Why do drug addicts use Naphthyzin?

Naphthyzin drops are a remedy that people are used to turning to for nasal congestion (a situation in which everyone finds themselves from time to time). The effects of the miracle drug include a rapid vasoconstrictor effect. It is with this that the widespread belief among people is connected that drops can also be used for instillation into the eyes when they are red. Is this really true? Is it possible to drop Naphthyzin into the eyes, or is it only suitable for the nose?

What do the doctor's say?

Are Naphthyzin drops suitable for the eyes, according to experts? First of all, it is useful to find out the opinion of doctors about whether it is possible to instill Naphthyzin into the eyes to get rid of redness. Doctors categorically do not recommend that patients engage in such self-medication, especially if the person does not know the cause of the problem (you can always make a mistake in diagnosis).

Is it possible to drop Naphthyzin into the eyes? Doctors are convinced that the legend that these drops are harmless to the eyes and produce an effect comparable to that of Visine was an invention of drug addicts and alcoholics. People addicted to bad habits are often forced to solve such a problem as reddened whites of the eyes. To avoid unnecessary attention to their problems, they practice instilling agents that constrict blood vessels. Considering the affordable cost of Naphthyzin, it often becomes this drug.

What is a tear?

Tear fluid is a transparent transudate that accumulates in the serous (protein) cavities. The chemical composition of tears coincides with the composition of blood. However, they have a higher concentration of potassium and fluorine and a lower content of organic acids. The chemical composition of tears reacts to the state of the body and is constantly changing.

The basis of tear fluid is water. Salt (1.5% NaCl), albumin (0.5%), and mucus are dissolved in it. When examined, it exhibits a slightly alkaline reaction. Tears can be reflexive and emotional. In the first case, the body uses the released tears to moisturize and cleanse the eye. In the second case, to relieve tension and anxiety. The secretory cells of the lacrimal glands produce a small amount of a psychotropic substance that can bring relief in stressful situations. In a state of despair, the stress hormones leucine enkephalin and prolactin appear in tears. Happy tears reduce the amount of adrenaline, which increases sharply when overexcited. In addition, secretory cells provide the presence of immunoglobulins, numerous proteins, amino acids, enzymes, urea and other chemical elements in the tear fluid.

Since now you have a rough idea of ​​what tear fluid is, you understand that the ability to cry is very important for a person. Tears are not only a sign of increased emotional background, but also an assistant to our eyes, maintaining their health.

Why you shouldn’t drip Naphthyzin into your eyes

If a person still believes that Naphthyzin can be periodically used as eye drops, it is useful for him to know the possible consequences of such a procedure.

  • The use of Naphthyzin for red eyes causes a deterioration in their nutrition, which can result in various diseases.
  • A spasm provoked in a special way leads to active dilation of blood vessels. As a result, a person using drops for a runny nose for medicinal purposes may experience swelling and increased redness.
  • If used incorrectly, the drug can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. This is especially dangerous for a person who already suffers from this problem.
  • Naphthyzin drops are characterized by almost instantaneous action. However, they are not suitable for the eyes, if only because such treatment causes a lot of negative sensations. A person may experience pain, dryness, and pain in the eyes.

Naphthyzin eye drops

Naphthyzine has long been known as a vasoconstrictor drug used by otolaryngologists to treat rhinitis and eustachitis. But here’s the question: is it possible to drip naphthyzine into the eyes? This practice really exists, and today it is used as eye drops not only by drug users and smokers of cannabis, but also by ordinary citizens.

Our article will discuss how expedient such treatment is. Let's look at the arguments for and against the use of naphthyzine and determine what the consequences may be after such treatment. To get to the bottom of this, you need to understand the mechanism of action of the drug.

Properties and action

The vasoconstrictor effect on peripheral vessels occurs due to the effect of naphazoline (active component) on alpha-adrenergic receptors.

Getting on the mucous membrane, it causes a spasm of blood vessels, they narrow, due to which swelling and nasal discharge are reduced, nasal breathing is restored or facilitated.

