Snoring in men: causes, consequences, treatment

What are the causes of snoring in men?

With obesity, the development of snoring is inevitable.
The causes of snoring in men and women are very similar. However, unlike women's, men's snoring is most often caused by obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol.

  • Obesity

Even slight excess body weight can cause snoring. Often, men who are gaining weight do not take into account that the most dangerous fat deposits are not visible because they accumulate around the organs. When this occurs in the tissues of the pharynx, its lumen narrows, causing snoring and apnea.

Alcohol and smoking are the most common causes of snoring in men

  • Smoking

The development of snoring in a smoking man is almost inevitable. Cigarette smoke causes chronic inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the throat. As a result, the smoker's mucous membranes thicken, which narrows the lumen of the pharynx and promotes snoring.

  • Drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a fairly powerful inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Drinkers may think that after a few drinks they sleep better, but this is not true. From alcohol, all muscles relax, and the lumen of the pharynx can practically collapse. But the brain reacts poorly to oxygen starvation, so a drunk person does not wake up because he has stopped breathing. Obviously, such situations pose a direct threat to the patient’s life.

The following causes of snoring are equally common in both men and women:

  • Age

It is known that among 60-year-old people the number of snorers is close to 65%. With age, muscles inevitably lose tone and elasticity. This causes the walls of the throat to sag, causing vibration and snoring. Those people who care about their health and exercise regularly provide their skeletal muscles with good tone. But few people know that the muscles of the pharynx also need special exercises. By performing simple exercises, you can significantly reduce the risk of snoring with age and even help eliminate existing ones.

  • Congenital structural features of the skull

The culprits of snoring may be narrow nasal passages, an elongated uvula, a small or slanted jaw, as well as some other anomalies.

Allergic rhinitis often causes snoring

  • Diseases of the ENT organs

Allergic rhinitis is often found in people who snore. If it is not very pronounced, then patients may not pay attention to it, considering a slight congestion to be a trifle. But even minor chronic swelling contributes to snoring.

Snoring is also caused by diseases such as polyposis, deviated nasal septum, and enlarged tonsils.

  • Endocrine and neurological disorders

With pathologies such as hypothyroidism and acromegaly, as well as conditions accompanied by elevated levels of prolactin, obesity or uneven growth of certain parts of the body develops. With these diseases, thickening of the tissues of the pharynx and enlargement of the tongue are observed, which leads to difficulty breathing during sleep and even obstruction.

  • Respiratory infections

Swelling of the mucous membranes during respiratory infections, unlike chronic rhinitis, is temporary. So if snoring appears exclusively during ARVI, then to eliminate it it is enough to cure the underlying disease. Rinsing with saline solutions and vasoconstrictor drops - whatever your doctor recommends - will help ease nasal breathing.

  • Taking certain medications

It is worth noting that women resort to taking sleeping pills much more often than men. Benzodiazepine drugs, in particular phenazepam, are especially dangerous. Their depressant effect on the brain and muscles of a sleeping person is even more powerful than the effect of alcohol. With uncontrolled use of sleeping pills, a person with snoring and OSA may not wake up after another stop breathing.

You need to be very careful when taking sleeping pills. If you cannot do without them, be sure to warn your doctor that you suffer from snoring and apnea. This way the doctor can choose a safer sleeping pill.

The wrong pillow can cause snoring

  • Poor sleeping conditions

Sometimes the cause of snoring is low humidity in the bedroom, which leads to dry mucous membranes. Especially the optimal humidity (55-60%) needs to be monitored during the heating season, as heaters dry out the air.

To ensure good sleep without snoring, you should get an orthopedic pillow. Incorrect head position while resting at night can cause snoring and contribute to sleep apnea.

It often turns out that many men snore only when they sleep in a supine position. In such cases, sleeping on your side will help. To prevent changes in position during sleep, you can use special devices.

Sleep rules for snoring

Doctors have developed certain sleep rules for men suffering from snoring. Such measures can reduce its negative impact on health, and in some cases prevent death from acute hypoxia. For some, these measures are enough to cure snoring.

1. Refusal to sleep on your back. This is one of the basic rules for people who snore while sleeping, which sometimes, even without any treatment, allows you to completely eliminate the problem. When positioned on the side, the soft palate and uvula do not sink, and, as a result, air movement occurs without interference. In order to sleep in the right position, they use special pajamas with a pocket on the back where a ball is placed, which, causing discomfort, will not allow you to remain in the wrong position.

2. Sleep with the head of the bed raised. This measure is necessary for severe snoring. Significantly raising the head of the bed prevents airway obstruction.

3. Monitoring the cessation of snoring. Relatives should know for sure that if a person was snoring and suddenly stopped suddenly, without waking up, then this means a complete blockage of the airways. The sleeping person urgently needs to be awakened.

