Why is one testicle larger than the other: is this normal?

Basic principles in therapy

Based on the results of medical diagnosis, the necessary treatment is selected. Modern medicine offers several approaches to restoring health:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Surgical intervention.
  3. Monitoring the patient's condition without additional intervention.

The use of medications is possible to treat infections of the reproductive system that have a detrimental effect on the health of male testicles. Monitoring by the attending physician will allow you to quickly restore your health and avoid the return of the disease.

The operation is indicated in severe cases, as well as in case of testicular torsion, which requires immediate intervention. The torsion must be corrected within 24 hours to avoid the death of the organ and its removal, which will most likely lead to male infertility. The symptoms of this pathology are difficult to miss; it is accompanied by quite acute pain in the scrotum area.

The best prevention for men's health is vigilant attention to the body's signals and timely seeking help from a doctor. No two twins are absolutely identical

Likewise, paired human organs may differ slightly in size and location. For example, human kidneys differ in size and weight, and the right kidney is always located below the left. When one testicle is lower than the other in men, this is the norm. Usually the left testicle (testicle) is slightly lower than the right one. In most cases, a man should not worry, but there are exceptions that require seeing a doctor

No two twins are absolutely identical. Likewise, paired human organs may differ slightly in size and location. For example, human kidneys differ in size and weight, and the right kidney is always located below the left. When one testicle is lower than the other in men, this is the norm. Usually the left testicle (testicle) is slightly lower than the right one. In most cases, a man should not worry, but there are exceptions that require seeing a doctor.

Twisting of the spermatic cord↑

May occur due to trauma, cryptorchidism, or congenital features. It is often detected after birth or during puberty. Painful manifestations are:

  • Increased size of the scrotum, hyperemia of the skin, thickening of the spermatic cord.
  • Severe pain radiating to the groin area.
  • Blood in the urine.

Diagnosed using ultrasound. For a newborn child, the surgeon can remove the torsion manually; in other cases, surgery is indicated.

Normally, the left testis is lowered slightly more than the right one. If a man notices that his right testicle is lower than his left, and this change has occurred in a relatively short time, the cause may be a varicocele.

What do they do if a man has one testicle larger than the other?

The testicles or testicles are a paired organ that is located inside the scrotum. One testicle is always slightly larger than the other, and they are located asymmetrically, which also carries an important meaning.

Most often, there are cases where the left testicle is lower than the right. This structure is explained by the peculiarities of blood supply in the genital area and allows maintaining stability in the functioning of the reproductive system. The left testicle hangs lower than the right because it is fed by the renal artery, which is longer than the right testicular artery, which is connected to the abdominal aorta.

Another important reason why the testicles are located at different levels is to protect them from friction during movement. If they were at the same level, then when walking they would constantly rub against each other, which would lead to injury and an increase in the temperature inside them, which is unacceptable.

Pathological causes of increase in size

A slight discrepancy between the testicles and standard sizes is not a pathology, but the norm

If one egg is slightly larger than the other, men have no reason to worry. Of course, with the condition that such a disproportion has always been observed. As a rule, in most cases it is the left testicle that is slightly larger than the right one.

Moreover, this phenomenon has physiological reasons - if the testicles were the same, they would simply get in the way when walking and hit each other.

It is for the convenience of “carrying” one’s own genitals that nature designed it so that one testicle is larger, and therefore heavier, than the other.

The second reason why the right testicle is larger than the left or vice versa is the peculiarities of the functioning of the organ. As a rule, all paired organs work differently.

In women, during ovulation, the egg is released only from the follicle of one ovary, left or right, while the second one rests during this cycle.

In men, the situation is similar - the processes of maturation of sperm and steroid hormones in one testicle occur more actively than in the other. The second one still participates in the process, but the load on it is about 30% less.

Thus, if the left testicle is larger than the right testicle, this is normal. However, as well as vice versa - the right testicle may be slightly larger than the left.

