And do you love me? Yeah! Is it necessary to prove love?

How to prove to a guy that you love him

If a girl still has to prove the sincerity of her feelings towards her husband or lover, she should do this with extreme caution.
Each action has its own price in this case, and therefore a girl can easily go too far with tenderness, which will only lead to separation. How can you prove to a guy that you love him and not overdo it with activity?

There is a stereotype that only women need care and tenderness. However, this is categorically not true. A man's life sometimes turns out to be so difficult that he simply needs support. But there is no need to feel sorry for your partner. A loved one should feel that there is a reliable shoulder nearby, support in any situation. In this case, he will believe in the lady’s sincerity.

“How to prove to a guy that I love him if he doesn’t believe me” - such a common dilemma often forces women to do stupid and rash things. Yes, for one reason or another, a man may not believe in the sincerity of a woman’s feelings, but this does not mean that he needs to beat himself in the chest and prove his devotion in every way

In such situations, a woman should take into account the following tips:

  • do not go too far with activity;
  • do not abuse romantic confessions, but perform sincere actions;
  • try not to give a man reasons to be jealous
  • make sure that your feelings for your significant other are really strong and sincere;
  • avoid clichés in terms of gifts and recognition;
  • try to help a man solve his problems.

Everything seems very simple, but in reality, achieving the implementation of all these tips is extremely difficult. Many women do not understand that their constant confessions devalue the word “love”. That is why you need to act, try to behave sincerely towards a man, and only then move on to words

At the same time, it is important not to go too far with activity, even if it comes to breaking up

If a woman talks too much about feelings and constantly bores a man with her presence, this raises certain doubts about her sincerity. Who knows, maybe her love is a way to show off and hide her true intentions.

That is why it is so important to always show sincerity in everything. It is not necessary to solve all of a man's problems.

However, if he needs support, the girl should be the first to provide it.

How to prove your love to your husband after a quarrel, separation or betrayal? Since it is extremely difficult to find the answer to this question on your own, women often resort to the advice of psychologists.

Falling in love that arose suddenly is very difficult to prove, especially if the man is a cynic

In such cases, consistency is important. A girl must demonstrate the sincerity of her feelings again and again, month after month.

If at first a man may not believe her, then over time he will come to realize female fidelity.

Experts urge you not to forget that a woman in love should always be nearby. Being bored at a distance and pleasing a man by correspondence is one thing, but being nearby and supporting him in a difficult situation is completely different.

If a woman decides to cheat, the first and most important thing she must do is prove that the mistake she made was a one-time mistake. There shouldn’t even be any hints of a new betrayal

A woman must repent, emphasize her guilt in every way and sincerely apologize.

Often, male friends can help a woman. They must be sure that you are the best passion for their lover. People from the outside are often better able to see a person’s sincerity or deceit. That is why, having earned the trust of a man’s environment, you can count on the fact that he himself will believe in the lady’s love mood.

The most difficult thing in the case of this problem is to convince a man of the authenticity of your feelings. Moreover, it will be easy for a truly loving woman to do this, but those who constantly doubt and rush about will have to work hard. Men are great at feeling falsehood; they can easily guess about their partner’s selfish or insincere actions. That is why a woman should act extremely carefully.

A man must trust that the lady cares about his problems. She will always be there, support and understand. Only by catching himself realizing this fact can a man be convinced once and for all of a woman’s feelings.

Karina, Kislovodsk

Things don't always go smoothly in a couple's relationship. Yes, this is correct, because if lovers never quarrel, it means they have huge problems. In this article I would like to tell girls how to prove to your loved one that you love him.

What is your man's love language?

Well-known family consultant Gary Champen identified 5 love languages ​​that are common to both men and women. Understanding these key principles will help make relationships fulfilling and expressing your feelings clear.


Words have weight in relationships. With your lips you can do something to your favorite hero, and they can also destroy a relationship.