4. Regular visits to a cardiologist. This measure is necessary, since due to disturbances in night breathing, oxygen starvation occurs, which leads to heart problems and significantly increases the likelihood of a heart attack. A visit to a cardiologist allows you to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences, since even minor changes will be detected at the beginning and fully treated.

Compliance with the rules greatly improves the condition of a snorer during sleep and makes his life much more comfortable.

What are the consequences of snoring

Snoring causes family discord
If women are embarrassed by their snoring and sometimes perceive it as a tragedy, then men's snoring is considered something common and even a worthy reason for jokes. But in fact, a man’s “heroic” snoring leads to loss of sleep for all his relatives living with him. Often, spouses go to sleep in separate bedrooms, instead of seeking help from a specialist.

In addition to family problems, snoring and OSA lead to a decrease in a man’s intellectual and physical capabilities, the development and progression of obesity, cardiovascular diseases (which lead to strokes and heart attacks), neurological problems, and decreased potency. Often men ignore the problem, risking illness or even death from sleep apnea.

Nose insert Anti-snoring - for difficult nasal breathing

— How to use: insert into the nose before going to bed and remove after waking up. — How it works: it expands the nasal passages and “allows” air into the respiratory tract. — Who is it suitable for: those who, for some reason, have impaired nasal breathing: respiratory disease, deviated nasal septum, swelling of the mucous membrane, excess weight.

Prevention of snoring in men

Snoring cannot be overcome without losing weight
Considering the most common causes of snoring in men, it is not difficult to name effective methods for preventing snoring and OSA:

  • reduce weight to normal (according to your height and age);
  • limit or completely abstain from alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • sleep on your side;
  • treat ENT diseases and hormonal disorders in a timely manner;
  • Be careful when taking sleeping pills;
  • perform special gymnastics for the muscles of the pharynx;
  • maintain daily routine and sleep hygiene.

What conditions provoke the disease?

Snoring or rhonchopathy is the process of a person's breathing during sleep, which is accompanied by various whistling and wheezing sounds.

This pathological condition is based on changes in the structure of the respiratory tube and the walls of the nasopharynx, the development of vibration in the pharyngeal cavity and palatal tissues due to the passage of air into the lungs.

Sometimes there is a maximum narrowing of the airways, due to which oxygen does not enter the lung cavity. This process leads to apnea, or short-term cessation of respiratory function.

Various factors can contribute to the formation of a temple in a dream. These are anatomical features, inflammatory and chronic diseases, also lifestyle and the presence of bad habits.

Anatomical causes of rhonchopathy include:

  1. ​Distal jaw bite.
  2. ​Underdevelopment of the dental system.
  3. ​Disruption of the normal structure of the nasal septum due to mechanical stress or congenital defects.
  4. ​Wide, voluminous tongue.
  5. ​Pathological elongation of the palatal tongue.
  6. ​Jaw too small.
  7. ​Narrow nasal passages.

These characteristics can be acquired during life or congenital.

Chronic and inflammatory pathologies that act as a cause of night snoring in men are:

  1. ​Bronchial asthma, sometimes accompanied by attacks of suffocation.
  2. Polyps in the nasal cavity.
  3. ​Diseases of the excretory system.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. ​Otorhinolaryngological diseases - rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis.
  6. ​Increase in the size of the tonsils.
  7. ​Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Pathologies of the thyroid gland and various diseases associated with it.

In addition to the listed reasons, conditions that lead to weakening of the tone of the palatine and nasopharyngeal muscles can be contributing factors to ronchopathy. These include:

  1. ​Age changes.
  2. ​Excess body weight.
  3. ​Taking certain medications.
  4. ​Chronic fatigue.
  5. ​Injuries, bruises of organs in the periphery.
  6. ​Uncomfortable pillow.
  7. ​Presence of any bad habits.
  8. Tendency to swelling of soft tissues.
  9. ​Oncological processes.
  10. ​Hormonal disorders.
  11. ​Poor metabolism.

How to treat snoring in men

Device for sleeping on the side
The choice of treatment for snoring in a man depends on the identified causes of the disease. Surgical methods are resorted to only if snoring occurs as a result of structural anomalies or anatomical changes that cannot be eliminated in any other way. In all other cases, therapeutic approaches are used:

  • combating obesity;
  • nasal strips;
  • anti-snoring mouthguard;
  • positional treatment (ensuring sleep on the side);
  • anti-snoring bracelet;
  • special gymnastics.

If, in addition to snoring, a man has obstructive apnea syndrome, then the best way to get rid of the disease is CPAP therapy.

