LOD therapy with photostimulation for erectile dysfunction


LOD therapy is a technique for restoring or improving erection using local negative pressure. The advantage of the method is its high efficiency and painlessness. The essence of the therapy is to create low pressure due to pumping out air using a vacuum device, which causes blood flow and an erection. As a result of LOD therapy, erection and sexual sensations are restored, libido and the duration of sexual intercourse increase. Treatment with local negative pressure also improves the hemodynamics of the penis and the elasticity of the vascular walls. LOD therapy can also be carried out for preventive purposes in order to prolong male strength, reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction and improve well-being.

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Advantages of the method:

  • The method is easy to implement, does not cause discomfort, is safe and harmless to the patient;
  • LOD therapy is a painless procedure;
  • Therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments for erectile dysfunction (supplements, physical therapy, etc.);
  • The procedure can be performed in an inpatient or outpatient setting;
  • Compared to other methods of treating male disorders, LOD therapy provides a higher percentage of recovery in the shortest possible time.

How is the treatment procedure carried out?

The erector impact procedure is carried out in specialized clinics under the supervision of a specialist. The patient’s task is to undress and take a comfortable position. After treating the male genital organ with an antiseptic solution, it is placed in a special cylinder. Next, using a pump, air is pumped out of the device.

The reduction in erection that occurs during the procedure is prevented by a ring placed on the root of the penis immediately before the procedure. It does not allow the rushed blood to quickly return to the body. Due to the large amount of fluid in the penis, its cavernous bodies are stretched, which in the future allows them to accommodate a larger volume of blood.

Half an hour after the onset of erection, the ring is removed, which will allow the biological fluid to return to the body. This must be done, otherwise the functioning of the circulatory system will be disrupted. During this time, the man may have intimate contact or masturbate.

IMPORTANT. Although both the device and the man’s body are treated with an antiseptic, before going to the clinic it is necessary to thoroughly clean the groin area and wear underwear made from natural fabrics.

In Russia, only about 10% of men do not have erection difficulties. The remaining representatives of the stronger half of humanity are familiar with such a problem as erectile dysfunction. The method of choice in the treatment of this condition, which can lead to impotence, is LOD therapy (phallodecompression).

Indications for LOD therapy:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Decreased potency (including in adulthood);
  • Debut (initial) forms of impotence;
  • Prostatitis, prostatovesiculitis in chronic forms;
  • Mental disorders of erectile function, neuroses due to fear of possible failure during intimacy with a sexual partner;
  • Curvature of the penis as a result of injury;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • Vascular lesions due to impaired erection;
  • Sexual disorders.

The effectiveness of restoring an erection using local negative pressure does not depend on the reasons that provoked sexual dysfunction, therefore the therapy is suitable for almost all men with such disorders.

Indications and contraindications

LOD therapy is prescribed for the following health conditions:

  • problems with potency of any form and nature;
  • inability to erect the penis of a vascular nature;
  • curvature of the penis as a result of injuries or postoperative disorders;
  • psychological problems causing erectile dysfunction (including failure neurosis);
  • Peyronie's disease with small angles of curvature and small plaques (only as part of complex therapy);
  • rehabilitation after vascularization, penis surgery (including plastic surgery for micropenis);
  • impotence caused by previous cavernitis.

However, despite such an extensive list of indications, painlessness and effectiveness, LOD therapy also has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account. These include:

  • high tendency to form blood clots;
  • the presence of acute skin or tissue inflammation;
  • vascular pathologies associated with a violation of the integrity of their walls (vasculitis, etc.);
  • acute inflammatory processes (urethritis, balanitis, posthitis, etc.);
  • phimosis, paraphimosis and other diseases of the foreskin;
  • kidney and liver diseases in the acute phase.


Before the procedure, the patient needs to prepare - shave the hair in the pubic area and at the base of the penis and take a shower. During the LOD therapy procedure, the patient's penis is placed in a special glass flask, which is connected to the device with a rubber tube. The device is connected to the electrical network, after which the air is sucked out of the flask using a pump and the air is discharged. A decrease in atmospheric pressure promotes the dilation of blood vessels, causing an intense rush of blood to the genital organ, due to which the patient experiences an erection. After 1-2 minutes, the pressure in the vacuum decreases, which leads to a decrease in erection. After 1-2 minutes of rest, the LOD therapy procedure is repeated. Over the course of 10-15 minutes, the pressure in the flask either increases or decreases, during which time the penis repeatedly enters an erogenous state. The procedure must be carried out daily or every other day. Within a week, significant improvements occur, and by the end of the therapy sessions, erectile dysfunction will be completely restored. The number of sessions of LOD therapy is determined by a urologist after a complete examination of the body. On average, the course of therapy is 10-15 sessions. It is recommended to take 3-4 courses per year.

