An infantile man - what does it mean, signs of infantilism

Infantility in men today is becoming a fairly common character trait. In most cases, this is due to defects in upbringing. Infantile boys most often grow up with overprotective or authoritarian parents, as well as in single-parent families. It is not always possible to identify an infantile man at first glance, because he prefers to disguise such a trait as creative inclinations or high sensitivity. Most often, he attracts women who have a need to take care of someone.

What is infantility in men

Infantility in men - what is it? This is a character trait that manifests itself in behavior as irresponsibility, carelessness, lack of independence and inability to make one’s own decisions. An infantile man at heart is a small child who expects gifts from life, without wanting to do anything for his own goals. He believes that those around him are to blame for all his troubles; he expects leniency from his employer, guardianship from his wife, and respect without much effort from his own children.

An infantile man is not ready to take responsibility either in the family, at work, or when communicating with friends. He is not independent, constantly needs help, runs away from the slightest difficulties.

Who are infantile men and where do they come from?

An infantile guy is able to charm his companion at first sight. He is usually charming, cheerful, intriguing, and easy-going. A girl may think such a partner is ideal: being with him is fun, interesting and you will never get bored. Eyes open when relationships move to the next level. After all, the relationship changes, but the partner remains the same: an optional, frivolous dreamer who is unable to give anything but beautiful phrases. Following admiration and tenderness come irritation, disappointment, anger, devastation, anger.

It is useless to demand that an infantile man grow up - their psychological development remains at the level of a boy. Just as it is impossible to ask a bird to be silent, the sun to stop shining, or the sea to stop worrying. The child has not been taught to interact with adults, he has neither the knowledge, nor experience, nor internal resources, but most importantly, he has no desire.

What causes a man’s infantile behavior? Like most social problems, the origins of immaturity stretch back to childhood. There can be a lot of reasons: an unprocessed early loss of a loved one (the grandmother died, and the child was left alone with grief), a dysfunctional environment (an authoritarian alcoholic father, a wandering mother), a dysfunctional family (lack of an example of a male image), etc.

Psychologists have identified the most common causes of male emotional inhibition:

  • a dominant mother, telling the child how to live, with whom to build relationships, where to work, what kind of sport to play, suppressing any initiative (arguing is prohibited, otherwise punishment is inevitable);
  • overprotection on the part of parents, when the child is forbidden to make decisions, act according to circumstances, analyze what is happening (this happens when the only son grows up in a family);
  • systematic quarrels between adults in front of children: constant emotional tension leads the boy to stress, which forces him to repress reality (as a result, he grows up to be a closed man, asking for a positive assessment for his behavior, afraid to express his opinion, etc.);
  • the desire to remain in childhood as long as possible: there are men who do not want to fly out of the family nest, although the parents have long been ready to let their child go (and why: mom cooks deliciously, dad tells funny stories at dinner, the bedroom is cozy, no one nags for bedtime parties).

Infantile men are different, a lot depends on the root cause of infantilism, the standard of living and the character of the chosen one. This could be a gullible boy, a faulty romantic, a spoiled selfish bully, a bore, an important little uncle masquerading as an adult. If everything is clear with the above types, then the last type causes the most disappointment. Such infantile men in relationships are able to present themselves effectively, brightly, maturely, which arouses admiration from the opposite sex. What a shame it is when a weak boy hides behind his appearance, who only deceives, gets out, makes empty promises, and shifts responsibility onto the woman.

Infantile men are people who cannot and do not want to grow up. Whatever type you meet, you must remember this fundamental statement and not feed yourself with illusions.


Why is a man childish? The causes of infantilism in men are various factors, and sometimes a combination of them:

  • Overprotection on the part of parents. Such adults do not allow their child to do anything independently. They try to make sure that he always has everything, even if he has not made any effort for it. The child does not receive the experience of taking responsibility in time. And the older he gets, the more difficult it is to learn independence. In addition, he understands that being infantile is quite convenient: you don’t have to do anything to achieve your own goals - your parents will help everyone. When parents stop actively caring for their grown child, he tries to find himself a caring spouse who will continue to serve as a mother.
  • Authoritarian parenting style in childhood. In such a family, a boy grows up with a fear of independence. From an early age, a child is reprimanded and scolded for the slightest mistakes; he is afraid of doing something wrong. At school he is embarrassed to answer questions because he is worried about the correctness of the answers; at a vocational educational institution he cannot pass exams and do internships well enough. At work, such a person is not able to take responsibility, it is more convenient for him to be a performer, he is not ready to move up the career ladder.
  • The absence of a father in the family or his suppression by an overbearing mother. The boy does not see the example of an adult, independent man, cannot imitate him, and this is the primary mechanism for learning behavior.
  • Creative person. Such men also often remain children at heart. They devote themselves entirely to creativity, forgetting about their responsibilities to their family, the need to earn money, and even simply that it is time for them to eat. A creative infantile man is practically not adapted to independent living, does not keep order in his own home, and eats in canteens or food that does not need to be cooked.