  1. Talk about how much you love him.
  2. Praise all his endeavors and achievements.
  3. Don't judge mistakes and give your loved one words of encouragement and support.

Every man wants to be sure that his woman is his support and support. Become the person about whom you can safely say “she is with me through thick and thin.”

Turn your conversations into useful and positive interactions. Let every word fill your man with self-confidence, his strengths and make him successful.


Spending time together is one of the ways to express love. By giving your man your personal time, you will emphasize his importance in your life and demonstrate that he is a priority for you.

Do not confuse the concepts of “together” and “nearby”. Quite often, couples spend a lot of time next to each other, but at the same time they are in their own world and do not pay worthy attention to their half.

While walking or having dinner together, do a few simple things:

  1. Turn off your phone and don't be distracted by calls or social media.
  2. Don’t overwhelm your loved one with a stream of meaningless information, let him do the talking this evening.
  3. Prepare for spending time together: get yourself in order, think about your leisure time together, cook his favorite dish.

This way, your attempt to say “love” will be truly effective and will give the long-awaited result.


For some reason, many women are sure that men do not like gifts and they get real pleasure from buying expensive gifts for their beloved. This is a misconception. Many men love gifts and enjoy even the simplest trinkets from their beloved.

If you want him to understand that you love him, then give him an original gift.

How to choose a present?

  1. It is not the price that is important, but the relevance of the purchased product.
  2. Don't be trite: socks and shaving foam are a thing of the past.
  3. Don't turn a gift into barter. Let this be a free and unconditional step on your part.
  4. Your present shouldn't be too expensive. A man may perceive this as an attempt to hint at his insolvency and low income.


In order not to make a mistake in choosing a gift, first consult with his friends or family. They can offer not just an interesting, but also a practical gift that will not, in the future, gather dust somewhere on a shelf.


Love without action is just empty sounds. If you want to express your feelings for your beloved man, then do things that confirm this.

You don't have to do anything crazy or come up with brilliant plans. A simple delicious dinner, an ironed shirt, a clean and cozy home filled with warmth and love - all this will say that you love him.

Don't turn into another overprotective mom. It is worth remembering that, first of all, you yourself are important, your sweet smile, gentle look and sexy appearance, and everything else is a bonus to the relationship.


The latest love language identified by psychologist Gary Champion is touch. Physical contact plays a huge role in relationships. Psychologists have proven that if a squabbling couple joins hands at the moment of conflict, then within the first minutes the quarrel will begin to subside, and the lovers will reach a consensus.

Do you want to show your lover that you love him? - then add more hugs, touches, kisses to your relationship. You shouldn’t deny your spouse intimate intimacy and blame headaches.

Psychologists' opinion

The advice of psychologists boils down to a few rules and gives effective results in both building relationships and restoring trust. The most proven ones are:

  1. 1. If a guy doesn’t trust a girl because of negative experiences in the past, you can mention that you are also familiar with this situation firsthand, but do not go into details. And that they dealt with it because they wanted to be happy and loved, no matter what. We must convey to him that one dishonest person cannot judge everyone poorly. He has a lot of good qualities and is sure to be loved by someone. Perhaps even a worthy girl like her.
  2. 2. Separate for a while, but regularly send him SMS, take an interest in his affairs, talk about yours, but do not write that you miss him. It will be useful to prove your love and loyalty from a distance.
  3. 3. Select him and show him in public that you are dating the best guy. Under no circumstances should you be ashamed of your boyfriend. He needs to know that the girl considers him worthy and is happy to be with him.
  4. 4. Do not rummage through his things and do not create scandals. The couple should develop a trusting relationship based on respect.
  5. 5. Give compliments and gifts. Praise for your help and give cute souvenirs. These could be objects of his hobby or just men's gifts. The way to the heart of many men is through the stomach, and he will definitely be delighted with homemade cakes or an unusual and satisfying salad.
  6. 6. Be attentive and take care. These are the first and most important indicators of love, precisely defining this word.