Thanks to the procedure, a kind of massage of the penis occurs. After this, erection is restored and sexual intercourse is improved.

In a multidisciplinary medical center (St. Petersburg), restoration of erection by local negative pressure is carried out using new modern equipment under conditions of absolute sterility, which eliminates the possibility of any risks.

LOD therapy

22Jan To the list of articles 5587

Author: Andreev Yuri Vadimovich Category: Sexology, Urology

Local negative pressure method


LOD therapy is a modern, highly effective unique method of treating sexological and urological problems using local negative pressure. The advantages of LOD therapy are the high efficiency and absolute painlessness of the procedure.

The procedure has a powerful psychotherapeutic effect. Sexually charged sensations are restored, and the positive effects are consolidated and implemented in normal sexual life.

The principle of the method is to create negative pressure in the penis using a vacuum. During the treatment, additional blood vessels open, causing increased blood flow. Blood supply increases and microcirculation in the penis improves, and nerve impulses are transmitted to the spinal center of erection and ejaculation.

The purpose of the procedure is to restore blood circulation in the penis, reflexively stimulate the spinal centers that coordinate the erectile component of sexual intercourse. Comprehensive treatment of the most important links leading to erectile dysfunction is carried out.

Indications for treatment using LOD therapy:

- any clinical variants of damage to the vascular systems of the erectile component;

- psychogenic forms of erectile dysfunction, including the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure;

— debut forms of erectile dysfunction;

— the mental component of erectile dysfunction, including neuroses;

— initial forms of impotence;

— chronic prostatitis and prostate-vesiculitis;

- some forms of potency disorders in advanced age;

- involutional, vascular and some sexual disorders.

Contraindications to LOD therapy:

- malignant tumors;

- local diseases of the external and internal genital organs, such as hydrocele, hernia, varicose veins of the spermatic cord, paraphimosis, phimosis;

- some mental disorders.

Advantages of LOD therapy:

— absolute safety for the patient, as well as painless procedure;

— the highest percentage of recovery and a very short treatment period in comparison with other methods of treating male disorders;

— simplicity of the procedure and its physiological nature;

— the possibility of combining the procedure with other treatment methods.

Preparation for LOD therapy:

Any procedure requires the patient not only to be informed about the main points of its implementation, but also to have certain preparation. It is recommended to carry out the following hygienic procedure - carefully shave the hair in the pubic area and at the base of the penis in order to ensure the tightest contact of the edges of the vacuum flask with the skin.

Progress of the LOD therapy procedure:

LOD therapy is a method based on vacuum vacuum, which not only stimulates an erection, but also improves blood supply to the prostate gland. Also, due to the creation of negative pressure around the sensitive tissues of the penis, the concentration of previously administered medications increases.

The procedure is quite simple, absolutely safe and does not cause any discomfort to the patient. During the session, the doctor places the patient's penis in a special chamber made of organic glass. Air is pumped out of this mini-pressure chamber until the patient has a pronounced erection and a feeling of slight distension and tension in the head of the penis. After a certain time, the vacuum tension decreases, which instantly leads to a decrease in erection. The number of procedures, as well as the duration of exposure to LOD therapy, is determined by the attending physician after a comprehensive examination of the body. LOD therapy is also commonly used for preventive purposes in order to prolong male strength, reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction and improve well-being. Periodic vacuuming leads to stretching of the cavernous tissue of the penis, which helps to increase its elasticity.

Criteria for positive dynamics of LOD therapy:

- the occurrence of a persistent pronounced erection of the penis already in the first cycles of changes in the pressure of the flask;

- increased frequency of spontaneous morning erections;

- improvement of libido;

- restoration of the possibility of sexual intercourse;

— restoration of the quality of erections during sexual intercourse;

- increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

LOD therapy at the DNA Clinic:

At the DNA Clinic, LOD therapy is performed using a Matrix device with a laser emitting head, which, in addition to vacuum massage, carries out a biostimulating effect with lasers of the red and infrared spectra, which improves the result. Depending on the specific situation, the course of treatment averages 10-15 sessions. It is performed only as prescribed and after consultation with a sexologist due to the presence of contraindications.

At the DNA Clinic you can use a service such as LOD therapy. Excellent equipment, highly qualified specialists, an individual approach to the patient, including confidentiality, professional and comprehensive solutions to problems with his health, a friendly atmosphere and polite, attentive service - this is what distinguishes our clinic from many others.



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