Disliked syndrome - how to understand that your child is disliked?

It is known that mistakes made by parents in raising a child can radically change a small personality and haunt them throughout life: relationships may not work out, they may be constantly plagued by anxiety and tension, chronic fatigue and emotional blocks. Who are unloved children and what does the “unloved syndrome” hide behind? What consequences can haunt such children by adolescence and how to help them?

The unloved child syndrome occurs due to a lack of love and attention from significant adults for the child and can begin to form even at the stage of intrauterine development. For harmonious development, every child needs parental love, emotional contact with his mother, which is inherent on an instinctive level as the need to form an attachment with someone who will help him survive in this world. But a child cannot always satisfy his desire, for a number of reasons:

  • inability to show feelings on the part of parents - often mom and dad simply do not know how to show their love correctly, giving the child the latest trends in the world of toys and expensive gadgets, including cartoons and leaving him alone with hour-long animated series instead of reading a book or sculpt from plasticine. Such children are clean and tidy, they operate a mobile phone no worse than adults, but they clearly lack attention, affection and ordinary tactile contact.
  • individual and personal characteristics of the child - all children are different and the amount of parental love for each can be extremely different: for some, a single hug when getting up in the morning is enough, and for others, they are ready to bathe in them until the evening. Do you know how much momentary tenderness will be enough for your baby to achieve inner harmony?
  • the appearance of a sibling - with the appearance of brothers and sisters, parental love becomes more and more “scattered” and, often, the elders begin to be deprived of care and affection. Psychologists note that with the advent of the second child, the behavior of the first-born changes - if the first-born is older than four years, he tries to attract more attention to himself during this period, plays the role of a baby and constantly asks to be swaddled, rocked in his arms, trying to be saturated with love.
  • dislike - let's call this point like the film of the same name by A. Zvyagintsev. It is possible that a child cannot receive love because he is not loved at all - this happens with unplanned pregnancies, lack of parental privacy, psychological unpreparedness for the birth of a child, etc. With this outcome, it is difficult for parents to hide the lack of love that the child feels on an intuitive level.

What consequences await children who are unable to nourish themselves with parental love and affection?

Someone who was disliked in childhood can be easily recognized in adulthood by certain key characteristics.

Key signs of “being unloved syndrome” in adulthood

1. Distrust of people - if a child did not have a stable and favorable emotional environment in childhood, it will most likely be difficult for him to learn to trust people, which guarantees difficulties in future family and sexual life.

2. Inability to manage emotions – family plays a significant role in the formation of emotional intelligence. An unloved child, unable to control and understand his negative emotions, will experience persistent emotional pressure and blocks in the future.

3. Fear of making a mistake - unloved children often have problems with self-esteem, and throughout their lives they are haunted by the “excellent student syndrome,” indecision and a strong fear of making a mistake.

4. Increased vulnerability - the fear of rejection haunts those who have not received enough love and attention from loved ones and significant people. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a tendency to show increased sensitivity to criticism and comments are directly related to the awareness of uselessness in childhood.

5. Problems with one’s own children - there is a high probability that no matter how hard a “disliked child” tries at a conscious age to avoid a similar fate for his children, he will unconsciously, unconsciously copy the behavior of his parents or the diametrically opposite one - excessively pamper, give gifts and elevate the baby to the rank of worship.

The consequences of not being loved and the key signs of this syndrome in adult life, at a minimum, make you think, and at maximum, analyze your behavior and understand whether the child has enough love at this stage?

Unloved child syndrome

Potaraeva Anastasia

Unloved child syndrome

Unloved child syndrome

“If, as a child, a person is satisfied with tenderness and love, then later he has the strength to overcome the problems that he will encounter in life...

If parents do not behave towards their children with tenderness and love, then the children subsequently begin to develop mental disorders” (Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets. Words. Volume IV Family Life)


The words of psychologists that all the problems of adults come from childhood are not an empty phrase. It has long been noticed that children who experienced a lack of love grow up to become not the happiest adults with a lot of complexes. An adult may face the fact that his personal life is not working out, his career and interpersonal relationships are not building, there is constant fatigue, aggression or apathy.

Psychologists call unloved child syndrome

one of the most dangerous, because because of it, starting from adolescence, a person experiences great difficulties in life.

What is lovelessness syndrome ?