Very often, at appointments, patients ask about treating snoring in men with folk remedies. Any specialist will say with confidence that snoring, and even more so obstructive apnea, can only be cured using traditional methods. Among the folk remedies that sometimes at least slightly reduce snoring include only sea buckthorn oil.

Any man can get rid of snoring

You shouldn’t treat a man’s snoring as a minor inconvenience. Snoring may hide more serious problems that cause irreparable harm to men's health. The only reliable way to return sound sleep to a man and his family is to seek help from a sleep center.

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What to do

Before you start actively fighting snoring, talk to your husband about it. Explain that the whole family suffers from noise, insist on cooperation. Tell him that these problems cannot be left to chance, and that you wish him only the best. Then we move on to active actions.

So, my husband snores a lot, what can I do to get rid of it?

Change the position of the snorer

As a rule, the husband snores when he turns over on his back. Therefore, to fix this, try a couple of effective methods.

Sew a pocket onto the back of your pajamas and place a small rubber ball there. Every time my husband tries to roll over, he will interfere with him and put pressure on him.

Initially place pillows so that during sleep they do not allow the husband to lie on his back. Or ask your spouse to lie sideways on the very edge of the bed. Consciousness controls the body even in sleep, so there is very little chance of falling.

Sometimes, to eliminate snoring, it is enough to raise the head of the bed by 10-20 cm. The husband's head will not tilt back, and his tongue will remain in place during sleep.

Adjust your diet

Snoring is more common among overweight men, so you need to start eating right. Vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, nuts, dairy products. If it is difficult to adhere to a diet, arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week. Make it a rule not to eat heavy food 4 hours before bed.

Drinking regime is a prerequisite in the fight against snoring. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water. Water removes mucus from the body and after a few weeks you can hear the calm, measured breathing of your sleeping husband.

In addition, folk methods will help get rid of annoying snoring:

  • Instill 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil (castor oil) into each nostril for a month;
  • Before going to bed, apply a vinegar compress to your forehead (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 0.5 liter of water);
  • a couple of hours before bedtime, eat one baked carrot (carrot caviar);
  • consume a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped cabbage with honey in equal proportions during the day;
  • drink infusions from cinquefoil root, burdock, horsetail or black elderberry;
  • gargle with warm olive oil;
  • use aroma lamps with rose, sandalwood, chamomile or lavender oil.

Use a humidifier, wash the floors before going to bed, or hang a wet towel on the radiator. You can wake up your husband and give him water. Sometimes snoring is a consequence of dry air in the room.

To achieve results using folk remedies, follow the recommendations for at least 14 days.

Do special gymnastics

Jaw muscle training and special exercises are excellent methods to combat snoring. They effectively prevent the airways from narrowing during sleep.

  1. The root of the tongue should be brought as close to the throat as possible. Perform every day at least 20 times with a 30 second break. The mouth is closed during the exercise; you should breathe through the nose.
  2. Stick out your tongue and try to reach the uvula with its tip. Repeat also at least 20 times.
  3. To strengthen the muscles of the tongue, you need to stretch it and hold it as tense as possible for 5 seconds. Perform in the morning and evening.
  4. Stick your tongue out throughout the day, trying to lower it as low as possible to your chin.
  5. Use your tongue to press firmly on the palate and hold the position for at least a minute. Do the exercise several times in a row with a break of a couple of seconds.
  6. Open your mouth slightly and make circular movements with your lower jaw. 5 times in each direction.
  7. Insert a pen between the teeth. Gently, without fanaticism, squeeze your jaws.
  8. Breathe through your nose. Alternately close one nostril, then the other. Perform 6 passes at a time. 1 nostril=1 minute.
  9. Before going to bed, do belly breathing exercises. To do this, slowly inhale air through your mouth, sticking out your stomach to its fullest extent. Increase the intensity of your inhalation each time.
  10. Strain your neck. In this position, pronounce the letter “I” out loud 20-25 times.

In addition, breathe well before going to bed. Take a deep breath, slowly exhale, inhale, exhale. This will not cure snoring, but will ensure normal, restful sleep.

Change pillows

When a husband snores unbearably, unexpected solutions sometimes come to the rescue. Buy him a special orthopedic pillow and a hard mattress for sleeping - they give the neck the correct position, as a result of which air passes into the lungs unhindered.

Pillows that are too large, high, flat or dense during sleep provoke an incorrect position of the head (its throwing back). This causes the tongue to sink and causes snoring. A properly selected pillow eliminates this problem.

Silence the noise

This method is actively used by wives who chronically do not get enough sleep due to their husband’s severe snoring. All a woman needs is to protect herself from loud night sounds.

First, use earplugs. These special earplugs do not cause discomfort and do their job well. If you have small wireless headphones, play quiet, soothing music and enjoy your sleep.