After being patient and gaining experience in proving her love, a girl may feel tired and even doubt whether she really loves her boyfriend. And then it will be his turn to show that her efforts are not in vain, and they really have a real feeling that must be protected.

Showing tender, sincere feelings for your loved one helps maintain strong romantic relationships.

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Although it is not common for men to demand proof of love from their woman, during difficult stages of a relationship, the words and actions of a partner can make up for unpleasant moments and show how much she values ​​the person. Such actions inspire the stronger sex to provide mutual care and love.

Does love need proof?

Many people consider the question inappropriate: “How can I prove to a person that I love him?” Indeed, feelings are not a theorem. True love is more than just external manifestations. Real feelings cannot be confused with anything. People feel those invisible threads that connect them and will not exchange them for any external manifestations. Many even see falsehood in some beautiful actions. However, you shouldn’t give them up altogether.

There is no need to perceive a beautiful and noble act as an attempt to prove something. If you really love a person, then not a single stereotype will keep you from doing something nice for your other half. His sincere and genuine joy will fill you with vital energy and inspire you to new achievements.

Both work

However, it is always worth remembering that a relationship requires the work of both members of the couple, and not just the girl. As they say, you can't clap with one hand. If a young man does not try at all to maintain the relationship, it is worth thinking about whether this is love, or maybe just a convenient and pleasant pastime of two beautiful young people.

Many of us need proof of love from time to time. As a rule, they are wanted by those people who themselves experience the most sincere feelings, but are not confident in their other half. It is usually unusual for men to demand actions or words of love from girls, but in difficult periods of a relationship it is simply necessary to show your loved one through words and actions that he is truly dear.

You can often hear the opinion that only guys should look after and take steps in developing relationships, and girls are not obliged to prove anything to anyone, their only job is to happily accept signs of attention. In fact, this is a misconception about relationships, and such an attitude will not lead to anything good. Psychologists say that both partners should work on the relationship. And this is true, since couples where one experiences trembling feelings, and the other only allows himself to be loved, as a rule, break up after some time.

It’s good when a woman, through words and deeds, helps a man understand that he is truly loved. This encourages him to respond. Mutual care helps you easily get through turning points in a relationship and not lose your true feelings.

Give compliments

It's not just women who love ears. Make compliments a regular part of your communication with your boyfriend. Note how a man's clothes or hairstyle suits him. Say that you like it when your loved one looks great, rejoice in big and small successes.

Remind him more often in simple, everyday situations that you consider your partner beautiful and strong. Sincerely praise when a man helps you move or open something.

Many guys take admiration as proof of love.

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How to behave as a girl

A girl should show delicacy and caution if she does not want to alienate a young man who is disappointed in love. To prove to a guy that this is a real feeling, patience and the correct expression of your feelings will help

It is necessary to create an atmosphere of trust, calm and comfort around yourself. You should not compare him with other men and talk about past love relationships. You cannot be intrusive and openly offer your love.

You need to be interested in his affairs, be able to cheer him up and be useful in at least something. This behavior will encourage him to look at his girlfriend with respect, and over time he will feel the need for this person. Having earned the guy's trust, you should start confessing. First, hint about your interest by correspondence, sending him SMS on his phone or letters by email.

You need to remind yourself more often and be available, at least by telephone. We can humbly mention that we are happy that we met such a person who has so many virtues. Men also love compliments, and they are pleased to hear good words about themselves .

They don't understand hints, but they see inviting glances. Calmly talk about your feelings, but do not expect immediate declarations of love and do not be offended without hearing a mutual response.

You have to convince yourself of your love in the following cases:

When a girl feels guiltyYou need to apologize and then explain that your feelings haven’t changed and it’s all because of a bad day. And the bad boss at work or the teacher at the university is to blame for the spoiled mood. She just lost it and her harshness has nothing to do with him
When you offended a guyBriefly apologize and assure that this will not happen again. Show sincere remorse and offer to make amends
If he doubts her fidelityIt all depends on why he doubted her honesty. If he already has experience of cheating, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise. We need to talk and find out why he decided that his beloved was cheating on him, and who told him this. Be sure to find out everything and make peace

How to recover from the need for proof of love?