The child feels that close people (in particular, parents)

do not give him as much attention and love as he needs.
The syndrome can begin to form even during the period when the mother is carrying her baby.
Instinctively, a little person needs a warm relationship from mom and dad, since he associates his safety and ability to survive with them. But parents cannot always give their son or daughter warm feelings, and there are several reasons for this: Adults do not know how to show their feelings. Parents lavish their children with expensive toys, buy newfangled gadgets and fashionable clothes. Their child is always neat and well dressed, has everything one can dream of. At the same time, parents do not understand that expensive things are not a manifestation of love. Instead of spending free time together, reading books, playing, walking in the park, mom and dad turn on cartoons on their tablet and laptop, sincerely believing that their child feels cared for and happy.

Reluctance to get to know your baby better. All children are different, and each needs their own individual portion of tenderness and affection. For one, a morning kiss is enough, while the other needs constant tactile sensations: he wants to be hugged, held by the hand, kissed. The task of parents is to determine what their baby needs and satisfy his needs.

The appearance of a younger family member. With the birth of a baby, parents begin to devote less time to their older child : he no longer receives as much warmth, attention and affection as before. Child psychologists warn that with the appearance of a younger brother/sister, children over four years of age begin to actively attract the attention of their parents. They may behave like babies, be capricious, scream, ask to be held, and stop dressing or eating on their own.

Dislike for your child . Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs quite often. This usually happens when the pregnancy is unplanned, mom and dad are divorced and cannot arrange their personal life, psychological immaturity and unpreparedness for a new status.

The child intuitively feels that he is unwanted and is not loved.

A person's personality begins to form from infancy. The baby copies the behavior of the elders, adopts their habits, behavior, and lifestyle. Until separation (Latin separatio - separation) from mom and dad takes place, they remain the main authority and role model for the baby.

If parents do not pay enough attention , criticize them, use physical punishment and do not demonstrate their love to a sufficient extent, this affects the personality in adulthood. What does attention deficit lead to and what distinguishes already unloved “children”

can be determined by a number of characteristic features.

Consequences of unloved child syndrome

If parents were unable to give full love and affection to their children, the consequences in adulthood can be the most dire.

“Besides the physical needs of food, water, shelter and basic hygiene, children also need emotional support, love and care. Those who are responsible for children (no matter their own or others)

Make it a point to share love with your children every day.” —Angela Oswalt, M.S., Sociology, Natalie Stutts-Reiss, M.D., and Mark Dombeck, M.D.

Child's brain

Early childhood is a period of frequent and rapid changes in brain structure. Childhood and the period up to six or seven years of age is the time when complex connections between neurons are most quickly formed a child’s

The final formation of brain neurons is approximately 80% complete by the age of four. In other words, by the fourth year of life, the brain of a future adult is eight-tenths ready.

Many scientists believe that about 95% of human behavior is determined by his subconscious.

When does programming take place?

this subconscious?

From birth to age six.

Why is it important?

Our brain is responsible for everything (or almost everything that we think, say and do. If a child enough in the first years of life , this affects the development of his brain, and as a result, the structures responsible for the child’s , so and remain underdeveloped .

The connection between the factors influencing brain development in childhood and the character traits of an adult is no longer in doubt today.

Peg Streep, a psychologist from New York, explains the connection between early childhood and adulthood as follows:

“Despite the assertion that each of us has a unique childhood, we can make quite accurate and reliable conclusions about the effect it has on the rest of our lives. These findings help you understand how your childhood shaped your personality and behavior patterns.”

This quote makes you think: what behavior or character traits indicate that this person was disliked as a child ?

Now, we will try to figure it out and classify them into signs:

1. Inability to trust

To develop the ability to trust on an individual level, a stable positive environment is necessary. That is why it is extremely important that children are surrounded by at least relatively stable and balanced people. Hysterics, screaming and frequent changes of environment negatively affect the development of a sense of trust. Children should feel safe and receive positive emotional support from others.

If the norm in a family is scandals, hysterics, and showdowns in a raised voice, this frightens the child. If our children do not have a stable and favorable emotional environment (primarily in the family, then it will probably be difficult for him to trust anyone. And this, in turn, guarantees difficulties in personal relationships. Subsequently, children whose early years passed in such conditions, they expect a dirty trick from everyone who meets on their life’s path.

2. Low emotional intelligence

Children learn to interpret emotions mainly through words and gestures. Both play an important role in child . Words and gestures help you express your feelings, control fear, understand negative emotions, and develop resilience to emotional pressure.

