blood type and blood clotting).

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Surgery is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The choice of anesthetic method is influenced by factors such as the structure and size of the tumor, and the condition of the small patient.

During the operation, the surgeon makes a small incision over the lump, removes the cystic tumor and applies layer-by-layer sutures. To prevent swelling, cold is applied to the operated area.


This method is minimally invasive and is used only if there are appropriate indications for surgery. The procedure involves inserting a special needle through the scrotum into the tumor.

Next, the contents of the cavity are taken and the same amount of sclerosing agent is introduced, which has a destructive effect on pathogenic tissues and glues the cystic walls together.


The method consists of carrying out the same actions that were described in the previous removal method. The only difference is that a special preparation is not injected into the cleaned cavity.

The only drawback of this procedure is its temporary positive effect, since the possibility of re-filling the cavity with liquid contents cannot be ruled out.


When performing laparoscopic surgery, small punctures are made that allow the insertion of trocars. Through them, the necessary instruments and a camera are introduced into the tumor cavity. The entire progress of the operation is monitored on the monitor.

This method is considered one of the safest and does not require a long period of rehabilitation.

Sclerotherapy instead of surgery

If the cystic formation is small and the patient has poor blood clotting, the sclerotherapy method is used.

The scrotum in the area of ​​the formation is pierced with a needle with a tube at the end, through which the liquid will flow out by gravity.

Next, through the same needle, a special adhesive solution is injected into the cystic sac, which will glue the walls together and prevent the sac from filling up again. This procedure is performed only in extreme cases, as its result usually is partial or complete loss of reproductive functions.


To prevent the formation of a cystic neoplasm in the epididymis, it is necessary to adhere to some preventive recommendations.

Sports activities

Experts do not recommend that children under the age of seven engage in traumatic sports (wrestling, horse riding, boxing and others). During training sessions, it is mandatory to wear special equipment designed to protect the body from various types of injuries.


The child must be dressed strictly according to the weather. It is impossible for a boy to stay in cold water or sit on concrete for a long time.


It is important to monitor the child's health. You need to have your urine tested regularly. This will allow timely detection of the onset of inflammation of the genital organs.


Give only healthy food. Include mineral supplements and vitamin complexes appropriate for the child’s age in the daily diet.

You also need to follow the following rules:

  • do not wear diapers for a long time;
  • do not overheat the body;
  • potty training early ;
  • water every day ;
  • maintain hygiene;
  • regularly examine the boy’s genitals;
  • take your child for examination to a surgeon and pediatrician.

A testicular cyst in a child is a common pathology in childhood and adolescence. To prevent the development of a tumor, it is necessary to perform all preventive procedures and be attentive to any changes in the body. To identify tumor formation in the initial stages, it is important to regularly undergo examinations with your child and take the necessary tests.

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