Nephrostomy: indications, results Nephrostomy is a special drainage tube that is installed in the renal pelvis. TO
Ureterohydronephrosis of the kidney is a condition manifested as an increase in the volume of the renal pelvis and calyx and
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One of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation is temperature with prostatitis in men. This
RPGN disease belongs to special clinical forms of glomerulonephritis, it progresses rapidly, and in the absence of treatment for
Over the years, many representatives of the stronger half of humanity cannot avoid health problems. Today
Method of distillation and dosage Place 1 tablespoon of leaf in an enamel bowl, pour 200
A urethral caruncle is a polyp in the urethra. This disease affects only women. Neoplasm
Cutaneous staphylococcus (Staphylococcus epidermidis) is a potentially fatal bacterium that is commonly found on the skin, mucous membranes
Nowadays, the problem of men's health is quite acute. Factors such as: sexually transmitted infections,