Without the ability to correctly interpret their emotional state, a child may not fully develop an important quality for life - emotional intelligence. This leads to the inability to be happy. This is another consequence of lack of attention. Even if an unloved child has grown up , established himself in life and started a family, he feels unhappy deep down in his soul. A wound inflicted in childhood bleeds throughout your life, preventing you from fully enjoying the joy of being.

You can also add a lack of empathy here. A person who was not loved in childhood , who did not receive the due amount of care and attention from loved ones, is not capable of compassion. He does not know how to express his emotions, and easily succumbs to emotional pressure from others.

3. Intense fear of mistakes

Loving parents constantly motivate their child, praise them, and encourage them to achieve more. At the same time, a motivating and loving environment contributes to the development of endurance and self-confidence. Unloved children are deprived of this . Children growing up in indifferent environments have serious problems developing self-esteem.

A child who was disliked in childhood will most likely experience a lack of self-confidence . As a rule, this manifests itself in the form of an excessive fear of making a mistake. Many successful people are unable to realize their full potential simply because of

because in childhood they did not receive
enough parental love and affection. Subsequently, as adults, they suffer from a feeling of inferiority: they are afraid of doing something wrong. They are simply afraid that they will not succeed. Therefore, they try to bring any task to the “ideal”
, i.e. they suffer from perfectionism (and as we know, the desire for the ideal is one of the reasons for the development of schizophrenia).

Parents often in childhood not only do not like their children , they also scold them for any mistake. And what do children do in this case? They really try to think through absolutely every step in order to do everything perfectly. And this goes with them from year to year until adulthood.

4. Tendency to toxic personal relationships

Inability to build a personal life. A child who has not fully learned what love is instinctively chooses as a partner a person who does not love him just as much as his parents once did. Subsequently, such individuals in adulthood tend to enter into morally debilitating, toxic relationships and suffer from a victim complex.

As for personal relationships, a child who suffered from a lack of love , becoming an adult, will strive for what is familiar to him, that is, toxic people.

5. Feelings of insecurity and attachment

Almost any specialist working in the field of psychiatry will agree that a positive environment outside the family can compensate for a negative environment within the family.

However, in reality everything is much more complicated.

After all, if a child cannot trust the people who helped bring him into the world and who should be responsible for his safety, how can he force himself to trust anyone at all?

6. Tendency to depression

Unloved children often suffer from mental health problems as adults.

Typically, depression and anxiety occur from:

a) emotional indifference in childhood,

b) the inevitable complications caused by this indifference, surfacing in later life.

Depression and chronic anxiety are two of the most common mental illnesses in the world. And the likelihood of getting them in adulthood is much greater if there were serious problems in his family when he was a child .

Children who experience a lack of love are more likely than their prosperous peers to succumb to the influence of alcohol, drugs, and gambling addiction. They are prone to violence and committing crimes.

7. Oversensitivity

We have all heard advice not to take many of the words of others too seriously. Overall, this is pretty good advice. People trying to cope with their problems often project them onto others. If we don't take everything these people say personally, it can help us understand them—and maybe even help us deal with these problems.

However, for someone who did not receive enough love and attention from loved ones in childhood, it is not easy to follow this advice. These people are constantly oppressed by the fear of being rejected, and together with self-doubt, this proves that in childhood they felt unwanted and unloved.

"Oh, how sensitive we are"

... We hear this phrase most often from bullies and lovers of emotional abuse.
As a rule, it only adds fuel to the fire that burns the already painfully sensitive psyche of their victim. The words and actions of others hurt those who were disliked in childhood . It is difficult for them not to take everything to heart: inside there is a constant fear of being rejected, abandoned, misunderstood.
Children who experience a lack of love are more likely than their prosperous peers to succumb to the influence of alcohol, drugs, and gambling addiction. They are prone to violence and committing crimes.

Also, unloved children run the risk of making the same mistakes as their parents. This can manifest itself in raising their own children: they can unconsciously copy the behavior of their parents (although they are very afraid of this, or, on the contrary, they will show excessive care and love towards their children As you know, any extremes are not good.

How can you tell if your child is not getting the right amount of love?

There are a number of symptoms by which you can determine whether a small personality has enough parental love and warmth:

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distrust of adults , reluctance to share your thoughts with parents;

ignoring what mom and dad say;

desire to attract attention by any means (most often, bad behavior and whims)


delayed intellectual development;

diagnoses such as hyperactivity, mental retardation;

reluctance to learn something new;

the presence of a large number of children's fears;

anxiety, isolation.