The effect is visible almost immediately - within 2-3 minutes, and its duration is up to 6 hours.

There are two forms of naphthyzine: adult 0.1% and children's 0.05%.


Instructions for use indicate that the drug is indicated in the following situations:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • inflammation of the eustachian (auditory) tube;
  • when carrying out therapeutic or diagnostic procedures in the ENT office in order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

People like to drop naphthyzine into the eyes because it quickly removes redness

Ophthalmologists can prescribe Naphthyzin for a disease such as chronic conjunctivitis, in particular of bacterial origin. It is also used for temporary relief from allergic conjunctivitis - the drug removes the effect of red eyes and relieves irritation.

It should be remembered that only 0.05% Naphthyzin can be instilled into the eyes!


Long-term use of the drug leads to mucosal atrophy.

After opening the bottle, its shelf life is reduced to 28 days, after which the remainder of the drug must be removed. When using the drug in ophthalmology, you should maintain the sterility of the bottle, avoiding touching it to the eye or skin.

After instillation into the eyes, Naphthyzin causes a burning sensation. Due to the dilation of the pupil, there is a temporary decrease in visual acuity, so for some time you should refrain from doing work that requires concentration.

Nasal drops for eyes: pros and cons

So, how did it happen that people started using naphthyzine in their eyes? The fact is that its therapeutic effect, namely the ability to constrict blood vessels, did not go unnoticed. The following are facts about why nasal medication is dropped into the eyes and what to consider when doing so.

Arguments for"

Once on the conjunctiva, naphazoline constricts local blood vessels, which eliminates swelling and lacrimation, eliminates redness, burning sensation and discomfort. This effect cannot be underestimated, because it quickly copes with “red” eyes, restoring their shine and whiteness, and makes it easier to feel better with seasonal allergies.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the price of the issue - in comparison with the well-known classic Vizin, also positioned as a drug for irritation and redness of the eyes, Naphthyzin costs a penny.

Now about the sad

Fact 1. Prolonged vasospasm negatively affects the nutrition of eye tissue, which can subsequently trigger the development of various diseases.

Fact 2. Any artificially induced vascular spasm leads to a reverse reaction - increased vasodilation. This means that after temporary relief, more redness and swelling occurs. There is such a thing as “naphthyzine addicts,” when people become “addicted” to naphthyzine and can no longer do without it.

Important! Naphthyzin, like all topical vasoconstrictor drugs, is addictive. It cannot be used for more than 5 days without a doctor's prescription.

Fact 3. Naphazoline itself has a number of side effects. So, when instilled into the eyes, the patient feels pain, burning, dryness - it seems that these are the unpleasant sensations that a person wants to get rid of.

Fact 4. People do not always know about hidden diseases, for example, about existing high intraocular pressure. And any vasoconstrictor drug increases blood pressure. What will happen? Long-term use of such drops is a direct path to glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a serious disease characterized by a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure, which leads to optic nerve atrophy and vision loss.

Fact 5. Wearing contact lenses and using Naphthyzin eye drops is unacceptable. Drops can damage lenses, affecting their transparency.

Fact 6. Dosage. To achieve the desired effect, 0.025% naphazoline is sufficient, but the minimum dosage of regular Naphthyzine is 0.05% solution. You can't use it for a long time. And some manage to buy the medicine in a higher concentration, which increases the risk of developing glaucoma.

The causes of red eyes can be very different, and if we want effective and safest treatment, we must first establish these causes.

Polynadim - with naphthyzine in the composition

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is another area in which Naphthyzin has found its application. Polinadim drops contain naphazoline in a dosage of 0.25 mg and diphenhydramine in a dosage of 1 mg.

The action of the drops is based on the effects of the main components. Thus, diphenhydramine, as a representative of antihistamines, blocks histamine receptors, reducing the feeling of itching, lacrimation and swelling. And naphthyzin, by constricting the blood vessels of the eye, relieves severe inflammation and swelling, and removes redness. This duet is simply irreplaceable for acute manifestations of allergic reactions.