Cons and pros

But despite all the visible disadvantages, this type of guy can also have its advantages. It is worth listing the disadvantages of this genotype once again:

  1. A guy or man is not capable of taking responsibility for his actions.
  2. Unadaptability, immaturity in everyday life.
  3. Inability to cope with problems, including financial ones.
  4. A man puts himself above all else or blames everyone around for his failures, but does not take any action to change the situation.
  5. Sexual problems are expressed in restraint, lack of initiative, childishness, frequent changes of partners, or fixation on one’s own person.
  6. Behavior characteristic of children's relationships is selfishness, touchiness, capriciousness, narcissism.

Infantile men can have a number of advantages:

  1. A man does not dwell on his problems, he lives life easily and carefree.
  2. Knows how to enjoy life.
  3. Often such men speak and reason beautifully.
  4. They are spontaneous.
  5. They are flexible in everyday life.
  6. They are no strangers to romance.
  7. Their actions can be spontaneous.
  8. Children love them.
  9. They have creativity and creativity.

Signs of male infantility

Infantility in men can be identified by the signs that are most often observed in his behavior:

  • The first thing that always catches your eye is the style of clothing and appearance. Infantilism in men is revealed by such an external sign as the desire to wear youth clothes that are inappropriate for their age: jeans with cuffs, a hat with a pom-pom, multi-colored sneakers, as well as outlandish hairstyles in the form of mohawks, crests and ponytails.
  • Selfishness. An infantile man thinks only about himself and his interests, does not strive to take care of loved ones and does not truly love anyone except himself. In addition, he believes that those around him should also do everything for him, pushing aside their own needs. For example, the wife of an infantile man has to leave early from a meeting with friends just to warm up ready-made food for his loved one, since he “doesn’t know how” to do this himself.
  • Egocentrism. Insufficient development of the psyche does not allow the infant to take the place of another or look at any situation through the eyes of the interlocutor. For example, he may be angry with his wife for the mess in the house, without trying to understand that she had too much to do that day.
  • Excessive attachment to mother. Such a person rushes to his mother at any opportunity, listens only to her and constantly waits for her care. For her sake, he can sacrifice the interests of his wife and children. Many infantile men continue to live next to their mother until the end of her life, and after that they live alone, never ceasing to grieve, or they find themselves a woman who copes well with the functions of a mother and is ready to take care of him like a baby.
  • Helplessness in everyday life also reveals male immaturity. A male infant cannot perform even the simplest household chores that are necessary for independent living: preparing simple food, washing and folding things, washing dishes, distributing the available budget. Because of this, the wife has to take care not only of small children, but also of a psychologically immature husband.
  • Lack of desire for professional growth. It is convenient for an infantile man to be a performer: he does not need to organize anything, solve serious problems, take initiative, and in case of a mistake, he can try to shift the responsibility to someone else. He is satisfied with a small salary and low social status; he does not want to make any efforts to improve them. It is considered his greatest luck to find a wife who can provide for both of them.
  • Lack of ability to manage your own finances. Such a person can spend all his money on payday without thinking about how he will pay the bills, what he will eat and what to wear.
  • Children's interests and hobbies. “Grown” men can also play games or spend money on expensive toys, but the infant is able to spend all his money and time on this, without thinking about the needs of his children and wife.
  • Increased sensitivity to criticism. An infantile man cannot adequately respond to critical remarks addressed to him due to his egocentrism. In response, he is offended, which entails an abrupt dismissal from work “to spite the boss” or leaving a family in which the wife dared to point out his mistakes.
  • Moodiness. A man-child requires special attention from his wife or superiors, and is very offended if more attention is paid to children or other colleagues.
  • Consumerism in relationships with people is another sign of immaturity in men. Such a person communicates, makes friends, works and lives only with those people who can bring him some benefit. He thinks that everyone around him owes him something, but he owes them nothing. He does not know how to compassion, care and create relationships on a spiritual level.
  • Lack of planning ability. He lives one day at a time, does not think about tomorrow, much less about more distant prospects. In this regard, it is difficult to maintain business relations with him; you cannot rely on such a person and entrust him with an important matter.
  • Escaping reality. If a person is creative, then this helps him to focus only on his experiences and get a product of his activity, for example: a picture or a melody. In cases where a person does not possess such talents, he may escape reality into computer games or acquire other addictive behavior.