We all have our own way of showing our children how much we love them, and only through this can we lay a strong foundation for their future lives.

In an article entitled "Love and Care in Early Childhood"

Written by three renowned child psychologists, the experts offer the following advice:


Most normal parents have their own ways of showing love to their children, and there are countless of these ways in the world. The main thing is to understand that thanks to care and love for children, a solid foundation is laid for the future prosperous life and health of children.

In an article entitled "Love and Care in Early Childhood"

,expert psychologists give good advice for parents:


Let showing love, affection, tenderness, goodwill and affection to your children become an important priority in your life.

You need to know that the atmosphere of kindness and peace in the family is more important than anything else.


Hug your children more often. Do it tenderly, with love. Human warmth, without further ado, will help solve many problems. At the same time, be sensitive and tactful: do not touch the child (especially a teenager when he does not want it. Show respect for the child, even if he is still small. Scientists have established that the child for comfort, you need at least 40 hugs from adults a day.So the more often you hug your child , the healthier (physically and mentally)

he feels.


Praise your children as often as possible (but the praise must be deserved)

. Without praise, a child is like a flower without water - it will quickly wither. Words of support and encouragement will give your children strength and desire to do good deeds.


Thank your children for every little thing, say thank you more often, do it sincerely and with all your heart. Appreciate any help. Your gratitude will teach children to be grateful themselves, and this is one of the most important qualities of the human soul.


Remember, if you are a parent or guardian who constantly feels depressed, irritable, depressed, or despondent, this will definitely negatively affect your child’s development.


Do not be afraid to seek help from specialists: doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, if you feel that you cannot cope with everyday difficulties in relationships with loved ones. It happens that a person has accumulated emotional fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and there is no way to do this without the help of a doctor. After completing a course of rehabilitation treatment, you will see that in life, in addition to problems, there is a lot of joy, and difficulties in relationships with children resolve themselves.


Try to create comfort in your home, show kindness and emotional maturity to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family. Arrange joint lunches or tea parties, this will allow children to share their joys and sorrows with you in a relaxed atmosphere. It is very important to create a warm atmosphere of love and mutual understanding so that the child can open his soul and talk about his experiences. Do not forget - the atmosphere that reigns in your home shapes your children, shapes more than the right words and smart moral teachings.

But if you are faced with the problem of not being loved , then the question arises, how to get rid of the complex of a child who is not loved ?

Adults who did not receive the love of their parents in childhood experience difficulties in raising their children. They are unable to fully enjoy life and build harmonious relationships. You can suspect a complex based on the 7 signs listed above. But a consultation with a specialist will help identify the syndrome of dislike .

It is difficult to fix this problem on your own. What should you do first? Don't blame your parents for not being able to give you more love. Surely they had good reasons for this. If you can’t do it yourself, work through the complex with a psychologist.

Here are some examples of unloved children

Elena, 37 years old:

“I don’t like to remember my childhood. My parents worked a lot, and they had absolutely no time for me. It felt like they didn’t care what happened to me: they were never interested in my affairs, didn’t read me stories before bed, didn’t play with me, didn’t walk in the park. I had everything I needed: clothes, food, toys, books , but the most important thing was missing. I was deprived of parental love. I don’t remember Mom and Dad ever hugging or kissing me. Most of all, I wanted them to pay attention to my successes, to notice that I was achieving a lot. I graduated from school with a gold medal, entered a prestigious university, now I hold a good position and continue to climb the career ladder. But all this did not bring me joy, because my closest and dearest people continued to go about their business, and I remained somewhere on the sidelines of their lives. What's the result? I live alone, I don’t have a family, I can’t build relationships with men. I hardly communicate with my parents; I feel resentment toward them in my heart.”

Mikhail, 26 years old:

“Dad left us when I was four years old. My mother, a young woman, had a hard time with the divorce. Then she tried to arrange her personal life, and she didn’t have time for me. A vivid memory from childhood: I was running to my mother with a drawing, and she was in the kitchen with some man. He waves me off and sends me to his room. Then my mother got married a second time, and my relationship with my stepfather did not work out. We competed for my mother's attention, and she was always on the side of her new husband. I was tired of begging for my mother’s love and was just waiting until I grew up and could leave. I’ve been going to a psychologist for a year now to cure childhood trauma and start a normal, adult life. So far, relationships with the opposite sex are not working out: it still seems to me that a woman will choose me over another, leave me, leave me alone. It is very difficult. I hope that someday I will have my own family, and then I will give the children all the love I can.”