A drug containing naphthyzine and diphenhydramine for the treatment of seasonal allergies

Drops are approved for use by adults and children over 2 years of age according to the scheme provided in the instructions for use. Due to the side effects, it is not recommended to use the drug for more than 5 days. If allergy symptoms do not go away within this time, you should contact your ophthalmologist for further advice.

Reasonable approach

So, is it possible or not to drip Naphthyzin into the eyes? There is no clear answer to this question; it all depends on the situation. Theoretically, the drug has pronounced effects, which can bring a lot of benefits in ophthalmology. On the other hand, the use of Naphthyzin in the eyes is not a direct indication due to many side effects, including loss of vision (with long-term use).

What's the conclusion? For medicinal purposes, short-term use of the drug is acceptable.

But can it be used to achieve cosmetic effects such as removing red eyes? Unless you have an important event coming up (wedding, party, graduation, photo shoot) where you need to look your best. In other situations, you can remove redness in other, safer ways.

Source: https://gsproekt.ru/lechenie/kapli-glaz-naftizin

How to use Naphthyzin

“Naphthyzin” can be dripped into the eyes if the patient has the above forms of conjunctivitis. The doctor may prescribe Naphthyzin, among other drugs. However, you can take the drug only in accordance with a doctor’s prescription; strict adherence to the instructions may be erroneous. Instillation is carried out 2-3 times a day, for which you need to slightly move the lower eyelid and squeeze out 2-3 drops.

After using Naphthyzin, eye irritation always appears, but dryness, redness and other features go away quickly. Before using the drops, it is imperative to thoroughly clean your hands; this is required by the specific treatment of a disease such as conjunctivitis.

Systematic use of Naphthyzin can lead to the body becoming accustomed to it. As a result, the process of vasoconstriction slows down, and the effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced. Manifestations such as blue skin, arrhythmia, and insomnia may indicate addiction to the drug. A headache may also occur.

What is a gland?

A gland is an organ that consists of secretory cells.
It serves to produce specific substances of different chemical nature. The gland can remove the produced secretion outside or into the internal environment of the body. Examples of these organs include human tear ducts, endocrine glands, and the pancreas. The organs that carry secretions out are called exocrine. Glands that produce synthesized secretions into the circulatory or lymphatic system are called endocrine.


Is it possible to drop Naphthyzin into the eyes? What are the contraindications for use? Naphthyzin has quite a few indications as eye drops, while there is a long list of contraindications. The drug is absolutely not suitable for treatment if the patient:

  • allergy;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • decreased fluid secretion;
  • low immunity (it takes less time to get used to the product);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • corneal dystrophy.

Also, Naphthyzin dripping into the eyes is not recommended for children and pregnant women. It is worth knowing that the drug is not intended for simultaneous use with other drugs. The medicine is not combined with other eye drops, reducing their effectiveness.

It is preferable to be treated with drops during your own non-working hours. It would be great if teachers, doctors, drivers and representatives of other professions that require visual acuity and attention would prefer to use Naphthyzin during non-working hours. It must be remembered that the vasoconstrictor effect of the drug lasts for several hours.

Naphthyzin for the eyes: is it possible to drip if there is redness, consequences, instructions for use

The practice of using drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect for redness and tired eyes has become common practice. The use of drugs of this effect reduces the degree of redness of the sclera and mucous membrane of the organ of vision due to the fact that the vessels narrowed under the influence of the drug become less noticeable.

The market is saturated with drugs for this purpose; their similarity lies in the fact that the active ingredient of most of them is naphazoline. This explains that many people use the long-known, budget drug Naphthyzin, the active ingredient of which is naphazoline, to relieve redness of the eyes.

General information about the drug

This drug belongs to the clinical and pharmacotherapeutic group of anticongestants and vasoconstrictors.

According to the mechanism of action, this drug is classified as an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist. The vasoconstrictor effect caused by Naphthyzin upon contact with the mucous membrane is characterized by rapidity of onset and duration.