Infantile personality traits

Of course, external signs are clearly not enough to recognize an immature type of male personality. A much more serious assessment can be made by examining the psychological portrait of such a guy. It is worth paying attention to the following character traits:

  • Dependency on mother

Everyone loves mom. However, this is a completely different story, which psychologists often compare to an unbroken umbilical cord. Mom is infantile - the very best. She is well versed in matters of her son’s personal life, his work, money and other important matters. This main person in his life does not lose importance as he grows up. Sometimes even the girl she loves can’t compete with her. As a rule, authoritative mothers themselves tend not to let their already adult child get away from them. Therefore, such guys do not marry for a long time or remain bachelors for life.

  • Avoidance of responsibility

An infantile man never experiences feelings of guilt or remorse for his actions. Anyone is wrong, but not him. At work, he is underestimated by his strict boss, and his narrow-minded colleagues plot malicious intrigues. At home, grumpy neighbors pester him for leaving trash on the staircase. A car splashes mud on the street, not because he crosses the street at a red light, but because the driver is a dick. The boy runs through his life from worries: he changes girlfriends, activities, place of residence. But he is not able to recognize the infantile man in himself and change. It is much easier to evade the assigned responsibility in any way.

  • Lack of stable income

A man who does not have a legal wife and children can easily afford to be content with temporary work, receiving only the necessary minimum. You can recognize such a guy by his reluctance to work hard. He prefers odd jobs or sitting on his parents' necks.

  • Optional

An infantile man does not like to be held accountable for his words. Like a child, he can promise anything in order to receive a reward. And with the same childish spontaneity, forget about this obligation the next day.

  • Inability to manage a personal budget

Money has momentary value for such a guy. If he gets a certain amount at his disposal, he can instantly spend it all on a fancy gadget or any whim.

The paradox is that society regards an adult man as bearing full responsibility for his actions. The concept of “infantility” is not officially established. Such people can play in casinos, take out loans with draconian interest rates, enter into deals and sign property agreements.

These are the best clients of financial pyramids, unscrupulous profiteers and swindlers of all stripes, who recognize them with a professional eye in no time. By impulsive action, they are capable of destroying a career and making a significant hole in the family budget. But anyone will be responsible for these ill-considered actions, but not the childish guy. This pre-mature baby has been playing with toys in another sandbox for a long time.

  • Inability to care for family and friends

Mothers raising immature men should think about who will take care of them in old age? After all, an infantile person is not able to solve even his own problems, and he is not at all capable of taking care of his parents or children.

  • Lack of independence

Surely you have seen a picture where a mother chooses clothes for her adult son, goes with him to the doctor, and draws up documents. A good example of this behavior is given in the movie "Where is Nophelet?" There, mom and dad went on a date between their son and a girl, taking army binoculars with them.

  • Rivalry with children

Such a guy can seriously compete with young brothers and sisters for the best piece of pie, a seat by the window in the car, or mom’s attention. Children are children.

Other traits of an infantile man include egocentrism, capriciousness, daydreaming, impressionability and disregard for public interests.

  • Inability to adequately evaluate one's actions

Even if you give such a guy a lecture about infantilism, he is unlikely to recognize his typical representative in himself. After all, this would mean admitting his guilt, and he is not capable of this.

It is impossible to recognize an infantile comrade by only one of the above signs. For an accurate assessment, a combination of at least 2-3 of the listed factors is required.

Types of infantile men

There are three types of male infantilism:

  • The first one lives with his mother all his life. For him, she is the main person on the planet. He listens to her, depends heavily on her, and cannot imagine life with another woman. She protects him from unnecessary work, does not allow him to solve problems on his own, does not give him the opportunity to become independent, but he is satisfied with this state of affairs.
  • The second one shifts the functions of the mother to the spouse. He does not help her with everyday life, financial support for her family and raising her children. She takes care of him like another child, does routine things for him and tries not to stress him out too much. Sometimes a woman gets tired of carrying an over-aged “baby”, realizes his consumerist attitude towards her and gets divorced.
  • The third type of infantile men dreams of recognition of their own superiority. To do this, he chooses a nondescript wife who admires him, his behavior and deeds. He is proud of himself and believes that his woman should do everything for him.