If parents do not give their child the necessary warmth and love, serious problems and difficulties await him later. Treating childhood injuries is much more difficult than preventing them.

Dear parents, put everything aside right now, hug your son or daughter, tell them how much you love them. Spend more time together, because for little individuals this is much more important than the most expensive toys and gadgets.








Signs that your child is unloved:

  • lack of trusting relationships with adults, negative perception of parental advice;
  • presence of behavior that can attract your attention (usually in a negative way);
  • problems with the intellectual and cognitive sphere of the individual;
  • possible history of attention deficit hyperreactivity disorder, speech therapy diagnoses and mental retardation;
  • reduced motivation, reluctance to learn, lack of initiative;
  • excessive egocentrism, arrogance due to low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence;
  • non-acceptance of one's own gender identity;
  • perception of the surrounding world as a threat, an excessive number of children's fears;
  • isolation, shyness, anxiety.

The lack of parental love in childhood often makes a person unhappy for the rest of his life, and the syndrome of dislike is easier to prevent than to eliminate the existing one. So put everything aside and just hug your child and tell him how valuable he is to you!


Psychology says that any syndrome is a system of symptoms that have their own origin. The unloved child syndrome is no exception. The complex can arise not only in childhood, but also in adolescence and even in adulthood. A child himself can never firmly say whether he receives enough love from his parents. He feels that he is missing something in his relationship with his parents, but does not understand what exactly.

Such children have many problems in adult life. To solve them, you need to realize your dislike.

The syndrome usually appears at an age when the child’s psyche is not fully formed. This happens before age 7. No matter how strange it may sound, dislike can develop even in the womb. Therefore, it is important that a pregnant woman strokes her belly, talks to her unborn baby, and calls him affectionate names.

This syndrome has many manifestations. All signs can be seen in adulthood if you do not start solving the problem in time. In adulthood, signs appear:

  • difficulties in communicating with other people;
  • low self-esteem;
  • due to an incorrectly formed worldview, a person feels like a failure;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • a person requires a huge amount of love, so it is difficult to build a serious relationship with him;
  • keeps his own children within strict limits, raises them dryly and rudely;
  • a constant feeling of lack of happiness, despite the fact that everything is fine.

To prevent a person from suffering from this serious syndrome as an adult, parents need to pay attention to their children and show them love.

Shows of love

Of course, every parent expresses their feelings differently. There are no rules here: everything is individual. But most often those children who were deprived of protection, attention, communication, care and affection of either one of their parents or both consider themselves unloved.


The child comes into the world as a “clean slate.” From the first days of his life, he adopts every gesture, look, tone and emotion of his mother and father.

Adults show how to eat, drink, treat stomach pain and protect against an angry dog. It is difficult for a child if his parent lacks the instinct of protection. The world seems big and complex, but there is no one to explain what and how it works.


Attention. Parents teach their child to solve everyday problems and overcome difficulties

They pass on their life experience and wisdom to the child.

Therefore, it is very important to be close to the baby when his worldview is just being formed. Parents teach their child to solve everyday problems and overcome difficulties

They pass on their life experience and wisdom to the child. Therefore, it is very important to be close to the baby when his worldview is just being formed.

Parents teach their child to solve everyday problems and overcome difficulties. They pass on their life experience and wisdom to the child.

Therefore, it is very important to be close to the baby when his worldview is just being formed.

Attention is one of the manifestations of love. It indicates that the parent is not indifferent to the life of the child.

And when a mother, for example, completely switches to work and providing for the family, the child loses in this manifestation of love. The main thing for her is that the child does not need anything (and, by the way, the question is what is the internal state of the mother and what does the father do if she provides for the family). But she pays less attention to the child, which is why he suffers.


What does a family do in the evenings when they get together? Dad sits at the computer, and mom washes, cleans or cooks, the child is with a tablet... No one is interested in him - he is left to his own devices. Children who are not given attention in communication, are not interested in their inner world, grow up withdrawn and unsociable. It is difficult for them to find a common language with society; they prefer to remain on the sidelines.


Different families express care differently. This is both care and protection. But it happens that parents are too active in their guardianship, creating “greenhouse” living conditions for their child.

They “smother” him with their care, not giving him a chance to find himself as an individual.