The drug is dispensed in the form of nasal drops in dropper bottles of 10 or 15 milliliters. One cardboard box contains an instruction insert and one bottle.

If there are appropriate indications, Naphthyzin can be instilled into the eyes, but it is better to use the children's form (0.05%).

The concentration of the active substance in Naphthyzin corresponds to the same parameter in analogues of the drug intended for use in ophthalmology. Therefore, there is no need to fear an overdose when instilling naphthyzine into the eyes (provided the dosage is in accordance with the instructions for use).

Indications for use

The use of Naphthyzin in ophthalmic practice is carried out in the following situations:

  • As one of the components in a comprehensive treatment regimen for chronic conjunctivitis,
  • Asthenopic conditions,
  • As an additional means of symptomatic therapy for conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology,
  • Conjunctivitis of allergic etiology (in case of allergies - only as part of complex therapy),
  • One-time use: in case of severe redness of the eyes (except in cases of dry eye syndrome).

Instillation of this drug into the eyes if there is no indication is not advisable, and in addition, it can cause negative side reactions.

Side effects

The mechanism of action of Naphazoline causes a number of undesirable reactions that can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.

Organ System Symptoms

central nervous systemEpisodes of cranialgia
Digestive systemNausea, less often - vomiting
The cardiovascular systemArterial hypertension, increased heart rate
Local reactionsHyperemia at the site of application of drops, swelling of the mucous membrane


The eyes are an extremely sensitive organ. Taking this into account, in order to avoid consequences, the use of any vasoconstrictors for the eyes is strongly not recommended if the patient has at least one of the following conditions:

  • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland,
  • Pronounced changes in blood vessels of an atherosclerotic nature,
  • Cardiopalmus,
  • Diabetes,
  • It is harmful to drip Naphthyzin simultaneously with drugs that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as well as for two weeks after their discontinuation,
  • Age up to 1 year,
  • Ophthalmic hypertension.

Mode of application

For instillation into the eyes, a children's form of the solution should be used.

Like any eye drops, Naphthyzin should be instilled into the conjunctival sac, 1 drop into each eye.

The duration of the course of treatment is set by the attending physician depending on the dynamics of the symptoms of the disease, but should not exceed 5-7 days.

special instructions

When prescribing Naphthyzin as a means of symptomatic therapy, it should be taken into account that over time its vasoconstrictor effect decreases (the phenomenon of tachyphylaxis). Therefore, the drug should not be used for more than 5-7 days in a row.

Naphthyzin has a resorptive effect. The drug is approved for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies.

Source: https://fr-dc.ru/oftalmolog/mozhno-li-kapat-naftizin-v-glaza-pri-pokrasnenii

Side effects

Is it possible to drop Naphthyzin into the eyes? What side effects might there be? Despite the fact that Naphthyzin drops are used in the fight against conjunctivitis, the drug is still not intended for this method of use. Therefore, the person using it is not protected from side effects. In the first minutes after instillation, an increase in symptoms may be observed - itching, redness, burning, foreign body sensation. The negative result in most cases is short-lived. Also, taking Naphthyzin can lead to loss of coordination.

An overdose of the drug Naphthyzin is also dangerous if it is used to treat conjunctivitis. If the patient exceeds the dose recommended by the doctor or self-medicates, consequences such as nausea, headache, insomnia, and arterial hypertension are possible.

Naphthyzin eye drops: instructions, price

Naphthyzin is a drug that is used in ophthalmology, intended to constrict blood vessels and eliminate swelling of the eye. In practice, it is used only in a five percent solution with water.

Naphthyzin relieves the first signs of eye irritation, such as lacrimation, redness, the sensation of small debris and a foreign body in the eye, reduces swelling, and dilates the pupil. The positive effect will be observed within a couple of minutes, and lasts for several hours.

An interesting fact is that people who abuse alcohol or smoke illegal cannabis are more aware of the use of Naphthyzin as eye drops.

They use the drug often, as it has a unique property that constricts blood vessels and eliminates redness of the eyes. And in order not to attract the attention of other people with reddened whites, people with bad habits know about the healing and effective properties of Naphthyzin for the eyes.