Signs of infantilism in a man

This type of character is characterized by social immaturity. Other signs of an infantile man are as follows:

  1. Dislike for your work activity. Lack of moral satisfaction from your work. Such a man has been dragging his feet for years, constantly complaining about his dissatisfaction, but does not take any action to find another job.
  2. Problems with women appear. Such men make a lot of colorful promises about changes in life, but in reality everything remains the same. Such a person may make a date with a girl and not show up, subsequently coming up with various excuses for his behavior.
  3. An infantile man constantly maintains contact with his mother, calls her on any issue, and corresponds. No step is taken without her knowledge.
  4. It will be difficult for a woman to build a relationship with such a man, since he is not shy about demonstrating his helplessness in business and his inability to understand life’s issues.
  5. An infantile person is one who tries to look for a lifelong friend comparable to his mother, and his relationships are often built on the “mother and son” principle. He expects that such a woman will take on all the hardships of family life, and he will play the role of husband-son.

How infantile men behave in relationships

At the beginning of a relationship, an infant may seem like the ultimate dream of every woman. After all, he shows himself to be romantic, sensitive and touching. He gives his woman flowers, prepares surprises and romantic evenings for her. Unfortunately, she does not immediately realize that the last money was spent on flowers, the surprises were organized on credit, and for a romantic evening he prepared only candles, and she did the rest herself.

After the candy-bouquet period, the girl most often begins to notice the consumer attitude towards herself on the part of her chosen one. He not only stops giving her gifts, but also throws up a lot of problems: responsibility for his actions, debts, lack of any help, demands for increased attention to his person.

How to get rid

Infantilism is not a death sentence for a person. The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that it exists. Next, you need to look at yourself from the outside and evaluate your behavior.

Important! The healing process will not be easy. It will take a long time to eradicate established patterns of behavior.

It is better to develop a clear position on every aspect of life. It is necessary to increase the intellectual level, as this will allow one to learn the economic and political situation in the country. The ability to analyze will make it possible to see the background of events.

The infantile is characterized by whims

It is necessary to get rid of naivety and illusions. This is the most difficult path, which will be accompanied by negative emotions. But such experiences allow you to rethink your behavior.

You need to learn to keep your word and take responsibility for your actions. You will have to give up some habits, but the result will pay for the hardships.

An adult knows how to control his emotions. Therefore, this area also needs to be worked out.

Changing character is a difficult task

An infantile man can occur in the life of any woman. You should not build a relationship with him, since he is not in the mood for a serious alliance. Perhaps he himself is aware of his behavior and will change, but this will not be done by force.

Is it possible to re-educate an infantile man?

A woman is unlikely to be able to re-educate an infantile man. Most often, this unpleasant character trait becomes so familiar to him that he does not want to change it. It is convenient for him to be helpless, so that everyone around him will help him in everything.

How to behave with an infantile man if a woman wants to maintain a relationship with him? It is worth trying to gradually give him responsibility for small things, assign him to perform simple duties and praise him for his successes. The more confident he feels, the more serious assignments you can give him.

It’s another matter if a man himself has realized his immaturity and wants to change. How to get rid of this quality and stop being an infantile man? It’s worth being patient and starting to train your willpower in order to become a real man. To correct your own infantile behavior, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Start small: take on a little responsibility and take initiative. For example, invite your spouse to help with tidying up or a colleague to help with drawing up a report. At the same time, invest enough effort to do the job as well as possible.
  • Doing something nice for loved ones without expecting attention in return. Such actions should not be expensive or require a lot of effort: pouring tea for your beloved, reading a bedtime story to the kids, washing the dishes while helping your tired wife.
  • Learn to plan a budget. Do not spend all your money in one day, think about small savings, make lists of truly necessary and thoughtful purchases, discuss financial problems with your spouse.
  • Try to be in the real world as much as possible: work, communicate with friends and family, travel, do something useful with your hands.
  • Learn to plan your own life. It’s also better to start small: make a plan for the next day and week. The more detailed the routine, the less time there will be for child behavior to occur.
  • Sometimes try to look at the problem from the other side, and not stubbornly stand on your own opinion. This will help smooth out touchiness and allow you to communicate more productively and successfully with others.