The average sizes are as follows:

  • length – from 40 to 60 mm;
  • width – 25-35 mm;
  • weight – 15-30 g.

Deviations between the sizes of the right and left testicle within these limits are normal. For example, if in men the length of one testicle is 4.5 cm and the other 6 cm, there is no reason to worry.

Asymmetrical placement is also the norm. As a rule, one testicle is always located a few centimeters lower than the second.

A change in testicular size is a reason to undergo a comprehensive examination. If you experience severe symptoms such as pain or fever, you should see your doctor immediately.

Moreover, pathology is indicated not only by an increase, but also by a sudden decrease in the size of the testicles. Let's consider the most likely reasons for changes in the size of one organ.


Drug addiction makes a man impotent, with accompanying male diseases

Drug addiction kills the body quite quickly, and the genitourinary system is most often affected first.

Moreover, under the influence of narcotic substances, the testicle does not increase, but decreases. Thus, if one egg is larger than the other, this does not always mean that it has increased in size. Quite often the reason lies in the fact that the second organ has become smaller. True, in most cases there is a symmetrical decrease in the testes, since narcotic substances reduce their activity.

The most dangerous complication of marijuana or hard drug use is testicular atrophy.

Another reason for symmetrical reduction of testicles is the use of anabolic steroids by athletes. These are analogues of male sex hormones, which are administered intramuscularly to increase the level of free testosterone and rapid growth of physical indicators.

Malignant formations↑

Unfortunately, they are rarely diagnosed in the initial stages of development. The main manifestations are changes in the size of the affected testis and pain. To make a diagnosis, ultrasound, biopsy, computed tomography and determination of the concentration of hormones in the blood are used. Effective treatment is carried out only by surgery. If the operation is performed in the early stages, the prognosis is positive.

How to quickly make sure that a man’s testicles and scrotum are normal?

It would be a good idea to examine your testicles regularly. To do this, you just need to get acquainted with a little anatomy. Periodic self-examination will help you notice earlier anything unusual in the development or condition of the testicles and other organs in the scrotum.

What size should men's testicles be?

  1. The testicles are normally oval in shape, about 4-5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick. This applies primarily to representatives of the Caucasian race.
  2. One testicle is often slightly larger than the other.
    This is usually normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that one testicle is enlarged, then you need to visit an andrologist so that he can also examine it.
  3. The left testicle in most men is located lower than the right, which is also not a pathology.

Why can testicles be different sizes?

In most cases, especially if the difference in size is not very significant, this is quite normal. It is not a pathology and should not cause concern. In some people, one testicle may even be significantly larger for an unknown benign reason. You can also identify a number of other reasons that could affect the different sizes.

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One testicle may be smaller in the following cases:

  • In the presence of varicocele (expansion of certain veins inside the scrotum), the nutrition of the testicle is disrupted, as a result of which the left one (most often) may be smaller in size due to its atrophy. Lack of treatment threatens male infertility.
  • If it was not descended at birth (retained in the abdominal cavity), even despite corrective operations.
  • When there was intrauterine or infant testicular torsion.
  • Consequences of mumps.

One testicle may be larger in the following cases:

  • Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that can develop in different tissues of the gonads.
  • A cyst is a formation (cavity with fluid) in the tissues inside the scrotum, which can be asymptomatic for a long time.
    It usually appears in the appendage area.
  • A benign tumor is rare and develops slowly, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

During the process of sexual development in a child, sometimes the testicles may differ in size, but by the end of this period they will equalize if everything is normal.

Testicular anatomy

The epididymis is a paired organ attached to each testicle from behind and above.

They both look like spools of tiny tubes wound repeatedly that carry and store sperm. At the same time, they take part in endowing it with fertilizing ability. If you unwind the epididymis, it will be about 6 meters long, or even more.

The spermatic cords are a collection of muscles, nerves, blood and lymph vessels and some other tissues and organs on which the testicles are suspended.