If you ask your man, even jokingly: “Do you love me?”, then it’s time to think about whose love you are really looking for and whether you are looking for it there. Likewise, if you have a clear need for constant praise and recognition at work.

What to do about it?

An honest and frank conversation with a partner, a psychologist, and yourself is the remedy that will save you. Of course, it is important to be aware of your feelings and have the courage to voice them. If it doesn’t work out, then a psychologist can help. An experienced specialist will help you identify emotions and hidden needs, and then build a correct conversation with your partner.

Basic methods

A woman who proves love through actions can soften unpleasant moments in a relationship. There are many ways to prove how dear a person is to us. All of them will inspire the guy to take serious, important actions.

In words

Convincing a person of sincerity is not difficult. Therefore, more often let your loved one understand in words how dear he is to you, that he is strong, brave, wise... But if the girl’s words differ from her actions, the guy will stop trusting her.

If you declare love to a man, then you should not:

Accept attentions and communicate frivolously with other young people. Some girls try in this way to revive relationships that have become ordinary. But usually men consider communication with others to be a betrayal

It is important for them to trust the girl and know that she will definitely not flirt with anyone else. Don't be ashamed of your loved one. Even if he does wrong, he should always be supported and take the man’s side

If you are unhappy with the behavior of a young man, you can tell him about it. But only in private. Do not humiliate a man: he is unlikely to forgive you for this. Raising your voice is also prohibited. Even if you are offended or suffering from a bad mood. Let your loved one feel that you are serious and respect him.

Another way you can prove your love to a guy is to praise him more often. It’s also a good idea to sometimes use affectionate nicknames

Pay attention to the guy more often: call, if it is not possible to meet in person, you can write a love letter

By actions

A reverent attitude towards a loved one is also proven by actions. Caring for a man is normal. You want to please him, right? There are a lot of simple ways to say about love without words:

  • prepare a romantic dinner;
  • arrange a surprise (a poster with a declaration of love, delicious coffee and pastries in the morning will do);
  • make a small but interesting gift.

Original ways

If you prefer original ways to prove your love to a man, use our ideas:

  • Make a photo album, collecting the most positive and vivid memories. Try to put a part of yourself into it. Such a gift can be given for a holiday or for no reason at all.
  • Give your loved one a real “relaxation”! If he is tired at work, prepare a hot bath with aromatic oils and place candles nearby. Let him relax and feel happy.
  • Write “secret” notes to your lover. Put them in the pockets of his clothes, bag, wallet, under the windshield wipers on the car, etc. Even if the note contains a simple “heart”, it will help brighten up even the gloomiest day.
  • You can also confess your love through dancing. Relax, hug your partner and move to the beat of your favorite music. It brings us very close.
  • Come up with an original quest - hide a gift for a man and place clues around. They can remind you of valuable moments in a relationship. May the game be special for both of you.

How to prove that you love a guy from a distance?

Even if the object of deep feelings is far away, you can still prove your love to him. The first proof is loyalty. If a couple has many mutual acquaintances, the guy can easily find out that the girl is not bored in his absence, and this information will probably be conveyed by both his friends and her girlfriends. Therefore, if a girl wants to prove her love and loyalty, she must behave impeccably.

The second way is constant attention to the affairs of your loved one, his mood, etc. Today there are many ways to communicate, so even at a great distance you can always talk and see each other

And the last piece of advice for girls who want to know how to prove their love to a guy - don’t forget about a sense of proportion. A girl’s excessive clinginess will not only not attract a guy, but will rather repel him. Love does not exclude self-respect.