Recently, psychologists have observed a lot of requests from women about the irresponsible behavior of their close men. Women suffer from the fact that a man is not ready to provide for his family, cope with everyday difficulties and be the very support and support that they dreamed of when starting a relationship. The problem for such women is that along the path of life they met an infantile man. Let's try to figure out what a man-child is and what a woman who finds herself in such a situation should do.

Infantile man - who is this?

There are several signs of infantile men.

The first of these is a very close, symbiotic relationship with parents. First of all, of course, with my mother. Moreover, often these relationships are far from ideal; rather, they are conflicting, and at the level of consciousness, both - mother and son - suffer greatly from them, but cannot break them. An infantile man may even attempt to leave and start living with his wife or on his own, but one way or another, under various pretexts, he returns to his parental family.

The second sign is irresponsibility. Such a man does not take responsibility for the family and in many situations behaves like a small child. His usual way of solving a problem is avoidance, that is, simply leaving it. If too many problems accumulate, you can escape from them with the help of alcohol or other addictions, or escape to the company of friends.

The third sign is frequent job changes, the inability to earn money to support at least oneself. The fact that such a situation is developing is anyone’s fault except him: the employer does not pay wages, without cronyism it is impossible to find a good job, etc.

The fourth sign is inability to handle money. Even if such a man has a certain amount of money, he does not know how to manage it correctly: he can spend his monthly salary in one day. He often borrows money, but never pays it back. As a rule, either the parents or the wife pay for it. If such a person took out a loan from a bank, wait for the bailiffs.

Another sign is a competitive relationship with children. On the one hand, they understand each other well, but on the other hand, the infantile man competes with them for his wife’s attention, for the best piece, and is offended like a child. If a wife has enough attention for two, that is, she does not forget her husband and takes care of the child, then he is comfortable and the relationship with the child is warm. But if the mother completely switches to the child, counting on the husband’s adult position, then he feels unnecessary and his departure from the family, even divorce, is possible.

These are the main signs of male infantilism. It is clear that any adult has manifestations of childishness, but we are now talking about extreme cases.

Infantile men - where do they come from?

There is a historical explanation for male infantilism in Russia. For several generations, the best male representatives were systematically destroyed. It all started with the First World War and the revolution - someone was killed, someone left. As a rule, the intelligentsia, the flower of the nation, left. Then - the Second World War and Stalin's genocide. As a result of this extermination of the strongest men, the weaker ones and women remained. Some psychologists believe that three generations must pass to restore the gene pool.

Women, in order to survive wars and genocide, were forced to take on both feminine and masculine functions. When such women have boys, it is easier for them to suppress them than to grow a strong personality. Of course, on a conscious level, no mother wants to raise a man who will cling to her skirt until old age, but unconsciously, this is exactly what she achieves.

Mothers of infantile men show their love for their sons in two ways. The first of them is that my son is the best, the most wonderful, I love him and no one can love him the way I do, so he doesn’t need anyone but me. The second - he is bad, he is worthless, he is unnecessary, he is defenseless, he cannot cope without me. She herself suffers greatly from this nature of the relationship, but for her this child is a hopeless situation, a kind of “cross”.

This attitude of mothers towards their sons is exacerbated in single-parent families because the woman has a feeling of guilt that she did not keep her husband nearby, or gave birth to a child alone. This excessive guardianship and care plays a detrimental role for the future man. However, such cases also happen in two-parent families. For example, when parents themselves have experienced hardship or grew up in single-parent families, they want their children not to encounter difficulties. And instead of teaching the child to cope with them, they try in every possible way to protect him from worries and solve all problems for him.

How do women get into relationships with infantile men?

The most attractive to such men are women whose priority function is motherhood. Every woman has several subpersonalities - mother, woman, child. Who is an infantile man? This is a man-child. Who will he be comfortable with? With a woman-mother. Most Russian women see their destiny in motherhood, which is why infantile men find companions so easily. A woman-mother is looking for a man-son, whom she would take care of and look after. The problem is that most often a woman does not know about her role as a mother; this role is hidden in her unconscious. But consciously, she expects something completely different: a man’s shoulder, a feeling of being behind a stone wall, a strong and self-confident man, capable of coping with any of life’s difficulties. And this is where the internal conflict lies: some time passes and she is faced with the fact that she wants one thing, but has another, and this understanding gives very strong internal discomfort.

