6 unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy

Causes of urinary incontinence during pregnancy

  1. There are several main reasons for uncontrolled leakage of fluid from the bladder:

  2. Increasing size of the uterus - the baby grows, the uterus stretches and begins to compress the bladder, reducing it.
  3. Fetal movements - the child is sometimes so active that hitting the bladder with arms or legs provokes a sudden leak of urine.
  4. A change in hormonal levels - the “pregnancy hormone” - progesterone - helps to relax both the walls of the bladder and sphincters, and also weakens the tone of muscle tissue.
  5. It is worth noting the fact that incontinence during pregnancy often occurs in older women, with rapid weight gain, and also if several pregnancies follow one after another. In most pregnant women, after childbirth, the problem disappears on its own, but you should not rely on blind chance: consultations with doctors (urologist and gynecologist) are a necessity.

I sneeze and pee during pregnancy

Good day!

I have long promised myself to write a story about my planning, because I myself have read a lot of them on the Internet and I can confidently say that they have a much more calming remedy than a husband or girlfriend! My husband always told me the same phrase - “it’s not time yet, everything will be soon, calm down.” And this, you understand, has no effect at all on those planning to become pregnant! The story may be long, but I didn’t have such problems when I read similar stories from girls)

So, we fell in love, got married - that’s understandable. Then, as my mother once said - when it’s time, you yourself will understand - it’s time. At that time, my sister had been planning a pregnancy for about 2 years and I realized that it wouldn’t happen quickly...

Attempt No. 1. December. 2 stripes. This was the first month of stopping birth control! How so?! Will I be a mother before my older sister?) Wow...We weren't ready for this! Mixed feelings, both joy and stupor! I’m starting to get used to my situation, register, go to work and think, when should I say? After the New Year holidays, probably... New Year holidays and blood on your underwear. The aunt at the ambulance assures us that they didn’t save those, don’t worry! Well, not to worry means not to worry... An ultrasound in the emergency department showed a frozen pregnancy. This is beyond words! I just got used to it...I already thought of everything...I really wanted to give birth in August!!! Then they cleaned me, and you know, it’s not called “cleaning” for nothing, there’s only one feeling inside – emptiness! Well, those who survived a frozen pregnancy will understand me. All my relatives reassure me - this happens at every step; in general, not a single decent girl gives birth without surviving a frozen pregnancy!))

My husband and I got a dog, we are waiting six months and will try again) Now I know exactly what I want - I want a child! I really want a child, I don’t care about anything around me, I need a child! During this period, I change jobs in the hope of a promotion, but I still don’t get a promotion.

Attempt No. 2. June. 2 stripes. This was our first month of trying. It’s strange, yes, but where is the “history of planning”, because these guys succeed in everything the first time?)) I can’t say anything here, it’s strange that this happened, because I SO wanted that, according to the law of meanness, we had to be tormented in anticipation for many years, but everything happened as it happened! And on February 23rd I give birth to my baby boy, healthy and handsome!

And here (!) the planning begins)) I always wanted two. I always wanted same-sex girls (preferably girls), but over the years and life experience my desires smoothed out a little) And I always wanted a minimal difference! When the child was 9 months old, we again abandoned birth control and in the first months I was quite scared..)) My sister, by the way, was already pregnant with her second girl! One month passes, then another... Well, in principle, okay, this is normal... But I really wanted to get pregnant again in December in order to give birth in August. It didn’t work out, well, God bless him. Six months pass, I take a break from hormonal pills to restore my cycle. After them, you know, they immediately fly away! Yes of course! The doctors don’t want to talk at all - she’s young, she has a child, so small, where else would you go? And I need it!!! Maybe not everyone here will understand, because there is already one, why such a rush? But my internal clock and, in general, the ideas about my family that I have created all these years, they cannot wait! I really want a second child! And this is no less than the first! It seems to me that I can’t tell stories about my pregnancy, because so many of my friends say, “oh, the first and second ones are completely different!” It seems to me that one child in a family is not enough, and if they have an age difference of 5-7 years, then these are generally different generations! Another friend of mine is pregnant at the same time, my brain is starting to boil... My search engine has seen various queries - from “how to correctly insert a thermometer in that very place so that it shows ovulation” to “at what angle and at what time of day should you look at the test so that see a ghost there? It was hell, I would never wish this on anyone. You wait every month, count down when the baby will be born and feel sick in the morning towards the end of the cycle... Then your period comes and the world collapses for 2 weeks. When the time approaches ovulation, you terrorize your husband like crazy, try different positions and add pillows.

Attempt No. 3. December. Are you waiting for 2 stripes?) But they are not there. But there are strange periods and complete confidence in victory! It’s stupid, of course, I redid a thousand tests, all with one strip. I get sadly drunk on New Year's Day, then New Year's holidays and blood on my underwear. What? Again? Test - 2 strips. What is it anyway? The aunt at the ambulance again assures me that they didn’t save the same ones, especially since I’m already experienced and took HCG, and it was great! There is hope, but it is weak, when I go to the hospital with 2 stripes, this is not a good sign. In the emergency department they diagnosed me with an ectopic and urgently put me into surgery. What's going on anyway, what kind of ectopic?!?! Where did I get it from, well, that’s too much! They cut off the pipe!!!! My dear one, my chance for a child, it was cut off!!! All the doctors and relatives agreed - well, there’s a second, healthy tube left, there’s already a child, don’t worry! So many attempts and an ectopic?! My August baby left me along with my trumpet! It was a blow, a low blow. I didn’t expect this at all... I thought I was exhausted, it’s not always easy to have children the first time (as it was before), but an ectopic one! No one can understand me, I read the stories of others just like me, there are worse stories (where I can’t imagine how they are still emotionally alive), these stories somehow bring me back to reality, but still!