The most important thing in them is the vas deferens, through which sperm moves towards the penis. They also provide nutrition to the testicles and related functions.

The spermatic cords go up to the epididymis and are also located behind them in the scrotum.

The scrotum is a leather sac containing the testicles and epididymis.

How should the testicles feel to the touch?

You can easily and quickly conduct a self-examination, which will take about one minute. The best time for this procedure is after taking a warm bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed. The main steps are as follows:

Hold your scrotum and testicles in your palm to feel their weight. One testicle may be slightly larger than the other, but they should be about the same weight. Take the testicle so that your thumb is on one side and your index and middle fingers are on the other.

Gently roll the testicle between your fingers, feeling it to make sure there are no hard formations. Normal male testicles are oval in shape and should be firm but not hard, smooth and without any lumps.

Repeat the same with the other testicle.

  1. Moving along the bottom of the scrotum, find the epididymis, which is located at the back of the testicle. These should be small, lump-like lumps on the top and back of each testicle. They should normally feel soft and perhaps slightly tender to the touch.
  2. Gently touch the spermatic cords, which are located above and behind the epididymis. In a healthy state, these are elastic, smooth tubes.

You need to check the spermatic cords near both testicles.

All detected lumps, lumps or swellings in the scrotum, incl. on the surface or near the testicles, must be examined by a doctor to definitively talk about the presence of a problem. Ultrasound is usually prescribed for diagnosis.


Testicular injuries↑

These extremely painful injuries occur frequently: during sports, cycling or horse riding, or showdowns. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain, up to painful shock.
  • Swelling.
  • Blue skin tone.
  • Increase in the size of the testis.
  • Damage to the vessel is possible with hemorrhage in the area of ​​the walls of the scrotum, which acquires a dark burgundy or bluish tint.

Serious testicular injuries require immediate medical attention, a series of examinations and appropriate therapy.

Symptoms of testicular localization disorders

Since there are several reasons affecting the location of the testicles, the symptoms also differ. If the testicle hangs incorrectly due to varicocele, then a burning sensation in the scrotum, discomfort or significant pain appears. Its brightness depends on the degree of vasodilatation and individual sensitivity.

When the spermatic cord is torsed, in addition to severe pain, signs of intoxication appear: weakness, fatigue. Then sexual dysfunction progresses. When fluid accumulates, the testicle increases in size, often on one side, the scrotum swells, discomfort appears at rest and during movement.

After injury, hemorrhage between the membranes of the structure is possible. The skin becomes bluish or black, swelling spreads to neighboring structures: penis, groin area. Further, signs of intoxication are added:

  • body temperature rises;
  • heart rate increases;
  • nausea and vomiting occurs.

The tumor causes the right testicle to enlarge and move downward. A small tumor is not accompanied by symptoms, but as the tumor grows, asymmetry of one testicle relative to the other appears. Later, the main signs of the problem become pain and difficulty urinating.

In a child, discrepancy in the location of the testicles is often not accompanied by discomfort. If the surgeon diagnoses cryptorchidism, then upon examination he discovers the absence of one (two) testicles or their high placement.


The pathology manifests itself in the inflammatory process in the testis and epididymis, which is a complication of an infectious disease - mumps, scarlet fever, cystitis or urethritis. It is also possible that the disorder may develop as a result of untreated trauma. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Acute testicular pain.
  • An increase in the size of the inflamed gland, an increase in its temperature, smoothing out the skin folds of the scrotum.
  • High body temperature.

To normalize the condition, antibiotic therapy and wearing a bandage that elevates the affected testis are used.

The right testicle is larger than the left


Paired human organs are rarely identical. As a rule, they vary slightly in size and location. The hereditary information of paired organs is identical, but often the conditions for their development are not the same. Typically, the testicular arteries arise from the aorta, but there are exceptions.

This affects blood circulation and therefore the size of organs. Sometimes the vessels in the testicles arise from the renal, phrenic or inferior mesenteric artery. In addition, these organs constantly experience mechanical stress mainly on one side. If the right testicle is larger than the left, this does not indicate pathology.