Such children grow up unfulfilled and spend their entire lives blaming their parents for this.


Some parents deliberately do not show emotions towards their child. They raise him in strictness to strengthen his character.

In such families, the child is deprived of attention and care. He grows up tough and sometimes even cruel, unable to show love to his loved ones, because he simply doesn’t know how.

When the children became adults

In our culture, there are no clear rules or specific traditions for the separation of parents from adult children. Young people receive a passport, enter universities, go to live in another city, get married, but remain emotionally and financially dependent on their parents. Slavic families are characterized by intricate parent-child relationships; many mothers see the meaning of life in children. Therefore, in such families, the “empty nest” crisis is especially acute for women. When children leave the family, mothers feel a certain emptiness, the need for daily worries disappears, and free time is freed up. Your relationship with your spouse also changes. If previously attention was focused on the child, now general topics of conversation may disappear.

Sometimes this crisis can be experienced several times, depending on how many children there are in the family. With each subsequent separation, the situation may worsen and reach its peak with the departure of the last child. It happens that parents let their children go painlessly, and later discover acute tension and lack of communication. Most often this is associated with a particular child who performed an important mediating function in the family in communication between parents or was the object of joint care. This special child served as the unifying link of the marital subsystem, and his departure is a threat to its usual functioning. In single-parent families, the separation of a child can be a disaster, marking the beginning of a lonely old age.

If the family does not allow the separation of a growing child, this may affect his behavior: protest, running away from home, alcohol or drug abuse, suicide. This mainly happens in families with a high level of cohesion and emotional dependence. There are two possible outcomes of the situation: the young man continues to maintain a close emotional connection with one of the parents and remains dependent, or, moving away geographically, creates the illusion of an emotional break and complete independence. But if the craving for emotional intimacy is very strong, the illusion of an autonomous existence causes anxiety and tension in a growing child. Having failed to differentiate from his parents, he will build similar patterns of relationships in his new family. As a result of unresolved child-parent conflicts, an imaginary emotional break with parents turns into hyper-closeness and chaotic relationships with a spouse and one’s own children.

Emotional separation

occurs when parents accept the fact of the child’s independence, but continue to maintain a warm relationship with him. In this case, he can return back at any time if he wishes, without shaking the new form of existence of the parental family. In the event of a forced return home, a young man or girl, contrary to his wishes, becomes a stabilizer of the shaky relationship between his parents. A child can perform a balance-maintaining function outside the walls of the parental home, but in this case he may not succeed in his profession, or have health, legal or financial problems. Caring parents, rushing to help their adult offspring, regain the meaning of life and family integrity. But as long as the child is helpless in solving his problems, the mother and father, doing a disservice, delay the moment of building relationships with each other. Only a deep understanding of the other side of overprotection, which leads to psychological collapse for a child, will help parents “let go” of their unreasonable child. Features of the process of separation from parents can be passed on from generation to generation. The easier it is for the parents to distance themselves from the child, the easier it will be for him to let go of his children later. Probably, you should not shed bitter tears for your lonely destiny, but wish your children well and release them from the family nest with love.

A man is an unloved child in adult life, in relationships

A small - adult man also needs love, just like a woman. This is a reveler all his adult life. He will constantly prove to himself that he is loved. That's how important he is if a lot of girls run after him. Such young ladies are of no value to him. A man who has not matured will never trust. He is a lone wolf, often on his own.

He can choose a partner for life even when he is married, because his first wife often does not meet the criteria of his subconscious. Even after getting married, he continues to go out. As soon as he finds a passion who, in his opinion, knows how to love, changes will begin in his life. Of course, he will never learn to trust, but he will be able to love and feel loved. Moreover, he will settle down.

At work, he has ups and downs. He often passes off the achievements of others as his own. Takes on a job and doesn't do it when pushed. He often pretends that he is working, does not want to take responsibility, and evades.

He is highly dependent on friends. He can be influenced, even very strongly. This can happen if the person concerned shows concern, “supposedly becoming a best friend.” In this case, the person becomes uncontrollable, it is a fire that burns everything in its path, just to make friends feel good. He will work hard, and will spend most of the money on friends. Why, they value him so much, help him, care for him, they need him. At the same time, the family, the beloved girl will fade into the background, moreover, they will be to blame for everything.

Men, just like women, can go on carousing, go on sprees, binge drinking, and use drugs. In this state they are terrible irresponsible fathers.

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