At the initial stage of a relationship, when people do not know each other well enough, doubts about the sincerity of feelings are quite normal. Our article will tell you what signs you can use to find out whether a guy really loves you.
This article will be of interest to both men and women. It examines the question of whether friendship exists between a guy and a girl and whether there is meaning in such a relationship. After reading it, you will find out how such a friendship can end, and how such relationships are dangerous.

You might want to think about this5

Love doesn't need proof, love needs manifestations:

  • The easiest way is to choose beautiful words and phrases, poetic lines. But they must come from the heart. It is important that more than just words are spoken. It is important that the words are filled with feelings. In our age, the possibilities for communication are great: telephone, SMS messages, Skype, email, social networks, etc. And your SMS with tender words of love in the midst of a working day can not only give new strength to your partner, it can even inspire him. After all, it is proof that they remember you, think about you, and love you.
  • Praise. It is often forgotten, but praise is proof that you and your actions are worthily appreciated. There are plenty of situations for this: renovations in an apartment, a repaired faucet, a trip to the grocery store, even a trash can that is taken out on time. Be wiser, praise your loved ones more often. It’s not for nothing that they say that a kind word is pleasant for a cat.

  • You can choose gorgeous flowers and present them with words of love. You can buy an expensive gift. This is nice, but life shows that most people don’t prove love with gifts.
  • The best manifestation of love is caring. Sometimes the phrase “How are you feeling, maybe a cup of tea?” means more than a thousand of the most beautiful words and a million of the most expensive gifts. The most passionate vows cannot replace the manifestation of tenderness - tenderness of eyes, feelings, hugs, tenderness of actions.
  • Love doesn't just need words, love needs actions. They are the true proofs of love. And it is not at all necessary to move mountains for your loved one. Sometimes it’s enough just to cook his favorite borscht deliciously, meet him with an umbrella in the pouring rain, knit warm socks or clean the apartment for the arrival of his other half. Your fantasies and love will prompt the situations themselves. Go for it. Love and be loved.

How to express your love for a guy

There is nothing wrong with confessing your love to a guy or a man - it will be equally pleasant for both him and you. This can be done romantically or creatively, using messages, cards or any other means - the main thing is to do it differently each time. Today we will tell you how to show your love to a man in different ways.

Even the smallest signs of attention on your part can say a lot to your significant other. All kinds of cute souvenirs - plush toys, keychains and other little things are quite inexpensive - the joy of the person to whom you present it is much more expensive. You can attach postcards with touching declarations of love to such gifts;

You can make this kind of Valentine’s card yourself. For example, you can stick dried flowers and photographs of you together on thick paper or cardboard, and write beautifully about your feelings inside

Believe me, such a recognition will not leave your boyfriend indifferent - he will definitely react to your attention and think about a reciprocal gesture;

Another option to show your love to a man is a walk. Invite him to take a walk around the evening city. You can probably hide small candles in your purse. Arrange them in a heart shape on the park alley and light them up. The guy will undoubtedly understand your attitude towards him. In the same series there are confessions written in the snow or on asphalt with paint.

If your boyfriend is a music lover, and you know which radio station is always broadcast in his headphones, you can order him a beautiful love song and say a few tender words. The ideal option is when you personally have a beautiful voice - then you can sing a romantic song for him personally. You can record a song in the studio and present him with a disc with an audio recording in a gift box;

Today, temporary tattoos are also made using organic or chemical inks. Choose a stylish ornament with your boyfriend’s name, write a declaration of love - such a surprise will definitely hit him right in the heart!

You can express your love for your boyfriend by giving him souvenirs or keychains. Such trinkets are not expensive, but the very fact of attention is important. In addition, such small gifts can be complemented by a postcard or a small letter with a confession in the language of love. As they say: “It’s a small thing, but it’s nice.”

But the most important, simple and main answer to the question “how to express your love for a man or boyfriend” is an unexpected recognition when you yourself, without thinking about it, tell the guy about your feelings that overwhelm you.