After that, I went on vacation, did some renovations, got a ficus tree, got drunk, and what other advice do they give to get pregnant? In general, it didn’t help much... The test always showed 1 line.

Attempt No. 4. June. 2 stripes. This is why I am writing my story. Now it’s 21 weeks, half the way has been passed, I hope everything will be fine in the future. During the ultrasound we were told that it would be a girl. Again, a little not according to plan) Dear ones, if you have finished reading, then I can tell you one thing - patience for you and your husband! It's hard work waiting for your child, even harder when he comes with trials! I was always upset by stories that did not end with anything - you read and read, and at the end there is emptiness. I was always annoyed by pregnant girls who wrote at the end - “wait and happiness will come to you,” because it’s impossible to wait! Therefore, simply, in the tradition of such stories, I sneeze on you and wish that no one experiences the torment and worries that those who are waiting may experience.

PS This happened in the month when I lived at the dacha with my child and saw my husband 1 time during the entire cycle and that time was not during ovulation, according to my calculations. And anyway, according to my calculations, the ovary should have ovulated without a tube, so I didn’t expect a miracle.

Thank you everyone, I hope I gave you hope)

List of necessary studies for incontinence

To exclude the development of pathological conditions, a pregnant woman is prescribed the following examinations:

  • general urine analysis;
  • urine culture for flora;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system;
  • entries in the urination diary - everything is taken into account here: the number of “normal” urinations and cases of incontinence, as well as the approximate volume of liquid portions.

Types of incontinence

  1. Examinations and entries in a urination diary will help the doctor correctly determine the type of incontinence:
  2. Urine leakage during pregnancy due to an overfilled bladder. The culprit in this situation is muscle weakening: during urination, a woman simply cannot get rid of all the accumulated fluid, some of it remains and is poured out uncontrollably afterwards.
  3. "Overactive bladder." This condition can be caused by both muscle weakness and a violation of certain functions of the nervous system, as a result of which the nerve endings of the bladder very lately send a signal to the brain about its overcrowding. As a result, a pregnant woman, suddenly aware of a strong urge to urinate, has to almost run to the toilet, and there is not always enough time for this and some of the urine has time to leak out.
  4. Stress incontinence is the most common phenomenon, again associated with weakening of the muscles and tissues of the pelvis, which occurs when the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall suddenly tense (when sneezing, laughing or coughing).

Stress urinary incontinence

History of the disease

Complaints persist for three years after the second birth in 2016. The second birth began on time, and an episiotomy was performed. The first birth took place via cesarean section (causes: breech presentation, large fetus with entanglement). Incontinence began to bother me a month after birth due to acute respiratory viral infection with severe cough. Drip incontinence, only when coughing. The patient retains the urge, there is no dysuria. Over the past year, his condition has worsened. Episodes of urinary incontinence appeared when jumping and while lifting loads in the gym. She plans to have a vaginal birth in two to three years.

Anamnesis of life

Heredity: the mother has varicose veins with thrombophlebitis. There is no allergic history. Past diseases: childhood infections. Previous operations: caesarean section with hemorrhoidectomy in 2008. Menstruation from the age of 12, established immediately (7 days each, cycle 26 days), irregular, with intervals from 15 to 57 days, heavy, with clots, painless. The last menstruation (from 07/21/19) began 15 days earlier. Sex life is regular. Contraception: interrupted coitus. Pregnancy: 2. Caesarean section and spontaneous birth at term, without complications.

Gynecological history

In 2010, an endometrial polyp was discovered (a separate diagnostic curettage was performed). Frequent vulvovaginitis.

Mammary gland

Upon palpation, multiple small cysts of both mammary glands are determined.

General inspection

Height 161 cm, weight 59 kg. The body type is normosthenic. Female pattern hair growth. The condition is satisfactory. The skin is clean and of normal color. Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. The abdomen is soft, not swollen, painless on palpation in all parts, peristalsis is active. The chair is decorated. Urination is free and not frequent. There is urinary incontinence when coughing and sneezing. Nocturia (frequent urination at night) up to once per night. The veins of the lower extremities are not changed. The anal area is a chronic hemorrhoid.

Gynecological examination

The external genitalia are developed correctly. Sexual hair growth according to the female type. The clitoris is not enlarged. The vagina is capacious, relaxed, the introitus gapes. The vaginal mucosa is of normal color, the folding is quite pronounced, there is no prolapse of the vaginal walls. The cervix is ​​cylindrical, not deformed, pink, clean. The body of the uterus is in retroflexion (deviation back), normal size, dense, mobile, painless. The appendages on the right and left are not enlarged and painless. Discharge: light moderate.


Urinalysis and complete blood count are within normal limits. CUDI (complex urodynamic study) - mild stress urinary incontinence without detrusor overactivity. Smears for flora and oncocytology without pathology. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, kidneys and bladder is normal.


Stress urinary incontinence of mild severity, relaxed vagina syndrome.


Given the patient's desire to have a natural vaginal birth in the future and mild incontinence, surgical treatment of stress incontinence is not indicated. The patient was asked to undergo three procedures of CO2 laser vaginal thermolysis at monthly intervals. This procedure promotes spatial stabilization of the urethra and corrects mild degrees of urinary incontinence. Despite the temporary predicted effect (the result can last up to 1 year), this method allows one to avoid surgical treatment in those groups of patients for whom invasive interventions are contraindicated.

Three CO2 laser thermolysis procedures were performed using the SmartXide2 device from Deka with an interval of 45 days between procedures.

Urinary incontinence was completely relieved. It was possible to correct the relaxation of the introitus.


Self-training of the pelvic floor muscles as a preventive measure for stress urinary incontinence.

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