What to do if a woman realizes that she is in a relationship with an infantile man?

It is very important to make a decision for yourself whether to stay in this relationship and try to change it or leave it. If you decide to break up, you need to be aware that the next relationship will most likely be the same, that is, having left one “child”, such a woman will attract another. Only by working on yourself and developing a harmonious personality in yourself can you change this perspective.

If a woman decides to stay in a relationship and change it, then her task will be to transform the mother-son relationship into a partnership. What are partnerships? This is when both spouses care about each other, are ready to lend a shoulder to each other, when they overcome everyday difficulties together, when they raise children in harmony. Achieving such a result is difficult psychological work on relationships, during which it is necessary to overcome the man’s resistance. To be calm, focused, and methodical, it would be a good idea to take the help of a psychologist.

When a woman begins to transform the relationship into a partnership, perhaps the man will pick it up. It’s better to start with a calm conversation, without accusations, pressure and insults. You must act using the method of explanation and reasoning. “Look, we live in such a way that I have taken on all the responsibilities for providing for the family. This situation no longer suits me, and I want to change it. What can you take on, what responsibilities?” He needs to slowly transfer responsibility, first in small things, then more and more. You should not expect that this will happen easily, he will resist, so a woman needs to be patient and remember all the time that the result will be a harmonious relationship with her partner.

Another very important point is to develop femininity, a feminine position. As a rule, women mothers do not know the answer to the question, what kind of woman am I? One of the components of femininity is weakness, willingness to give a man the leading role, and sexuality. If a woman develops her feminine side, her partner will want to be a man next to this woman, and not a child next to her mother. As a rule, a man’s infantilism is not realized by him, but when he realizes that he is an eternal child, he may want to change.

How to motivate an infantile man to take action?

For loving girls and wives, it is important to have information on how to encourage an infantile man to act. To do this, forget about the commanding tone and any demands in the style of a strict, but very caring mother. You should not be the first to make a decision, because this way you take the reins of power in the family into your own hands. Let your dear one think and make, even if not the most correct, but independent decision.

Remember that only a person with disabilities does not want to be the best provider, protector, lover, or friend for his lady. Contribute and help him become a man. You shouldn’t assert yourself at his expense if you don’t want to drag everything on yourself for the rest of your life.

A competently analyzed strategy of a woman’s behavior can work wonders. We wish you a happy family life and love!

How to get along with an infantile husband?

Correct behavior with an infantile partner will allow you to minimize the negative manifestations of his character. Even with a big child, you can come to an agreement and teach him the simple wisdom of adult life. How to behave with an infantile husband:

  1. Don't play along with his behavior. The more you pay attention to his whims, the more often he shows his childish character traits. Surely you have seen that small children run away, fool around, and poor parents cannot calm them down. Seasoned moms and dads usually simply ignore such behavior or pretend to leave. Then the child calms down after a while, pulls himself together and obeys. Take the example of wise parents and do not indulge a man when he begins to show his immaturity. Give him time to calm down and think about his behavior. And then he himself will come up to you with an apologetic expression on his face to make peace.
  2. Don't take on the role of mom. There is no need to iron his socks or pack his clothes for work. Let the man take care of his basic needs himself. Perhaps he doesn’t even realize that laundry doesn’t become clean unless it is washed, and food doesn’t magically appear in the refrigerator - he needs to earn money and buy it in the store. Plunge him into adult life so that the man feels all its everyday difficulties first hand. Most likely, at first he will resist, but you must be persistent and not give in to blackmail and manipulation. Sooner or later, your husband will learn to be independent and understand that you are not his mother and also need care and support.
  3. Don't be afraid to shift responsibility onto him. Running out of money for groceries? A great reason to give yourself a fasting day and make your husband worry about how to refill the refrigerator. Are his jeans torn? Let him darn himself or go to the store and buy them without your watchful supervision. Did you buy two sizes smaller? Well, from now on we will approach this issue more responsibly. Only by trial and error can you teach your infantile husband to behave like an adult. Perhaps he will accuse you of all mortal sins or whine you to take on his responsibilities, but under no circumstances give up. Educational measures in your situation are simply necessary.

Find the courage that your partner lacks and fight his temper. It's a tough task, but you can do it if you really want to.

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