And they choose it because of its relatively low cost in comparison with other drugs with similar properties.

Composition and release form

- In 1 ml. the solution contains 0.005 grams of naphazoline nitrate. It is the active substance of the drug Naphthyzin.

— Additional components of Naphthyzin eye drops include boric acid and, of course, clean water.

Release form

Naphthyzin eye drops are available in sterile plastic bottles with a dropper. Has a volume of 10 milliliters. They can and are very convenient to use in different environments.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The active substance Naphthyzine naphthazoline has a pronounced effect of constricting the blood vessels of the eye, this medicinal substance also affects the enlargement of the pupil and reduces the amount of intraocular fluid, and also relieves swelling of the eye tissue or, as it is otherwise called, the conjunctiva of the eye.

The drug relieves eye irritation very well. This may be itching, a sensation of a foreign body, or a speck in the eye, if it was caused mechanically. It removes redness in the eye very well.

But it is worth remembering that the longer a person uses the drug, the less effective the drug becomes, as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of eye drops. This will become clear when, in order to achieve maximum results from the action of Naphthyzin eye drops, a person will need to either drip into the eyes more often, or drip more drops at a time.

Contraindications for use

When using any drug, one should not forget about contraindications. Naphthyzin eye drops are no exception.

— One of the main contraindications will be childhood; it is especially not recommended for use in children under two years of age.

— For adults, it should be considered contraindications: high intraocular pressure, “dry eye” effect, depletion and dystrophy of the cornea.

— People with individual intolerance to any components of the drug, or people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, should not take Naphthyzin eye drops; the use of this medicine is also not recommended.

- Naphthyzin eye drops can be taken with great caution by pregnant women or women during lactation.

Ophthalmologists do not recommend taking it before an activity that requires a lot of attention and concentration, especially driving a car or other transport, as the drops can cause short-term vision impairment.

Side effects of the drug

Since Naphthyzin eye drops are not a selective drug, that is, they affect all existing receptors, a person may develop side effects.

These include, first of all, an enlarged pupil, as a result of which eye pressure may increase.

If a person has high blood pressure, then improper use of the drug Naphthyzin can lead to negative results.

Sometimes, after instilling the medicine into the eyes, there is an increase in symptoms such as irritation. This effect will go away on its own after a short amount of time.

Symptoms of eye irritation may also increase briefly. This is both a burning sensation and itching. All this goes away on its own after a short period of time. But if you use Naphthyzin frequently and constantly as eye drops, the consequences can become irreversible, including loss of vision.

The drug can only be prescribed by a qualified ophthalmologist.

Interaction with other drugs

If you use the drug Naphthyzin together with other eye drops, you need to know that the chemical composition of the drug will act in such a way that the ability to absorb other components will become slow or not occur at all. Therefore, you may not achieve the desired result from taking the medicine and the desired effect will not occur.

Naphthyzin should not be used together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, such as:

— Befol, — Phenelzine and drugs similar in composition and action.

People should take Naphthyzin with extreme caution:

- with high blood pressure, - with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland,

- with diabetes

Source: https://about-vision.ru/kapli-dlya-glaz-naftizin-instruktsiya-tsena/

Additional recommendations

Is Naphthyzin dripped into the eyes? If the treatment of conjunctivitis with this drug is prescribed by a doctor, then you need to take the drops with great caution. First of all, we are talking about pediatric patients, expectant mothers, and nursing women.

  • The ideal place for treatment with Naphthyzin is at home. This eliminates injury as a result of poor coordination of movements.
  • The skin should not come into contact with the drug, so the product must be used with extreme caution.
  • A prescription is not required to purchase Naphthyzin drops; the product is easy to find in any modern pharmacy.

Obviously, conjunctivitis is practically the only reason for which these drops can be used. In extreme cases, the product can be instilled into the eyes in a single dose. However, even a few sessions can lead to a sharp deterioration in eye condition. If everything is done correctly, conjunctivitis will begin to disappear almost instantly.

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