This difference in size occurs, for example, when a man often crosses one leg over the other.

The left testicle is larger than the right

The differences between paired genital organs should be minor. In an adult man of average build, the testicles should be approximately 4-6 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.

If the left testicle is 10 mm or more larger than the right one, this indicates a deviation. In medical practice it is called hypoplasia or aplasia. This often worsens the general condition of a man.

You should seek medical help as soon as possible if you have the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the testis;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden nagging pain;
  • fever or chills;
  • change in the shape of the testicle.


The generally accepted testicular sizes should not be considered reference sizes. Almost all men have one of these paired organs larger and higher than the other. In the case where there are no noticeable differences in size and the patient’s discomfort does not bother him, this can be considered normal.

The fact that the right testicle is slightly larger than the left can be explained by a slight difference in their mass. This is also necessary to ensure that they do not come into contact with each other.

However, if one of the testicles suddenly enlarges, and the condition is accompanied by severe pain that occurs when walking, playing sports or during sexual intercourse, you should consult a specialist. Only he is able to establish the causes of the illness.

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There are factors that can negatively affect a man's health. At the same time, a man may not immediately notice significant changes in the development of the genital organs. The reasons why the right testicle is slightly larger than the left are often:

  • Taking marijuana.
  • Varicocele.
  • Taking anabolic steroid drugs.
  • Cancer tumor.
  • Scrotal injury.
  • Epididymitis.
  • Testicular torsion.

If a man is unable to independently determine the reason why the left testicle has become larger than the right one, he needs to consult a doctor. He will collect anamnesis, studying the patient’s complaints and symptoms of pathology.

A thorough examination makes it possible to determine the nature of the disease, identifying the main factors of its development. Diagnostics includes several laboratory and instrumental studies.

Their accuracy is 90-96%. Usually prescribed:

General urine analysis5 minutes60-80%
Ultrasound of the scrotum30 minutes40-60%
Spermogram20 minutes60-85%
Dopplerography of scrotal vessels30 minutes40-60%


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The basis of this disease, which is also called hydrocele, is the accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the testis. It is found in newborns, and also develops as a result of infectious pathologies and injuries in adult men. The organ gradually increases in size, without pain. Therefore, if a man notices that his left testicle is larger than the right one, he should consult a doctor and find out the reason for the deviation. The most accurate diagnostic method is ultrasound. Treatment consists of eliminating the underlying disease; in case of injury, surgical methods are used.

Normalization of the norm

Many mothers (and some adult men are guilty of this) expect that with age the situation in the scrotum will change. But it's in vain.

A slight difference in the height of the testicles does not affect their functions in any way: they also produce active sperm and release male sex hormones into the blood. This asymmetry does not at all affect the quality of sexual life and fertility.

Therefore, you should not worry about this and wait for changes, because the norm cannot become even more normal.

The testicles are male reproductive glands located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum of the stronger sex. Painful sensations in the right testicle are a fairly common reason for visiting a urologist-andrologist. Many reasons contribute to the occurrence of these pains. It should be noted that only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Very often, the causes of painful manifestations in the area of ​​the right testicle are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the testicle, surgical interventions, inguinal hernia, various infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma), trauma and tumors of the right testicle, varicocele, chronic prostatitis, testicular torsion, hydrocele, inguinal hernia , spermatocele. As a rule, these diseases are quite easily diagnosed and treated.

Very often, pain in the right testicle appears due to acute trauma to the scrotum. Pathology of violation of the integrity of the testicles itself occurs quite rarely. However, even a simple blow to the testicles can cause loss of consciousness. It must be borne in mind that if painful and unexpected pain occurs, you should immediately seek medical help to avoid the development of complications such as infertility and testicular loss.