Secondly, humming noise suppresses snoring well. If you are not bothered by extraneous sounds, place a fan by your bed; its measured hum will put you into a light trance. You can use nature sounds in the room. Turn on raindrops, the sound of a thunderstorm, the rustling of the surf, the rustling of the wind on your computer. This will help not only muffle the unpleasant snoring nearby, but also relax.

If your husband snores so much that it prevents you from sleeping, drink chamomile tea, sleeping pills, or any soothing herbal infusion at night.

Take appropriate medications

To get rid of snoring, products are available in the form of drops, sprays and aerosols.

Medicines will help get rid of snoring if you know exactly the cause. If the ENT excludes inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and larynx, vasoconstrictor drops will be effective: “Snoop”, “Nazivin”, “Vibrocil”, “Sanorin”, etc.

If snoring is caused by allergies, nasal sprays like Flexonase, Nasonex, Aldecin, etc. help. But without a comprehensive fight against allergies, they may not be effective enough. Therefore, exclude dust, pollen, and pets.

In addition, there are homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements that increase the elasticity of the walls, facilitate breathing, and improve the quality of sleep. These are “Snorstop”, “Sominform”, “Doctor snoring”, “Snorex”, etc.

Use special devices

Bracelets, clips, patches, bandages, pacifiers greatly facilitate breathing and ensure restful sleep. Clips, for example, act precisely on those points of the nasopharynx that provoke snoring.

Mouth guards and nipples are designed to push the lower jaw as far as possible, preventing it from sinking. This ensures good air flow and the person stops snoring. Special bandages fix the jaw and force the sleeper to breathe only through the nose. It does not cause discomfort, as it is made of hypoallergenic material.

There are also special devices that are attached to the hand and, when there is a loud sound, give a weak electrical impulse to the larynx (or mechanical irritation directly to the hand). The Chinese called their development Snore Stopper. Such devices are even available in the form of pillows. However, doctors categorically do not recommend resorting to this method of combating snoring. It has been proven that these “helpers” force the sleeper to be in constant tension, which increases irritability, disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system and deteriorates the quality of a person’s life as a whole.

Resort to surgery

Surgery is expensive, but effective. It is effective when the husband snores at night due to the anatomical features of the nasopharynx. To relieve a husband from snoring, they resort to laser surgery or cryotherapy. During the operation, defects of the pharynx, uvula and soft palate are eliminated, sagging areas of the mucous membrane are corrected, adenoid growths and polyps of the respiratory tract are removed. Thanks to this, the problem of snoring goes away for a long time.

Those who are not familiar with male snoring are lucky people. When my husband snores loudly next to me, there is no strength, no desire to sleep, no satisfaction from sleep. The wife develops chronic lack of sleep, irritability, headaches, etc. The problem definitely needs to be solved, because it bothers both spouses. In addition, remember that snoring is a harbinger of many diseases. Don't neglect your health!

What could be the consequences?

Depending on the severity, three types of rhonchopathy are distinguished. The characteristic features of each type influence what consequences the pathology will have:

  1. A mild degree is characterized by isolated snoring, which occurs mainly when a person sleeps on his back and disappears as soon as he changes position.
  2. With moderate severity, snoring appears in any position and can disturb others.
  3. Loud, strong snoring causes disturbance to people in other rooms and severe sleep disturbances. It is classified as severe.

Why is snoring dangerous for men? The periodic occurrence of rhonchopathy does not lead to severe negative consequences. It’s another matter when the sleeper snores heavily and constantly wakes up at night.

Proven method

It turns out that snoring can be tamed by harmless whistling. Just try to make whistling breathing movements while walking. At the same time, raise your head, straighten your shoulders wide and walk measuredly, whistling a pleasant melody.

Breathing combined with whistling strengthens the muscles of the palate and larynx, which helps eliminate snoring. Do the procedure systematically, 15-20 minutes a day.

As you can see, there are many ways to treat snoring. All of them are simple and accessible. The sooner you start using them, the faster you will be able to get rid of snoring.

How will the Sonite anti-snoring mouthguard help?

The innovative Sonite mouth guard eliminates snoring in 90% of cases from the first night of use - and this has been clinically proven by Russian and American somnologists. The device is inserted into the mouth at night, extends the lower jaw, increases the respiratory lumen and ensures unhindered air circulation. Sleeping in a Sonite mouthguard is also recommended for patients with mild to moderate apnea.

The Sonite mouthguard is made of modern material that adapts to the physiological characteristics of a particular jaw. The mouthguard is easy to install yourself, and with proper care, the device can last up to 3 years. Persons over 18 years of age who have no contraindications can use the Sonite mouth guard. Read more about the contraindications, features and benefits of the Sonite mouthguard on the main page of the site.

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