No matter what advice we give, there is no doubt that all the best things happen to us by chance. Therefore, the most sincere recognition can be one moment when, under the influence of the moment, you, looking him straight in the eyes, say about your endless and bright love for him!

In the modern world, many people are accustomed to throwing around loud phrases. They talk about love, actively confess their feelings to everyone they meet for just a couple of weeks. As a result, the concept itself suddenly begins to depreciate. That is why the question of how to prove to a guy that you love him is becoming more and more relevant. If simple words no longer work, it’s time to take action.

Why prove your love at all?

Girls often think about how to prove to a guy that I love him, because it is impossible to see this feeling with your own eyes, to touch it. Why is there a need to prove feelings at all? Perhaps the beloved requires confirmation of words about love. But don’t rush to follow his lead. Think about whether such a man is worthy of you, and how he treats you?

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Why do we strive to prove our love for a man? The reason may be in his past. For example:

  • A young man suffers due to the betrayal of his ex-wife.
  • He experienced unrequited love as a teenager.
  • A man is an egoist, and he is pleased that the world “revolves” around him.

Of course, you can prove love. Any girl knows a couple of methods on how to do this. Advice from experienced friends and psychologists will help resolve the situation.

How to express the main thread

To make a guy understand that he is truly the most precious and valuable thing for you, you should constantly focus your attention on him in the process of communication. What he experienced, what he felt, what he thought about in this or that situation

For example, when he talks about some event, say an unpleasant one, first of all you should ask whether he was hurt, whether what happened affected him. Only then clarify the details and express your opinion on this matter.

Show sensitivity to his emotions. It is necessary to rejoice with him when he is happy, and show your dissatisfaction and indignation if someone upset or offended him. If he shared with you his experiences related to unpleasant words spoken to him by someone, or a dishonest act committed towards him, it is necessary to express his extreme condemnation about this. Say something like: “well, you understand that this person said something stupid” or “he did this out of envy of you, he will never achieve such success.” You can add something else like: “How beautifully you came out of this situation, I would like your endurance” or “It’s so good that you did exactly that, that’s why I love you.”

Demonstrate the importance of his opinion to you. Ask for advice as often as possible and follow it

The guy should feel that his opinion is not only important, but also necessary for you. Sometimes you can say the following phrases to a guy: “today I was so confused in one situation, I didn’t even have time to think carefully, so I just imagined what you would do” or “I often ask your advice because I admire your ability to find the right way out” . And any conversation can end with a phrase from the series “I’m so happy that I have you.”

Well, don’t forget to say kind words to the guy, and periodically say the cherished phrase “I love you.” All this together will help him believe in your love. If he asks for proof, perhaps he just likes your expressions of love and wants to experience them as much as possible. Then don’t refuse him, pamper your loved one!

How to explain love in words?

The man is happy to hear “I love you.” But do not abuse such recognition, otherwise it will lose its meaning and turn into an empty phrase. To explain to your partner how much he is loved, a more original, creative approach to the issue is recommended.

  1. Exclusivity. Don't use famous quotes. To convince a guy that he is needed, compose an original declaration of love. “I don’t want to live in this world without you,” “I can do anything because you’re near.”
  2. Thank you, praise. Emphasize the little things. I washed the dishes, helped carry heavy bags, opened the door, let me in - “Treasure”, “Angel”, “Gentleman”.
  3. Delight. Guys love to look good. However, do not forget to emphasize masculinity. “You are so beautiful in your new T-shirt that it emphasizes the relief of your body,” “A beautiful hairstyle makes you even more brutal.”
  4. Opening. Don't forget to share your experience. But you're exaggerating by turning the guy into a personal therapist, no. “Today I had a fight with my friends, so I’m a little in a mood,” “There’s an office party coming up, and I don’t know what to wear. Do you have any advice? — Direct appeals show complete trust in the partner and emphasize the importance of his opinion.
  5. Seriousness. A little irony can backfire. Love does not tolerate jokes. Avoid using phrases such as “If you don’t help me, I’ll find someone else.”
  6. Sincerity. You need to confess your love from the heart. The emotional state is important. There is no need to say “I love you”, sit at the computer or look at instant messages.
  7. Surprise. You don't have to wait for a special occasion to prove that you love. For example, when a man comes home, say: “I missed you,” “Now I’m calm.” It's the little things that make up relationships.
  8. Consequence. Don’t get tired of explaining that the person is wonderful, kind, and sensitive.