As a rule, unbearable pain in the right testicle is observed due to its torsion. The fact is that the testicle is located on the spermatic cord, which contains the vas deferens, as well as blood vessels. Sometimes it happens that it changes its position, while twisting around the longitudinal axis. As a result, this leads to a twisting of the spermatic cord directly 360 degrees, compression of the vas deferens occurs, and blood circulation in the testicle is disrupted.

Pain in the right testicle can be a consequence of urolithiasis, as well as in the presence of cysts and kidney tumors.

In addition, a fairly common cause of pain in the right testicle is sexual dissatisfaction. This is explained by the fact that during sexual arousal, blood accumulates not only in the penis, but also in the right testicle. Due to prolonged abstinence from ejaculation, swollen testicles can hurt. However, these pain sensations can go away on their own after a few hours.

Treatment of abnormalities

As soon as a man visits the clinic, after diagnosing and establishing the causes of testicular disproportion, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. It is only important to consult a doctor in a timely manner so as not to encounter severe complications that cannot be corrected. In parallel with this, a man needs to adjust his diet, lead an active lifestyle, and give up unnecessary physical activity.

Treatment will depend entirely on the identified causes of the imbalance. This could be anti-inflammatory, hormonal, antibacterial therapy, or it could be surgical intervention if tumors were found. It is important for a man to protect his genitals from overheating and hypothermia, from infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Testicular diseases affecting size

Let's look at the possible reasons why the testicles may decrease or increase in size.

They are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • diseases;
  • influence of harmful factors.

Let's get acquainted with common pathologies that cause changes in the external genital organs in men.


Inflammation of the appendages develops after a bacterial or viral infection, or with sexually transmitted diseases.

The man experiences the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the groin area;
  • painful discomfort in the scrotum, which increases when walking;
  • fever.

One- or two-sided enlargement occurs due to swelling of the inflamed tissues. If the inflammatory process affects the penis, then erection is impaired and urination becomes painful.

The disease, when taken in a timely manner, does not leave harmful consequences. In advanced forms of pathology, sperm maturation is disrupted.


With this pathology, inflammation of the testicular tissue occurs, disrupting the synthesis of hormones and complicating the maturation of sperm.

Orchitis can be an independent disease or develop as a complication of inflammation of other organs.

The man will complain about the following violations:

  • hyperthermia (up to 40°);
  • pain in the groin, radiating to the sacrum, lower back and lower abdomen (increases with changes in body position).

The severity of pain is due to the fact that inflammation is accompanied by the development of edema. This causes overstretching of the tunica albuginea of ​​the male testicle, which contains many nerve receptors.

If anti-inflammatory therapy was not carried out in the early stages of the disease, then the pathology may transition into a chronic form, when periods of exacerbation alternate with remission. Chronic orchitis leads to infertility and erectile dysfunction.


Enlargement of the vein of the spermatic cord, which is responsible for the outflow of blood from the testicle, is more often detected during puberty and in young men. Vessel dilation provokes venous stagnation and tissue swelling.

Symptoms depend on the severity of the expansion:

  • a slight deviation does not affect the functioning of the testicle and manifests itself only as a cosmetic defect caused by a unilateral enlargement of the scrotum;
  • pronounced expansions are accompanied by constant pain and severe swelling.

Varicocele is treated surgically. During surgery, the deformed vessel is removed, and a vein taken from another part of the body is sewn in its place.

Changing the shape of the spermatic cord

This pathology is common, and its occurrence is based on the structure of the man’s body: the “cell” for the testicle in the scrotum does not sufficiently fix the testicle, and this leads to the spermatic cord being twisted, causing compression of the nerves and blood vessels.

Signs of pathology will be:

  • swelling;
  • pain syndrome.

It is treated through surgery. The cord is untwisted, and the testicle is fixed in the scrotum by suturing the surrounding tissue.

Testicular injury

An organ bruise is accompanied by swelling and pain. Treatment tactics (conservative or surgical) are chosen depending on the degree of damage.

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Bruises of the genital organs cannot be ignored - the injury can cause disruption of the testicle.


The disease develops as a complication of other testicular pathologies:

  • varicocele;
  • genital injuries;
  • torsion of the spermatic cord;
  • inflammation.

The main signs of the disease are changes in the shape of the scrotum due to swelling and pain. In non-inflammatory processes, the temperature of the testicles remains normal.

Influence of harmful factors

Sometimes men notice that the eggs have decreased in size, but there is no painful discomfort.

Testicular atrophy can be caused by:

  • use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking steroids (in athletes).

The atrophic process develops due to inhibition of testosterone synthesis.

Decrease and enlargement of the testicles indicate that a pathological process is occurring in the organ. Without treatment, irreversible changes begin in the changed testicle, which lead to erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.


Varicose lesions of the venous vessels of the testicles and spermatic cords. It manifests itself in nagging pain, an increase in the size of the gland, and its prolapse. As a rule, pain does not appear immediately; the initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic. The disorder often occurs in adolescence, in young people no older than sixteen years. According to experts, varicocele is the cause of almost half of cases of male infertility. Effective treatment that eliminates the disorder and prevents its reoccurrence is carried out surgically.

Why do the sizes of the testes differ?

In some cases, the difference may be a sign of a disease, but there is an objective explanation for this fact from a physiological point of view.

The reasons are as follows:

  • The artery of each testicle arises from the aorta, but there are cases when it can arise from the inferior mesenteric artery, which supplies the colon and upper segment of the rectum, or from the renal artery. Because of this, the blood supply to the testicles will differ significantly, and, consequently, their size will be different;
  • Much depends on whether a person is left-handed or right-handed. The testes initially differ in size for optimal adaptability during the movement of a man, so as not to create friction among themselves.

If we take the standard size of the testes, then the normal size of the testicles in men is 4x2.5 (length and width). One gland is no more than 5 mm larger than the other, and this is quite acceptable. Sometimes the gonads are located at different heights, and at the same time the person is completely healthy and feels great due to the fact that this is also the norm.

The doctor will tell you what is wrong with the testicle and choose the right treatment for your problem. Since there can be several different medical conditions that cause one testicle to be smaller than the other, you should keep a close eye on your testicles. To do this, every man should check his testicles regularly, like once a month, to know how the testicles feel so that changes can be detected early enough. The experimental self-test looks like this:

Gently roll the egg between your fingers and toes. You will feel the epididymis on the top and back of the testicle. It looks like a bunch of cords. The epididymis is about 1 inch long and is tender but not painful to handle. This is not a piece, but a normal part of the testicle. Check for any tender, painless or hard lumps on the testicle. The pieces may be pea-sized or larger. Both testicles have problems with one of them.

  • Separate yourself and stand in front of a mirror.
  • Look for a possible tumor in the skin of the scrotum.
  • It is completely normal to have one testicle smaller than the other.
  • Use both hands to check each testicle individually.
  • Place your fingers behind the scrotum and your thumb on the top of the scrotum.

If you notice any lump or swelling of the testicle, consult your doctor.

But when rapid testicular enlargement occurs in men, this is a reason to think, because nothing just happens, and each phenomenon has its own reasons. There may be nothing to worry about, but in some situations it is better to take emergency measures.

Asymmetry in nature

In the vast majority of cases, the testicles in the scrotum are located at unequal heights and vary in size. And many men wonder: why?

In fact, it is almost impossible to find anything completely symmetrical in nature. Also in the human body - a person has a slightly different eye shape, slightly asymmetrical ears, and paired internal organs are somewhat different in size and location.

The same goes for the testicles. The testicles are a paired endocrine gland, and it is natural that they vary slightly in size and height. Some experts in ontogenesis say that the symmetry and development of internal organs in the fetus is even influenced by which side the baby lies to the umbilical cord, or which hand he holds near his tummy. Even the blood supply to the testicles may be different: the left testicular artery may arise from the renal artery, and the right from the mesenteric artery. And all this is normal!

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