These words must follow nonverbal cues. Look your loved one in the eyes. This shows how confident you are in what you are saying. Remember, appearance is a powerful weapon. According to psychologists, a loving person looks with special tenderness and warmth.

Watch your voice. When you talk about intimacy, change to a lower tone. The guy will feel that you are being honest.

Choose the right moment for confession. Since love is two people, you should not explain to a man how much he is loved in the presence of strangers. It's more like bragging. Playing games of the heart with the public is simply unacceptable.

This is not the time to explain your love - before or immediately after intimacy. Confession while intoxicated should be avoided. Words spoken by a drunken fool will not be taken seriously.

How to prove your love in the end

Couples in love often play this game: “Prove your love.” All people want to be loved. And in order to feel the love of another person, you need to show your love for him yourself. If you only demand love for yourself and do not give the same to your partner, then naturally all the feelings that he experiences for you disappear, because they are not supported by confidence in your feelings. Every person wants to be sure that he is loved, because this is the only way he feels safe, knowing that his love will be accepted and appreciated.

How to prove your love? It’s not enough to just talk about your feelings, you also need to actually demonstrate them. If you want your partner to believe in your love, start doing everything with love. Imagine that your loved one needs absolutely everything that you can do for him. Give it to him! Do everything that you are ready to give to your loved one.

The first sign of your love will be the lack of demands to do anything for you. In other words, you make your girlfriend happy, do something towards her, satisfy her needs, but do not demand anything in return. You feel good just because you make a girl happy, so you don’t demand any action from her.

The second sign of your love in your actions is that you try to show your love, and do not expect it from your girlfriend. You do something for your loved one to show your love, and not to then demand love for yourself. You are ready to do anything for her, even if she, in turn, does not demonstrate her love in any way. This is a kind of sacrifice, which is based on the fact that you want to help another person live much better than they currently have. This is love when you help rather than demand help.

To be loved by people, you need to love yourself. If you don’t love, then your partner will soon stop showing his love for you. This is natural and exactly the opposite: if you love, but see that you are not loved, then you will soon realize that it is better to find another partner who will treat you the same way you treat him. You don't need to waste your time on those who don't want to love you. After all, love is not just a feeling, but also an action that is aimed at making the life of a loved one happier and more fulfilling than it currently is.

What do girls advise?

“How can I prove to him that I love him?” It is not surprising that many girls ask this question. The fact is that men are less sensitive than women, and therefore, in order to demonstrate your feelings to them, you need to take certain measures. Friends could advise you the following:

  • One of the most eccentric ways is to get a tattoo with his name. Of course, any guy enjoys such attention, but try to find out in advance his attitude towards drawings on his body. In addition, evaluate the seriousness of your own feelings, because removing the tattoo will not be so easy.
  • If your lover doesn't notice your feelings, talk about them. Loud, whispered or in writing - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to convey information. Words of love will not go unnoticed, even if they are said in passing.
  • Not only girls love extraordinary actions. Guys are also not averse to receiving something unusual as a gift. For example, if your loved one is interested in cars, give him a cake in the shape of a car.
  • You need to pamper your boyfriend. Find out as much as possible about his passions (food, movies, music, sports). Also try to love it all in order to be on the same wavelength with him.
  • Men are very careful about their things. Show them that you like them too. When visiting a guy, wear his shirt, wrap himself in his blanket, drink from his cup. But watch the reaction! If you notice even the slightest tension, then this is not your method.

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